The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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WhifskmdtfJpai/ mote? CLOPAY SHADES </lbe sc:jCove£if. .yet only 15' WITH CLOPAYS SO INEXPENSIVE I DON'T HAVE TO TOLERATE DINGY, CRACKED SHADES EACH! AFTER all, why pay-50c— 75c— $1.00 apiece ±\. for window shades even if I can afford it ? I've found Clopays wear just as long and the costliest are no handsomer. Those lovely chintz patterns blend beautifully with so many decorative effects and the plain colors are equally adaptable. They stay presentable longer, too, because they will not crack, fray or pinhole. Besides; Clopays have many features found in no other shades. Their patented gummed strip makes them easy to attach to your old rollers without tacks or tools. And that attractive creped texture — also patented — makes them hang straight, roll straight, and Wear longer. Why pay more, indeed, when 15c will buy so much in Clopays! Sold by all 5-and-10c stores and most neighborhood stores. Send 3c stamp for color samples to CLOPAY CORPORATION, 1344 York Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. "I'VE FOUND ANOTHER WAY TO ECONOMIZE, TOOr New FABRAY^ Saves 1/3 or More on All Oilcloth Needs! ''Just as I have economized on shades by using Clopays — now I can save on every oilcloth need by using Fabray. At a saving of 3^ to J^ it gives me oilcloth appearance and oilcloth wear plus advantages oilcloth does not have. It will not crack or peel when creased. There are so many lovely new patterns and fresh, dainty solid colors, too. Now I can have a harmonious decorative schetne in my kitchen just as I have in other rooms." FABRAY is sold by leading 5-and-10c stores in 46-inch width for tables — 12-inch width for shelves. See it at your nearest store or send 10c for 2j^-yard roll of 12-inch shelving. State color preferred. CLOPAY CORPORATION 1350 York Street Cincinnati, Ohio 66 On the Set with Coming Pictures (Continued from page 65) hesitate a little bit to tell him so. When Jimmy lands a burning plane, after Pat has bailed out, he is hailed as a hero for sticking to his ship, and, after that, there's no holding him. Disliked by everybody, Jimmy continues to hold his spot as ace flyer of the corps and the highlight of the piece occurs when the plane he and Pat are flying loses part of a wing during the smoke-screen maneuvers. Wriggling out on the broken wing, Pat balances the ship long enough for Jimmy to make a perfect landing, and then the laurels go to Pat. Discovering that his girl has come to love the sassy aviator, Pat makes an elegant "beau geste," relinquishing his "heart" to the thoroughly chastened Cagney. Lloyd Bacon puts the devil dogs through their paces with directorial finesse. MILLS OF THE GODS • COLUMBIA May Robson is grandmother to a prosperous plow company and a flock of ungrateful, parasitical descendants who leave May to run the business profitably while they gallivant all over Europe, living off the interest of a $50,000,000 trust fund. Comes the depression and the factory starts slipping. But will those ungrateful brats give the old lady the loan of their money until the business gets on its feet again? Not much they won't. Instead, they try to sneak back to their milk and honey in Europe, and, not until the factory workers riot and a grandson, James Blakely, is accidentally shot, do the nuisances wake up to the fact that "life is more than just a bowl of cherries." Victor Jory, one of the mill hands, falls in love with the snooty granddaughter, Fay Wray, and, before it's over she comes down to earth deciding that maybe the salt of the earth is better than all of Grandma's "sugar," after all. It's a Melville Baker-Jack Kirkland story, with that crack director, Roy William Neil, at the wheel. SWEET MUSIC WARNERS The Warner lot is certainly a riot of chorines and song, this month ! Jerry Wald wrote this tale especially for Rudy Vallee, and Rudy, with a wealth of experience behind him, promises a right smart performance. Vallee is a college man who becomes world famous as an orchestra leader "and crooner. He loves, Ann Dvorak and she loves him, but there is so much antagonism between the two that you're not supposed to suspect the affection until the end of the picture. Placing his orchestra and himself in a swanky New York night club, Rudy persuades the manager to send for Ann, who is singing and dancing herself to a standstill in a small-time racket. Not knowing that Rudy has been instrumental in getting her the break, Ann treats him badly. And, when she fails to come through and is fired out of the place, she blames him for it. Later, when Rudy gets a big radio contract, he again arranges to present Ann on his program. The sponsors, Joe Cawthorne and Al Shean, aren't very excited over the idea, but, when Rudy insists, they give in, relegating their preference, Helen Mor "DATED COFFEE ? YES! '07? 9le!" H A "dated skin" is something to avoid. It gives away the secret of your age and prohibits you from looking younger than your years . . • Keep your skin youthful by using Campana's Italian Balm. Banish rough, chapped and dry skin. Escape the threat of lines and wrinkles caused by housework, officework and weather. Keep your skin soft and smooth in texture . . . Italian Balm will guard you against "dated skin" for a cost of less than half a cent a day. Its genuine quality and economy have made Italian Balm the leader among skin protectors in thousands of cities of the United States and mall of Canada, where its name has been a household word for over 40 years. Try it at our expense. Use the coupon. (At drug and department stores —bottles, 10c, 35c, 60c and $1.00 —tubes, 25c.) Italian Balm THE ORIGINAL SKIN SOFTENER / 2^^ CAMPANA SALES CO., f 4002 Lincoln Highway, Batavia, Illinois. Gentlemen: Please send me VANITY SIZE bottle oi Campana's Italian Balm — FREE and postpaid. Name. „ _«_—_— _____^_ Address_ City -State gan, to the immediate background, rather than lose the Vallee program. Ann clicks, discovers that Rudy is really the cream in her mushroom soup, and the piece finishes on a high-powered theme song, with Rudy crooning into the girl friend's shell-pink ear. Al Green directs the heigh-ho's. BEHOLD MY WIFE • PARAMOUNT if you In i in Canada send your request to Campana Corp.. Ltd. TM 2 Caledonia Road. Toronto Ontario. When Jean Raymond's elegant family breaks up his romance with a pretty stenographer the heart-broken girl hurls herself from a 'steenth-story window. Hating them, Gene determines to bring disgrace on his snooty family, and, in a drunken moment, marries an Indian girl and brings her home to live. As Gene has wired the folks that he has married a daughter of one of America's "first families," Momma and Poppa excitedly stage a swanky party in honor of their new daughter-in-law. So, imagine their consternation when Sylvia Sidney, all decked out in beads, braids and doeskin, steps off the train and into their unwelcoming arms! Well, it's too late to call off the party, but, they needn't have worried. Because, with her hair up and the doeskin ditched in favor of a Patou model, little Sylvia gives the Junior Leaguers a right smart run for their broad a's. Mad as hops because the little woman has foiled his plan to disgrace the family, Gene gets roaring drunk and tells Sylvia just why he married her. Sick at heart, Sylvia gets back into her Indian suit and runs away with Monroe Owsley, who has been making passes at her all evening, anyhow. But Gene's sister, Juliette Compton, has some ideas of her own about Owsley's love life, and, when she catches him with sister-in-law, grabs a gun and shoots him dead. Which only goes to show that we all go native, now and again. To protect the sister of the man she loves, Sylvia says she did it. And Gene, suddenly realizing that he's crazy about the Indian maid, jumps up and says he did it. So what to do about it? Director Mitchell Leisen didn't seem any too sure about the finale himself. But we'll bet a plugged nickel that Gene and Sylvia are turned loose to live happily ever after. H. B. Warner, Laura Hope Crews, Kenneth Thompson and Dean Jagger do their part to make the cast a happy one. And Bill Lipman and Gladys Lehman got together on the story. T„n W¥IIT1? H°W ab°Ut a mUf" THE WHITE d t f COCKATOO change? Two minutes after registering at a hotel, Ricardo Cortez is up to his neck in dead bodies, screams in the night, vanishing Jean Muirs, and things like that. If Ric had been smart, he'd have kept his Grecian schnozzle out of the whole mess. But, if somebody stabbed a perfect stranger with the hour hand off your very own clock and left the body lying around where you either had to step over it every time you turned around, or else . . .? Well, anyhow, our hero decides to play a one-man game of Scotland Yard. Just for the fun of it. Jean Muir has inherited a fortune from her dead parents, and that, my friends, is the cause of it all. There's a missing brother, a mysterious doctor, the funny-acting hotel proprietor and his wife, and a white cockatoo, all mixed up in the monkey business. Furthermore, everybody behaves so peculiarly that you just can't trust any of them. WARNERS The Nexv Movie Magazine, February, 1935