The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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HOW TO WIN PRIZES SHOWN HERE Honeit Judge* — See Paragraph 4 Do These Simple Easy Things Easy, different, new kind of thrilling contest! Nothing to buy, nothing to sell to win any of 3 big prizes. Read how easy: 1. Count number of DOTS on shoe pictured here. Write number on Blank. (See IMPORTANT CLUE above the coupon.) 2. Answer Question: "What Is So-Lo?" Write answer in 25 words or less on separate piece of paper. Any answer about the economy feature, convenience, etc., of So-Lo, in your own words, may win — like: "World's lowest priced shoe repair," or "It's economical — just spread on like butter." (Note: Do not send the above answers — they are only examples.)^ Bad spelling won't count against you. Write in pencil, if you wish. 3. Prizes will be awarded primarily on the basis of the nearest correct number of dots; secondarily on the best answers (for advertising purposes) to the question, "What Is So-Lo." In event of ties for any prize, identical prizes will be awarded to tying contestants. 4. Entries will be judged by impartial committee: Miss Mary Marshall, Home Economics Editor, Tower Magazines; Miss Marjorie Deen, Home Ecoriomi-s Editor, Modern Magazines: E. H. Brown, President, E. H. Brown Advertising Agency, Chicago. Judges' decisions will be final. 5. All entries must be postmarked before midnight, February 28, 1935. Prize winners will be notified shortly after close of contest. 6. So-Lo Works employees or their relatives not eligible to enter. Only 1 entry to a family. This offer WILL NOT appear again | ACT NOW— MAIL ENTRY COUPON S easy. Anybody May Win YOU may be the one to receive a telegram announcing that you've won the 1935 Plymouth! Send in the Entry Blank now. No tricks, no "schemes," nothing to buy or sell, no other puzzles to solve, absolutely nothing else to do to win prizes shown here. Money to buy these 3 big prizes is deposited in biggest Cincinnati bank now. Your chance to 'win as good as anybody's. Hundreds of other big, valuable, surprise prizes will be offered FREE OF CHARGE. Entry blank brings all sensational details. Act now! WHAT IS So-Lo? CLUE to Number of Dots on Shoe Look at Patent Number on the box of So-Lo at Woolworth's. Kresge's, Kress'. W. T. Grant. Neisner's, McCrory's, Murphy's. McLellan's. Walgreen's. Sears Roebuck's, Montgomery Ward's, Scott's, Green's. Ben Franklin, 5 and 10c Stores, or at Hardware Stores. To get within 25 of the correct number of dots on shoe shown here, multiply the first three numbers of the patent number by three. IMPROVE YOUR CHANCE TO WIN: See SO-LO box at your neighborhood store today. $200.00 CASH EXTRA! Nothing to buy or sell to win prizes shown here, BT"T if you send in part of So-Lo box showing PATENT NUMBER (or facsimile thereof) with your entry, you will receive $200.00 CASH EXTRA IN ADDITION to Plymouth Auto if you are declared winner of First Prize. Hurry—don't wait. Bush your entry today. So-Lo, the amazing plastic, mends the Sole or Heel, le a repair! Spreads on half-soles as low as 8c a pair. Easy— just dig out a chunk of So-Lo and spread on sole like butter on bread. Dries hard, tough, and smooth — waterproof, flexible, non-skid. Guaranteed to outwear ordinary leather or rubber. One kit can save as much as $6.00 to $25.00. Over 5,000,000 families now use So-Lo to fix cuts in tires, holes in auto tops, hot water bottles, and over 247 other uses. See So-Lo at WOOLWORTH'S, KRESGE'S, KRESS', W. T. GRANT'S, NEISNER'S. McCRORY'S. MURPHY'S, McLELLAN'S, WALGREEN'S, SCOTT'S, BEN FRANKLIN, MONTGOMERY WARD'S, SEARS ROEBUCK'S. 5 AND 10c STORES. OR AT HARDWARE STORES. SEND NO MONEY-MAIL THIS TODAY So-Lo WORKS ALSO AT NEWBERRY'S AND GREEN'S World's Largest Makers of Money-Savers CINCINNATI, OHIO PRIZE CONTEST ENTRY BLANK "Red" Appleton, Contest Manager, D Check here if sending in part of So-Lo bos. SOLO WORKS, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dear "Red": — I want to win the FREE 1935 PLYMOUTH AUTOMOBILE, the G. E. REFRIGERATOR, or the COLSON BICYCLE. Here is my entry: ELECTRIC There are dots on the So-Lo Shoe. My answer to the question So-Lo?" in 25 words or less is written on attached piece of paper. "What Is NAME (Print Plainly. Use pencil If you prefer) ADDRESS TOWN STATE .(T) The New Movie Magazine, February, 1935 43