NBC Transmitter (Jan-Dec 1939)

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12 NBC TRANSMITTER ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIES Softball News With softball well past the middle of the schedule, a furious fight is being waged between the two service teams, General and Artists, for first place honors. At the present writing, they are tied, each having lost but one game, and each having beaten the other once. In their first meeting, Artists Service emerged victorious 12-8. In their next clash, however, General Service turned the tables. They were faced by pitcher Adam Gayeck, who in his last time out had pitched a no-hit, no-run game against the Program Department team. Again for three innings he let the opposition down with nary a hit, but finally in the fourth inning a General Service barrage drove him from the box. When the dust had finally settled at the end of the game. General Service had emerged on the long end of a 22-8 score; and paced by Hugo Seilers, who hit three consecutive home runs with two shorter hits for good measure, they had smashed out no less than 27 hits. These two teams meet again very soon, and, barring accidents, this game should have a definite bearing on who is the final champion. The standings to date are: Team Won Lost General Service 3 1 Artists Service 3 1 Program 2 2 Engineering 1 3 On September 16, NBC of New York is sending its all-star softball team to Schenectady to challenge WGVs claimants to championship honors. The game, sponsored by the NBCAA, brings together two of the strongest teams in the region, and the winner may well lay claim to the mythical NBC championship. The team which we send will be composed of the stars of the various departmental teams that have been fighting for our league championship, and from all reports is strong enough to batter down all opposition. Good luck, boys; we hope you won’t need it, though. Ignored until now in the press of rapidly developing summer athletic activities, the Announcers softball team has forced recognition by playing through an extremely difficult schedule, and at the present writing has yet to lose a single series. To date they have split with the CBS announcers and with Johnny Messner’s orchestra. They have, however, decisively defeated the Mutual staff in two games and have taken one game from WMCA and the night page staff. As the team takes the field, their line up shows Leon Leak, catcher; Jack McCarthey, pitcher; George Hicks, Kelvin Keech, Nelson Case, and Ray Diaz, all in the infield; and Lyle Van, Jim Shellman, Gene Hamilton, and A1 Schneider, in the outfield. They have, as yet, successfully avoided a return game with the night pages, who were forced to meet them with a crippled line-up, but they are confident of their strength, and offer to lake on all comers “with a reputation.” Incidentally, though their hours prevent competition with our day men, they challenge the winner of the softball league in a game for the true championship of NBC. They would prefer to arrange the game at the outing, but anytime it can be arranged they promise themselves ready, willing, and able. You Have a Date The Place — Briarcliff Manor The Date — Tuesday, Sept. 12th The Occasion — The annual NBC Outing The notices are out, giving exact directions, what the day will include, and giving the name of your department representative (each department has one), so we won’t repeat all these details. We would suggest, though, if you’re hesitant about buying a ticket ($2.50 for AA members, $3.50 for nonmembers) that you talk to some of those who spent the day at the outing last year; they’ll convince you where our poor efforts can hardly do full justice to the plans that are under way. Everybody will be there, so let’s all get together and make this one the best yet. Tennis News The returns of the first tennis tournament of the season are in, and Dick de Raismes of Script is victor. In a grueling, four set match, he outlasted Engineer Serge se Somov and won by a 1-6, 6-3, 6-2, 6-3 score. NBC has accepted the invitation of its brother organization, RCA-Victor, to meet its team at Camden on Sept. 10. This match starts the season of inter-company competition which last year netted but one lone defeat for NBC, and the boys are gunning for an even more successful season this year. The invaders will consist of Joe Merkle, in the number one spot, followed in order by Paul Rittenhouse, J. L. Hatheway, L. Mack, Ed Kahn, and A1 Krenshaw. Riding News The riding club outing was held as scheduled on August 1st, and from all reports everybody had a wonderful time. Riding, softball, dancing, and barbecue dinners were the order of the day, topped off with a cooling swim when the exercise became too warmingly strenuous. The only casualty of the day was Bill Garden’s wrenched neck, which occurred during a particularly fancy high dive. It was agreed by all — even Bill — that, as the cars rolled towards New York again, it was the end of the perfect day. Baseball News The baseball season has been completed and little remains but to evaluate the season in general. We had a far better team than the .500 mark, which represents the season’s percentage of games won, would indicate. It wasn’t an exceptional team, but neither was it bad, so when next year rolls around — ? Just wait, we’ll show ’em! Bowling News The bowling season will soon be under way. Some of the departments are already starting to form their teams, and for the last time this season, we’re able to write that it’s all even in league standings, for with our next issue we hope to report on the battle royal for first place. The departments that haven’t formed their teams as yet, should get started, the more the merrier, and we wish you all strikes instead of splits.