The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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<tCoS?etre truth" YOU cannot realize how much better you will feel and lookuntilyou try Dr.Edwards Olive Tablets. Many women need internal cleansing to remove the cause of blemishes, pimples,headaches,and that dull lifeless feeling. The Internal Cosmetic That is why countless grateful people today think of Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets as the "internal cosmetic." A safe, efficient substitute for calomel, much easier to take — they gently regulate the intestines and nature clears the way for a lovely skin and the alluring glow of youth. Take Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets if you want to banish the "looks" and feeling of age, and win back buoyant health. Compounded of vegetable ingredients, used by millions for 20 years, you'll know them by their olive color. At all drug stores, 15& 30?, 60(f. Eli DISPLAY NEW DRESS STYLES or married women. No experience necessaryBig pay, full or part time. Chance to earn up to S23 .75 in a week. Even inexperienced housewives earn money first day. Your own dresses furnished without cost. Write quick. Send no money — just name and address on postal. I. V. SEDLER CO., INC. Dept. 22-2 Cincinnati, Ohio VICTOR SOAP CO sells . Jy 25c The kind d sed in every home every day. Selling price marked SI 00. You sell for only 25c. Housewives buy on Up to 100% profit for you. Write for money-making u;, and facts about other sensational \ ictor Soap deals. ouick action send 25c for actual full sized sample. Dept. T-25, Dayton, O. Swedish Massage Pays BIG! Big demand fro and private pat" Hundreds of men and women of all ages are making $10.00 to 820,00 a day giving SCIENTIFIC SWEDISH MASSAGE and Hydro-Therapy treatments. Hospitals, Sanitariums. Clubs, Doctors ts. LEARN this interesting money making profession IN YOUR OWN HOME by mail. Same instructors as in our Nationally famous residence college. Same diploma awarded. Courses can be completed in 12 weeks. Anatomy Chart?, Medical Dictionary. Reducing Roller and Hydro-Therapy supplies FREE of extra costs. Many men and women are readv to pav BIG STf^lIK' § Ft S (|p SUMS to experts in Reducing. This alone may j{»|gjgj[ ggff--* be worth many times the modest tuition fees, ffirftffi* fff'ftlf 1^ Write for FREE information. *=^*:> -=**-■ NATIONAL COLLEGE OF MASSAGE AND PHYSIO-THERAPY Dept. 241 22 N. Ashland Ave,, Chicago George Jean Nathan's Movie Favorites (Continued jrom page 17) sorship in the nearly-great "Doctor Monica," that unwieldy story that forced her into the role of a suicide to keep Kay Francis and Warren William together. Without doubt this was the sappiest yielding of movie producers to a false morality ever exploited on the screen. They forget that boys and girls are always with us and there is a thing called love. It was nice that they redeemed her in that rare and worthy film, "As the Earth Turns,'' and even nicer, to discriminating auditors, to see her heroic efforts to redeem such trash as that industrialist film-story from Louis Bromberg's not-so-excellent yarn, "A Modern Hero.1' Now I am aware that this commentary of mine has been critical rather than characterizing. But after all, they are Mr. .Nathan's choices — not mine. Still I like to think he made any choice at all. There was a time, and it is not far away from any man's memory, that he would have thrown you out of his quarters had you mentioned the screen. I am glad he has come 'from behind his curtain. Now with his new found screen interest he joins the common humanity of us all. He likes the art of Loretta, Jean and Sylvia. But what are they to him but shadows he is translating into women who love and suffer and triumph since so they do in their various roles? We all make this translation. I talked with him once about New York and the old days in his livingroom. It is a beautiful setting, his quarters, taking on, this day, an added glamour because of his reticence. The books, the drapes, the black-and-gold of its cushions harmonized to the obbligato of his words. He said: "There is no more tradition, or at least the substance that was ours has gone. The dollar aristocracy is partly responsible for this. New York is unlike London and Continental centers. Here we admire and pay tribute to cheap men. The expression is half the time false; half the time a news head." In this introspection may be the key to his conversion. What irony, finding the truth in Hollywood! FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE You won t miss any of the brilliant features and beau :iful photographs of this b ig movie magazine if you have a year's sub scription to NEW MOVIE. The coupon below will bring you 12 issues. The yearly subscrip tion rate is $1.00. In Canada, add 60c (total $1.60) for Canadian dun-. Foreign S2.00 a year, including postage. TOWrER MAGAZINES, Inc., 55 Fifth Avenue, New Yor k, N. Y. I am or mone> -order) for which please send me NEW MOVIE for one year. Please _«■_«« REAL ITALIAN FLAVOR in This Quick Meal YOU who make good Italianstyle spaghetti will welcome this news. That same true flavor achieved in the kitchens of Milan and Naples has been duplicated by the chefs of Heinz. They enable you to serve this grand Neapolitan feast, merely by heating a tin of Heinz Cooked Spaghetti. The spaghetti itself is made under their own supervision, of fine Durum wheat. Into the sauce go treasured secrets straight from Italy. With prize red-ripe tomatoes they blend delicious meat stock and imported Parmesan cheese. They add a touch of this spice and that — spices not easy to get — and the result is a feast that makes mouths water. Serve this delicious quick meal to your family soon, within a short span of minutes after you have entered your kitchen. Heap it high on every dish — and you'll find you've discovered one of those favorite every-week meals that every member of your family "goes for." You will find Heinz Cooked Spaghetti on your grocer's shelves. H. J. HEINZ COMPANY PITTSBURGH, U.S.A. TORONTO, CANADA • LONDON, ENGLAND XT HEINZ «•* SPAGHETTI The New Movie Magazine, February, 1935 53