NBC Transmitter (Oct-Dec 1944)

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December 1944 7 5 Major II. S. Orchestras lake Part in NBC Series NEW YORK.— Five major symphony orchestras of the United States, headed by noted conductors, are featured on a 24week series titled “Orchestras of the Nation." which began December 16. The series, representing a resumption of the programs of the same title launched last Spring when Desire Defauw conducted the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in five NBC broadcasts, will present the Indianapolis, Baltimore. Kansas City Philharmonic and Eastman School (Rochesester I Symphonies — in addition to the Chicago ensemble— during the 1944-1945 musical season. Defauw again will be on the Chicago podium and conductors of the other organizations are Fabien Sevitzky, Indianapolis; Reginald Stewart. Baltimore: Efrem Kurtz. Kansas City, and Howard Hanson. Eastman. The broadcasts will originate in the home cities of each featured orchestra. The Kansas City Philharmonic was the first orchestra featured, appearing December 16 and 23. Good Sports When WTMJ, Milwaukee, Sportscaster Russ Winnie asks “ George ” for more information or the name of a certain player during a play-by-play broadcast of a University of Wisconsin football game, he is talking to none other than his ivife. “George” is Mrs. Russ Winnie, and so far as it is knoivn, the only successful woman football spotter in the business. For 16 consecutive years , Winnie has broadcast University of W isconsin and Green Bay Packer football games, and for the past 14 years, Mrs. Winnie has worked beside him as his one and only spotter. Football experts and fans acclaim her as one of the best spotters in the business, and Russ is mighty proud. El Paso Station Sets Up Library Promotion Tie-In EL PASO, TEX.— A special display of books on radio and television and tworemote broadcasts by K I SM, were features of “Radio Night at the El Paso Public Library,” recently. The event was sponsored by the briends of the Library. KTSM Production Manager Conrey Bryson, a director of the group, was in charge of the broadcasts and displays. The two broadcasts were “We’ll Find Out” and Bryson’s regular news commentary. “We’ll Find Out” presents listeners’ questions which are answered by the KTSM continuity department through research at the public librarx and other necessary sources. The library prepared displays of the books, magazines and documents used to answer the various questions. The news broadcast was illustrated by displays from the library’s collection of news maps. 1 he library hook-up w ill be retained by KTSM for future special events broadcasts. KMJ Entertains 4-H Club FRESNO, CALIF.— Station KMJ and The Fresno Bee recently honored the leaders and members of the 4-H Clubs of Fresno County and the other counties of the San Joaquin Valley at an appreciation dinner in the Hotel Californian, Fresno, at which a plaque was awarded to the county’s outstanding club. Cooperating with Station KMJ and The Fresno Bee were the University of California Extension Service and the Fresno County Farm Advisor’s Office. Guests of honor were the presidents and leaders of (he various 4-H Clubs throughout the area and also farm advisors, assistants, and home demonstration agents of Kern. Kings. Tulard. Madera. Merced and Fresno Counties. New KOA Farm Director DENVER, COLO.— Harley C. Renollet. formerh farm director of WOWO, Fort Wavne. Iowa, has been named farm director of Station KOA in Denver. Renollet has an extensive background in farm and ranch development and improvement. having been actively engaged in 4-H Club work while serving as countx agricultural agent. DISTINGUISHED CONDUCTORS VISIT NBC PODIUM Malcolm Sargent (left), conductor of the London Philharmonic and other noted British musical organizations, and Eugene Ormandv, musical director of the Philadelphia Orchestra, are guest conductors on the current W inter Series of the A BC Symphony Orchestra. Ormandv conducts four “ General Motors Symphony of the Air” concerts on consecutive Sundays beginning December 24, while Sargent takes over the baton for four Sundays beginning February 1H. The two guests share the W inter schedule with Maestro Arturo Toscanini.