NBC Transmitter (Jan-Dec 1939)

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JUNE, 1939 3 NBC CHICAGO by Lynn Brandt Engineer’s Vacation Bob Jensen, studio engineer, is tops for the busman’s holiday example. On his recent vacation, first stop was Denver, to visit the wife’s folks. He promptly repaired the in-law’s radio receiver — then discovered they needed a new antenna. So another half-day was added. Time: one full day. Next stop was his alma mater, Nebraska Wesleyan University in Lincoln. Neb. Impatiently awaiting his arrival was the school speech dept, and their broken recording system. Another day’s work. Upon completion of that job, his father, who is professor of physics at the University, suggested it would be grand if Boh would rebuild W9ZHP, the University’s amateur radio station. Followed two days and two nights of work — but strenuous. Thereupon five “hams” were contacted and verified, proving Jensen’s marksmanship in trouble shooting. He then returned to Chicago and promptly went to work rebuilding his own amateur station, W9DQM. Some vacation!! Early Season Coif Scores Charlie Lyon, 104; Ed Horstman, 98; Norman Barry, 87; Bill Kephart, 88; Roy Shield, 82; Maurice Ellis, 88; Ralph Davis, 91; A1 Otto, 82; Merritt R. Shoenfeld, 83; Joe Hartenbower, 105; Clint Stanley, 107; Everett Mitchell, 127 (after 7 years no golf) ; Ken Carpenter, 80; Jim McEdwards, 83; “Mac” McClellard, 104; Bill Ray, 100; Agnes Seward, 115; Tony Koelker, 97; Harvey Hayes, 94; Esther Ludwig, 108; j. D. Galbraith, 83; Ed Borroff, 91; George Bolas, 85; Buell Herman, 94. (Above are authentic, we hope! ) Did You Know Thaf — Harold Jackson, studio engineer, was born in Liverpool, England, and is noted for his realistic imitation of a fire siren? Witness his performance on the morning of the huge Chicago grain elevator fire recently. The NBC Mobile Unit built home in suburban Niles Center . . . Larry Dutton, studio engineer, is back from a vacation plane trip to California . . . Gertrude Herbes, Legal Dept., for recreation reads deep, philosophical commentaries and other imposing literary tomes . . . Wright Esser, Continuity, is completing another novel which soon goes to the publishers . . . Doug Fleming and Verl Thomson, announcers, are definite look-alikes . . . Gene Rouse, announcer, is minus his appendix by the time you read this. Gene’s daughter, Carol, was operated on ten days before — also an appendectomy. Gene just moved into the same hospital and the same room. “Lohengrin” By Wagner (cleared) Fred Schweikher, supervisor of Transcription Dept., is to be congratulated! The last days of this month will see Freddie married to the beautiful and talented Mary Dudley of Chicago. She is a radio actress, member of the Mummers Dramatic Theatre, and formerly of the well-known “Jack and Jill” players. They will make their home in Chicago. Brand Spanking New For some time, plans have been under way for the organization of an Athletic Association for the NBC personnel of the Central Division. Rudi Neubauer, Central Division cashier, has been the guiding light behind this excellent movement. His efforts in promoting a group to enjoy the advantages of unified recreational and social activities reached the climax when a general meeting of the entire Central Division was called for Wednesday, May 31. Officers elected for the first year are: president, Merritt R. Schoenfeld; 1st vice president, Lynn Brandt; 2nd vice president, Ray Bierman ; secretary, Grace Curran; and treasurer. Ray Neihengen. When this was being written, plans were already under way for an all member picnic, June 22nd. Announcer Fort Pearson describing Indianapolis Speedway Race Memorial Day from NBC mobile unit. Standing is Field Engineer Bill Cummings. was enroute to the scene amidst hopeless traffic conditions. Jackson, leaning out of the car window and manipulating his vocal “siren” call, was responsible for helping the NBC Special Events Division to maintain its record of always “first on the job.” Throughtraffic Jackson, they call him . . . Ruth O’Connor, Continuity, is satisfying a long-time ambition by penning a radio drama in spare moments . . . Irene Clark, PBX, has recently returned from a grand 10-day vacation trip to Florida . . . Paul Clark, junior control supervisor, has just moved into his newly Announcer Norman Barry interviewing injured fireman at Chicago grain elevator fire. A few seconds after this picture was taken, Barry and the others were completely soaked when main hose line got out of control a few feet away. Temperature, 35 degrees.