NBC transmitter (Jan-Dec 1940)

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JANUARY, 1940 5 I — ■ — i NBC SAN FRANCISCO by Dick Bertrandias with the Mystery Pumpkin — Stanley Smith, Barbara Storey, Gladys Cronkhite, Jennings “Farmer” Pierce, Anita Bolton and Sophie Dunich. By publication time, a great many things pending will have happened . . . and we trust all for the best. For one thing, another holiday season will have exhausted itself. Among others . . . another KGO-KPO Xmas party, held in the Athletic Association’s club rooms, will be rehashed from time to time, variously interpolated. . . . Production Manager Boh Seal will have returned from his “at long last” vacation. It may he that Home Economist Gladys Cronkhite, will have presented the publicity department with those frequently promised pumpkin pies, and Field Supervisor George Greaves will he a papa. Archie Presby, of the Announcing Department, chairmanned the Xmas soiree. Date of the event was December 13 ... a little ahead of the gun, but best suited for all concerned. Friends, relatives and sugah-pies were all on the welcome list . . . more about this epic in the next Transmitter, we ihink. Snow Party At the same time plans for the Xmas party were molded, the Athletic Association membership began peeking around the calendar into 1940 to discover what the possibilities for a junket into the snow country might be. Jennings Pierce, head man of the local order of the NBCAA, appointed Ed Barker of the Sales force to shop around the R.R. companies for a good deal. The membership was properly intrigued by the idea. Patching Things Up Reciprocal friendliness of press and radio continued, with KGOKPO Manager A1 Nelson still wielding influence to light the way after nearly two years estrangement. Latest evidences are the tie-up with S. F. Chronicle s 75th anniversary, and joint sponsorship of a mammoth Xmas Eve Community Sing with S. F. News. Also in keeping with publicity activity is Press Manager Milt Samuel’s window’ stunts. Latest being the animated displays that have San Franciscans and Oaklanders pushing in the plate glass. A broadcast in front of one had Samuel ducking gendarmes who were annoyed over jammed-uj) traflie. Pumpkin Larceny . . . or “a biinpkin, a bumpkin, who stole the yellow pumpkin?” But first let’s set the stage for this drama. Ag. and Ed. Director Jennings Pierce and his secretary, Anita Bolton, dug deep to provide the staff with a cider and ginger ’lassescookie bust, the day before Thanksgiving. Their oflice was elaborately decorated with corn stalks, a pumpkin, etc. The party was over. What to do with the pumpkin? A challenge was flung at Gladys Cronkhite, station’s cookery critic, defying her to make something of it. She did, but not without unprecedented difficulty. First, she suggested everyone contribute an egg, a piece of butter and so on. They did. Then tragedy struck. Someone stole the pumpkin. Finally another pumpkin was obtained, and the result was 12 splendiferous cream-blanketed pies which were raffled off to fatten the AA coffers, to say nothing of individuals. One individual, Traffic Manager George Feurst, was not interested in winning a pie. Strictly circumstantial evidence, but evidence. if you’re following us. Miscellany Welcome to Florence Larsen wbo has been hiding out as a new member of Mimeo . . . Mass birthday party for Agnes Ansel, Vera Lashin, Betty Milligan and Sophie Dunich . . . Manager Nelson so sold on S. F. he has taken up residence atop historical Nob Hill where he commands view of city and bay. NBC PHOTO CONTEST UNDERWAY FIRST ENTRIES due January 8. PRIZES of $10.00, $5,00, and a year's SUBSCRIPTION to U. S. CAMERA will be given each month for pictures, taken by NBC employes, which best illustrate TITLES of BLUE NETWORK SHOWS — for instance, a farmer looking back over the fields in the evening to the lights in his house for “The Farm and Home Hour." ADVENTURES IN PHOTOGRAPHY, Wednesday nights on the Blue, will give you an idea. RULES are these: 1. Your picture must be illustrative of a title of a Blue Network show. 2. Send your print — not the negative. 3. Print must be 5" by 7" (available at any photo finishers for 25 cents). 4. Mail your gem to the NBC TRANSMITTER, RCA Building, Radio City, N. Y. 5. Send your name, department, division and explanation of the picture. 6. ENTRIES FOR SECOND CONTEST DUE FEBRUARY 8.