The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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A TRUE STORY By AN ■OHIO MOTHER Who tells of a simple aid to good health and a beautiful complexion When children grow up with fine complexions and are "pictures of health," mother usually has contributed some good sound advice. We thank Mrs. Leo Platteborze of 22 Euclid Avenue, Struthers, Ohio, for her letter, below, telling what she found so essential in bringing up strong, healthy children : "I am enclosing a photograph of my two oldest children in babyhood. They were both Nujol babies. "I started my newest baby on it when she was three months old and she has a fair complexion and is just as regular as the rest of us. "The only disease the children have had has been measles and no bad after effects developed. They certainly are the pictures of health and I have always felt that we owe our gratitude and our 'regular health habits' to Nujol. "We are constant users of Nujol. I always have an extra bottle on hand. It has kept'us healthy all through the long hard winter we had. Our habits were regular. "I really do think all children would be healthier if they were given Nujol — also grownups. It has done wonders for me. I have used it for a dozen years. Our boy is 12 years and sure is strong and very healthy. I really just couldn't keep house without Nujol." Nujol, "regular as clockwork," now comes in two forms, plain Nujol and Cream of Nujol, the latter flavored and often preferred by children. You can get it at any drug store. What is your Nujol story? If you have been using Nujol for ten years or more, if you are bringing up your children on it, tell us. Address Stanco Inc., 2 Park Avenue, Dept. 19X, New York City. Copr. 1934, Stanco Inc. You Tell Us (Continued jrom Page 40) Ziegfeld in judging an actor's ability. Mr. Ziegfeld must have been indeed stupid and blind to single out Fields as an inimitable comedian. As for his beauty; they say that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and surely such a severe critic as yourself should be able to detect the goodliness and cleverness beaming from his kindly face. As for brains — you wouldn't dare dispute the fact that a man drawing thousands a week is one of lower intelligence. Every knock is a boost, so up goes Fields two notches in my estimation. I hope the other readers will agree with me. So, to you, W. C, a crown as the King of Comedians and may you continue until my grandchildren fight to see your next picture. To you, Mrs. Vito — phooey! — Mrs. Robert Bentley, 127 S. 18th Avenue, Maywood, Illinois. All right, Mrs. Bentley, but if Mrs. Vito comes back at you now — by golly, we'll print her letter! And Another! THE critics who annoy me most are those who want all actors to look, act and be just like their personal favorites of the present moment. And so I say to Mrs. D. E. Vito of California, I, too, enjoy Edward Everett Horton, but I also think W. C. Fields as funny in his line and as great an "artist in his way. Each is a genius, but who wants them alike, or wants to see them too often? W. C. Fields is inimitable as the gentlemanly, shrewd half-crook. His expositions of universal, human, low-brow "cussedness" are comically burlesqued in just the right proportions, so that the audience can take it and like it and, perhaps, benefit by it. I would like to see W. C. Fields play the part of the immortal Colonel Sellers of Mark Twain's "The Gilded Age." I never see him in action without thinking of that remarkable character. — Emeroi C. Stacy, 1005 S. W. Park Avenue, Portland, Oregon. Come on, Mrs. Vito! We're on the sidelines. You tell 'em! The Stars Who Sing A ND they say people do not like "^ good music any more! This is what happened in Sacramento. At a theater here, Grace Moore in "One Night of Love" is in its sixth week. An unheard thing for even the very best of pictures, and likely not to end then. I sincerely hope to see all of the cast together in another picture. They are excellent. — Mrs. K. Yeargin 1517 26th Street, Sacramento, California. For years, Mrs. Yeargin, producers insisted no one would listen to fine music on the screen. They have been taught a much-needed lesson. The One Who Is Gone \7"OUR recent article, "Can Pauline Lord take Marie Dressler's Place?" presented an interesting and thoughtprovoking question. Miss Lord gave a splendid interpretation of Mrs. Wiggs, but despite her great ability as an actress, I do not think that Miss Lord will find Dressier roles a medium for her work. As your article wisely says, no one can actually take another's place. To my mind, the Dressier type of roles could be played by Louise Dresser. Some of her brusque statements and gestures used in "The Scarlet Empress" were reminiscent of the Dressier idiosyncrasies.— Mrs. Helen Brink Glover, 210 East Fourth Street, Frankfort, Kentucky. 3 worst impressions of faulty make-up corrected by the face-powder that's moisture-proof! SHINY NOSE can't happen when a powder won't absorb moisture! FLOURY BLOTCHES don't occur with powder that won't cake-up! CLOGGED PORES can't happen when powder stays soft and fine! Vi ounce of $3 La Richesse Perfume FREE to win new friends for the powder that never clogs . . . always clings! DO you want to make your skin clear, transparent, lovely? . . . And have it last that way for hours? Then try this moisture-proof id.ce powder! Don't take our word. Put a spoonful of Luxor in a glass and pour water on it ! Notice what happens. It does not mix with the water. It rises to the top soft, dry, smooth as velvet. There's moisture on even the dryest skin. But Luxor won't mix with it, any more than with water in the glass. That's why it defies the ravages of oils, pore secretions and other enemies of long lasting make-up. Accept this Perfume Gift Once you've tried Luxor, you'll stick. Most women do. That's why we can afford to give you this free quarter ounce of $3 La Richesse Perfume. A rare French scent, mysterious, with the overtone of lure! Our gift. Just to induce you to try the first package of Luxor. Order Luxor at your favorite toilet goods counter today. Only 55c for this velvety, finepowder, scented ever so tastefully. It bears Good HousekeepingSealof Approval. Or send coupon now for a generous supply. Made only of th e finest ingredients. 55c MAIL COUPON NOW FOR WEEK'S SUPPLY! I 1 LuxoR,LTD.,1335W.31stSt.,Chicago,Ill. | Please send me your generous trial packages of ■ Luxor MoistureProof Powder, Rouge and new | Special Formula Cream. Here's ten cents to help cover mailing costs. (Offer not good in Canada.) I Check, Powder : Rose Rachel D Rachel D Flesh □ I Rouge: Radiant D Medium OSunglowD I tm-2 Pastel □ Vivid □ Roseblush D Name . Address ._l As the months pass, people are realizing more and more that there will never be anyone who is quite our dear Marie. The Fairy Princess TF I were an illustrator for a volume of fairy tales, I'd choose lovely Helen Twelvetrees as my :'mentaf picture" model for each and every fairy princess! Even if Helen were not the great actress she really is, I'd still love her for her fragile, blond beauty and plaintive voice — for her calm and unpublicized private life — for the struggles she has endured to attain her present stellar position. Knowing that Helen is a true, dramatic artist, and that she has a long list of excellent performances to her credit — I wonder why the producers can't find another "Grand Parade" type of story for her? How could anyone forget Helen's magnificent portrayal of the unfaithful musician's downtrodden wife? I've also visualized Helen as an enchanting "Lady of the Lake" in a talkie-version of that classic. — Mrs. Lula Weber, Ursa, Illinois. It is to be hoped that Helen's run of bad luck will let up soon. More on Moore CUPERLATIVES suddenly seem inadequate when trying to describe "One Night of Love" with Grace Moore in the starring role! I thought I'd seen and heard everything worth while! But Miss Moore brings a distinctly new type of personality to the screen to say nothing of the most glorious voice this side of heaven! Deftly worked into the picture as natural sequences Miss Moore sings several of the most beautiful arias ever written. Her voice holds a promise of new thrills for millions of music and picture lovers. "One Night of Love" will make screen history! Thanks, Columbia, for giving us such a rare treat! — Mrs. Charles Toles, 514 North Nevada Avenue, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Read our "Forecast" in this issue, Mrs. Toles. You may soon have lots of grand opera on the screen. The Tender Years \7[7"HILE I believe that the revelation "of ages of our favorite movie actresses and actors in the recent issue under "Battle of the Ages" proved interesting reading matter to most of us, I found some of their ages seemingly tender. I would advise some of the ''Boys" and "Girls" to have another peep at their birth certificates. — Marie R. Eber, 1356 West 64 Street, Chicago, Illinois. The records are open to anyone, Marie. Gary's Appeal A GREAT big cheer for Gary Cooper ^* for his very fine performance in "Now and Forever." I can readily understand why most of the actresses want him as their leading man. He has what appeals to every woman. As Shirley Temple's father in this picture, he played the part to perfection. I, for one, would like to see more pictures with Gary Cooper as leading man. — Mrs. John Glenzer, 7111 Campania Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He has a great appeal for men, too, Mrs. Glenzer. Gable-Novarro-Howard F JUST read your article in the De*■ cember number of New Movie on Gable, Novarro and Howard. When I attend a Gable movie, which is every time there is one, it is to a packed house. 68 The New Movie Magazine, February, 1935