The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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DAY BY DAY WELL, Merry Christmas . . . er, Happy New Year. Or, maybe it's Valentine's Day! Anyhow, Old Man NEMO was so excited about the snappy new magazine that he plumb j or got the Season's Greetings I •That's a nice crazy start, but we've got a right to be crazy, what with our long-suppressed desire, Garbo, going head-over-heels for George Brent. No foolin' . . . the Silent Swede hasn't been in such a complete dither since John Gilbert was the Big Moment, 'way back in the good old "Flesh and the Devil" days. Or, do you remember? George and Greta have the grandest time in the world, frolicking in the sand at George's beach house; or week-ending at La Quinta . . . all properly chaperoned, of course. Ah! well, if it can't be us, we'd rather see Brent get the break than any one we know. PARAMOUNT officials are sitting around impatiently waiting for the Charles Laughton "bean" to sprout! When M-G-M borrowed the British "Buster," they shaved his head to fit the role of "Macawber" in the current "David Copperfield." However, before it was Laughton's turn to go before the camera, the Metro crowd decided that, at $15,000.00 per week, it was too expensive a proposition. So, they turned him in to Paramount in exchange for W. C. Fields, and now Paramount is stuck with "Ruggles of Red Gap" until Charlie can grow enough hair to step into the title role! Furthermore, Paramount is trying to make M-G-M pay for sending back a bald-headed actor! DON'T let these nice, quiet girls fool you! Ralph Forbes, Charlotte Granville and Doris Lloyd (all old penny-pitchers from 'way back) thought they'd have some fun teaching Jane Baxter how to "pitch for the line." But, before the day was over, Jane had won all their pennies and was looking for new fields to conquer! WE mustn't forget Johnny W eissmuller' s colossal response to the pleas of autograph hounds who insisted that he give his famous "elephant" call for them, on his London visit. Marlene Dietrich and Fred Perry, internationally popular tennis star, get a coat of tan at Palm Springs. Henry Walthall and Mae Marsh, great stars of "The Birth of a Nation," meet again in "Bachelor of Arts." The latest news of Hollywood — gossip — pictures of the stars — events — all that's going on Bob Montgomery can keep up that cheeriness because he and his wife sneak off for vacations oh their boat. reported by NEMO Taking a deep breath, the obliging Johnny drew himself to his full height and murmured: "Peep! . . . Peep!" AND Patricia Ellis rises to announce that there is positively no engagement between her and Fred Keating. So . . . that's that. Or, is it? • YOU'D die laughing to watch Edmund Lowe and Jack Holt strutting around the "Depths Below" set in their old-fashioned long underwear! It's a diving picture and so cold under the water that there was nothing to do but get some antique union suits to keep the boys warm. Believe it or don't, there wasn't a single pair of grandpa's flannels this side of these hyar mountings! And, after frantically turning a hundred department stores upside-down, Jack and Eddie were obliged to send to New York for them. ROGER PRYOR doesn't know a whole lot about navigation, but he's so crazy about his brand new sailboat that he figured he could learn to run it as he went along. On a one-man cruise to Catalina, the other day, Roger tacked abruptly into the wind when he shouldn't have tacked at all. The boat went over, as neatly and thoroughly as Max Baer's sparring partners, and Mr. Pryor got wetter than a herring. Fortunately, there were several rescuers close at hand and Roger, with everything drenched but his enthusiasm, was hauled to safety. And don't think he let that be a lesson to him. Because the very next week-end out he went to tackle it all over again! WALLACE BEERY, aviation fiend that he is, has just purchased a brand new plane and, when his wife is well enough, he plans to put the plane aboard the first Europe-bound steamer, tuck* the missus under one arm, Baby Carol Ann under the other, and fly all over Europe ! JACK OAKIE and Mary Brian are co-owners of a trick parrtot, and, after days of concentrated effort, they have taught the bird to crow like a rooster. Now, all the hens (Please turn to page 61) The Neio Movie Magazine, February, 1935 35