NBC chimes (Jan 1955-Oct 1956)

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Ann Olstein and Gloria J after to our staff. Gloria was a sensation as a flapper of the 1920's on a recent "Home" hour. Best wishes to Dan Sullivan who enters "World of Mr. Sweeney" as unit manager. Ted Harbert moves up to producerdirector-writer of the Telesales Department, while the rest of the "Tonight" staff prepares for a program visit to Springfield. Massachusetts, after their extended sojourn in California. We hope to announce a new addition to the "Tonight" group soon, direct from the nursery of the It illiam Harbachs. Alida Mesrop arrived last month after a three months" tour of Europe complete with color slides. Plant Operations — Amid the hustle and bustle of vacations, the Plant Operations Department has lost and gained many stout hearts. Kudos to: Rod Rodomista. Jim Richards and George Dindas who have taken over new positions in the department. Welcome to: Fran Goldberger and Joan Thomas, new members to our department. Congrats to: Sam Kirschman of Special Effects who was married to Roslyn Fischer on August 28th. Best Wishes To: Mr. IT illiam Ervin, who "had tuxedo and travelled" all the way to California where he was appointed to a post similar to the one he held here in Xew York. Two receptions were held for Mr. Ervin. one at the Brass Rail and the other in his office, where the girls uncorked a bottle of champagne in his honor. We'll all miss him very much, but the fact that he is still with XBC makes us feel close. Gloria Clyne has left us! She now is assistant researcher on the "1976" spectacular and loves her job! Production Operations — Congratulations are in order to quite a few people in our department this month. Robert Wilbor and Livia Granito of our Broadcast Operations section are going to Hollywood to direct some of the "Matinee" series. We are also happy to report that Joe Durand, formerly of the same section, is now directing for the Perrin Paus agencv. Jim Gaines has been promoted to a Film Studio Associate Director. To fill Jim's job, Len Lucas moved up to Broadcast Coordination Assistant in Schedules. Len is also the proud father of a baby girl. Margy. We are happy to welcome Ronnie Buebendorj into our very busy Broadcast Operations section. Ronnie was previously in the Plant Operations Department. Another welcome addition is Mickey Marcowitz, formerly with the Unit Manager section. She is Ed Whitney's new secretary. Although sorry to see Eleanor Rosenthal go. we were very happy to see her go to the "Matinee" unit. Broadcast Film welcomed Phyllis Gutter, (ABC's loss but our gain I. as George Vales' new secretary. Public Affairs — Seems as if we just reported Marilyn Kaemmerle's intended leave of absence . . . and Marilyn's back aboard with baby stories and adorable pictures. Latest vacation news: Barbara Mailer flew to Bermuda for a week of sun. sand and surf. Doris Corinth returned from a relaxing week on Cape Cod. Both Doris Lockley and Mono McCormick "went West" for vacation to their respective home towns of Cincinnati and Cleveland, and Mona included a five-day Great Lakes cruise as well. The miss from Mississippi. Mary James, returned to Amory for a short stav. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ed tear d Stanley on son David's recent marriage. And in the hearty welcome department . . . "hello" to Marilyn Chamberlain, Doris Corwith's new secretary now that Carol Coane has moved on to Steve Krantz's office. TV Technical Operations — " 'Twas the day after Labor Dav and all thru 501, Xot an eyelid was lifted tho the workday had begun. When what to our sleepy eyes did appear. But Marie Redling's sister, with some startling news for us to hear." The news — our "boss" Marie, who has been with NBC for 4 vears sans one day of sick leave, had been rushed on Labor Day to the White Plains Hospital to undergo an appendectomy. If this article sounds a little too cheery considering the pain and long discomfort following such an operation, it's because I once the gang had heard Marie was recuperating nicel\ I they were overjoyed at an opportunity finally to show their appreciation and affection for her. A deluge of cards and flowers were forwarded to the hospital, and on Wednesday a committee of two. clutching the funds made in a collection, ran out to buy a forest green clock-radio for our "boss" i socalled because she has the answer to almost every problem I . Happ> Ending: the "boss" is now hack with us. as chipper as ever, much to our delight. Visitors to 501 are in for a surprise. New office space has been acquired and the Tech Ops Supervisors have been moved in. The men and their secretaries are hoping this move will be more permanent than the last three. At the beginning of the year they were in Room 557 I this lasted one month I . The next move was to 468. and then a short while later they were moved to 8E. It was getting so that a man no sooner called a place "home" where he hung his hat. when his hat along with his desk were moved and he would have to travel at least two floors and 10 rooms over before he found them. Congratulations to Robert Galvin in his new job as Supervisor, and to: C. Corcoran, R. Waring. J. Coffey and S. Davidson — all recently appointed TDs. Arnold Dick is the proud father of a baby girl born July 11th. Max Jacobsen in the Lenox Hill Hospital resting after an operation. Grace Kaufman and Walter Johnson heard those bells on September 25th. Unit Managers. Production Coordinators— It's been a pretty good summer, vacation-wise, for most all of us here in Unit Managers. Eastover, Mass. was paid a visit by Claire Schatz and fill Oplinger. Dot tie Troiano drove down to the Cape and spent a few days on Xantucket. The new Mrs. Dronzek. formerly Pat Marks, has had some pleasant weekends with her family in Vermont. Vivian Walsh spent her vacation basking in the sun on Shelter Island. Toby Goetz spent a long distance two weeks in Florida and Nassau. A welcome goes to Steve Weston, Jim Gannon. J'ito Matti. Win W el pin. George Roberts. Paul Jacobsen and Bill McCauley. NBC Chimes 23