NBC chimes (Jan 1955-Oct 1956)

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WRCV-TV studio during the conversion to color. two live color chains and a 3-V film color chain capable of projecting 16 mm. color film, 2x2 color transparent slides, as well as having an opaque attachment. In order to accommodate this new color equipment, modifications and special construction throughout the building have been necessary. Channel 3's master control has been set up to include eight color monitors. Two additional color monitors have been installed in the master control while three units have been placed in studios and three in the video color control room. An entirely new projection room was constructed. It contains not only the 3-V film color chain, but a staging area for live commercial presentations and two modified and completely modern black-and-white chains. One of the station's main studios has undergone a complete "colorization." This includes special amplifiers, for transmitting top color quality, and entirely new lighting which will increase the studio light intensity by at least three times its present strength. This new lighting has necessitated the installation of additional air conditioning equipment in the television studios. The fifth floor studios of WRCV-TV are being completely revamped, with a video control being set up. This video control now encompasses master control as well as individual studio controls and a color control room. WRCV-TV's former Studio K has been converted into a training studio where all the necessary instruction is taking place. The station's engineers, cameramen, directors, producers, artists and property staff are undergoing special, intense training sessions in preparation for colorcasting. Channel 3's Promotion Department, headed by Jack Wiley, mapped out a strong campaign to familiarize the trade, as well as the viewer land future color TV set buyer), with the fact that WRCV-TV was going to local, live color as of September 24. The brilliantly hued peacock, now being used as the NBC Color identification, is being featured on all WRCV-TV promotional material. Five hundred train cards, in full color, featuring the local Channel 3 programs going to color, were placed in all Pennsylvania Railroad commuter trains to Philadelphia; 125,000 match books, announced on one side, "WRCV-TV, continued on page 14 Bill Conrad works on intricate wiring. 5