National Film Archive catalogue, part II : silent non-fiction films 1895-1934 (1960)

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DIGESTIVE PROCESSES 1035 DIPPERS 583 DIVERS: reconstruction of salvage of U.S.S. Maine 36 DIX, Otto (German painter) 179 DOCKS 428, 485; Bermondsey 753; Cardiff 590; Port Elizabeth 128; Port Sudan 642; Valencia 752; West Africa 759 see also CIVIL ENGINEERING: harbour construction, HARBOURS DOG FISH 510 DOGS 56, 446a, 493; army 169; collie 1019; retrievers 554; sledge 125, 455, 679, 1016, 1038 DOMESTIC SCIENCE 669; baby toilet 286; cooking apple dumplings 669 ; cooking by oil 980; cooking onions 752; dyeing 718; household equipment 669, 786; housekeeping 787, 804; testing eggs 669; vacuum cleaners 404 see also HYGIENE: domestic DOMREMY: Jeanne d'Arc celebrations 156 DONOGHUE, Stephen [Steve] (British jockey) 615 DOONE VALLEY 415 DORME (French aviator) 134 DORMICE 569 DORSEY expedition 967 DOSSENA, Alceo (Italian sculptor) 175 DOUGLAS-HAMILTON, Douglas see HAMILTON, Douglas Douglas-, 14th duke of Hamilton and llth duke of Brandon DOUMERGUE, Gaston (French statesman) 147 DRAGON-FLIES 146, 559 DRAKE, Edwin Laurentine (American oil pioneer) 1027 DRAWING: caricature, George Grosz 182 DRUG addiction: Persia 735 DUBOST, Antonin (Henri Antoine) (French stateman) 137 DUCKS 325, 348, 503, 837, 946, 978, 1020 DUDLEY, William Humble War, 2nd earl, see WARD, William Humble, 2nd earl of Dudley DUGUID, Julian (French author and explorer) 798 DULLER, George Edward (British jockey) 607 DUMBARTON 317 DUNDAS, Lawrence, 1st marquess of Zetland 613 DUNOON 317 DUNROBIN: castle 712 DYEING: 718; Nigeria 690; Tamil dyers 967 DYTISCUS 77, 559 EAGEN, Edward (American boxer) 577 EAGLES 394, 563, 579, 668 EARL, Walter Charles (British jockey) 607 EARLS COURT: fun fair 359; 'Greater Britain' exhibition 211 EARWIGS 693 EAST INDIES 1041 ECKENER, Hugo (German aviator) 165 ECONOMICS: Great Britain: Free Trade 263 EDUCATION: Aberdeen university 291; Africa (West), schools 759; Bermondsey, Shirley Schools 792; France, nursery school 67; Harrow School, swimming baths 627 ; Lapland, school 871; Oxford university 745; Persia, school 735; South Africa, Stellenbosch University College 941 blind 556; nursery 67; open-air 356, 528, 571, physical training 861 ; summer schools trade union 720 sex education 724, 811, 845, 908, 993, 1000 EDWARD, duke of Windsor (Prince of Great Britain): as cinematographer 705; at cricket match 705; at Olympic games in Paris 147; inspecting Marines 705; invested Prince of Wales 541, 705; on Empire tour, 1925 648; riding at point-to-point 705; with Earl Haig 730; with George V & George VI 457 visits: Argentina 648, 705, 791, 858; Canada, 1919 456; Canada, 1927 5, 791 ; Cape Verde Islands 648; Chile 648; France 705; India & Burma 524, New Zealand 470; South Africa 939; Tokyo 927, 791; U.S.A. 705 EDWARD VII (King of Great Britain): at Aberdeen university 291 ; coronation 541, 791 ; funeral 541, 791 ; opening Parliament 541, 791 ; shooting at Sandringham 757; on horseback 757; visit to Ireland 541 EEL PIE ISLAND 796 EGRETS 579 EGYPT: ancient monuments 664, 672, 1022; Assuan dam 672; Luxor 664, 672; River Nile 642, 664, 1022; Suez Canal 677 EIDER DUCKS 946, 1020 EIFFEL TOWER see FRANCE: Paris EIRE see IRELAND ELANDS 379, 407 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: alternating current motors 1044; conductors, overhead 884; insulators 885 ; measuring apparatus 1004; metering 887; radio communication with aircraft 592; radio stations 635, 1003; radio telephony 525, 1003; supply networks 876, 887, 898, 909; transformers 887 see also TELEGRAPHY ELECTROLYSIS: metals 371 ELECTROMAGNETISM 985, 1004 ELECTROSTATICS 1005 ELEPHANT ISLAND 455 ELEPHANTS 54, 259, 394, 397, 642, 961 ELIAS CALLES, Plutarco (President of Mexico) 1042 ELIZABETH (Consort of George VI) 791 ELLIOTT, Edward Charles (British jockey) 615 ELLIOTT, George (British jockey) 617 ELLIOTT, Madge (Mrs. Cyril Ritchard) (Australian actress) 702 ELLIS, Thomas Evelyn Scott-, Sth baron Howard de Waldon 613 ELTHAM 599 EMPIRE, British see BRITISH EMPIRE EMPIRE DAY celebrations: Sudan 642 ENA, Queen consort of Spain, see VICTORIA EUGENIE ENFIELD Rolling Mills and Cable Works 883 ENGINEERING see AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING, CIVIL ENGINEERING, MILITARY ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL HANDLING ENGINES: aircraft 984; automobile 1032, 1045; international combustion 980, 984 ENGLISH ELECTRIC COMPANY 876 ENTERTAINMENTS: broadcasting 635; bullfights, France 1040; bullfights, Spain 44, 314, 452; children's display, France 48; cabarets 546, 594, 646, 71 3; circuses 284; comic costume scramble 186; dancing performances 58, 242, 272, 361, 484, 594, 650, 657, 678, 685, 695, 702, 806, 954; drummers, continental 41; fairs 32, 185, 867, 870, 894; fire-eater, Bedouin 413; musical comedies 361, 806; music hall 254, 806; revues 151, 484; street entertainers, London 598; sword-swallower, Bedouin 413; theatrical performances 361, 472, 507 see also ANIMALS, trained; BEAUTY COMPETITIONS, DANCING, PAGEANTS, FAIRS, FILM INDUSTRY, FUN FAIRS, RADIO broadcasting, SPORT EPSOM: Derby day 581, 757 791 ; downs 581 ESQUIMAUX 125, 1016, 1038 EVANS, Edgar (British explorer) 591 EVEREST expeditions 504, 585 EVOLUTION: animal 397 EXHIBITIONS: Athens, aeronautical 865; Canada, Toronto 456; Cyprus, forestry 6; Earl's Court, Greater Britain 211; Paris, 1900 541, 791 ; Turin 913; Wembley 618 EXPLORATION: Antarctic 455, 534, 591; Arctic 679 ; Bolivia 798 ; Everest 504, 585 ; New Guinea 605 FACTORIES 25, 155, 236, 237, 255, 297, 464, 812 see also MANUFACTURES FAIRBURN, Steve (British rowing coach) 619 FAIRS: Glastonbury 512 see also FUN FAIRS ENTERTAINMENTS 182