The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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You Tell Us Give us more Gable pictures, please. We surely get our money's worth. — Mrs. Lucy Lucier, Augusta, Maine. And how Ramon? about poor Leslie and Jean's Fine Work (~)NE of the most delightfully enter^ taining pictures I've seen lately is "Have a Heart." Jean Parker's fine work in this proves that her great performance in "Little Women" was no mere flash-inthe-pan. Capably assisted by the irrepressible James Dunn, droll Una Merkel and the uproariously comical Stuart Erwin, Miss Parker makes of "Have a Heart" a memorable film. Laughter, tears, disaster and triumph are blended with consummate skill into a creation appealing to young and old alike. It is so clean and aboveboard that even the most indigo of censors will scent no sinners within its confines. — Mrs. Karl Penington, Blountstown, Florida. Yes, Jean really seems to be one of the stars who will last. Light or Heavy — Which? HP HE return of George Arliss to light 1 comedy roles is in itself a matter for cheers. But that he should have been so fortunate as to find so suitable a part in his latest hit, "The Last Gentleman," is another opportunity for more cheers. It again proves that Mr. Arliss does his memorable work in light comedy pictures like the type of "The Millionaire," "Working Man," etc. — Mrs. S. Gooze, 25 East Mosholu Parkway, Bronx, New York. When you see his newest, the GaumontBritish picture "The Iron Duke," maybe you'll change your mind, Mrs. Gooze. An Unusual Letter HPHERE is one type of picture that *■ must be a relief and joy to the censors. It is also a type that can be enjoyed by every age and class of people. That is the "Travel Talks." "Tulip Time in Holland" was beautiful and the coloring excellent. Everyone who saw it spoke of it with pleasure. I have seen other travel pictures and thoroughly enjoy this type of short subject, but "Tulip Time in Holland" I consider the most beautiful to date. Let's have more "Travel Talks." — Mrs. Wm. B. McGee, 220 Page Avenue, Orlando, Florida. Some of the short subjects are really excellent. We agree, Mrs. McGee. Isn't it a shame that the theaters fill out their ' programs with so many bad, boring ones? Laurels [" AURELS to the Gaumont-British film, "Little Friend," featuring Nova Pilbeam. It is the most interesting picture yet made on what happens to the children when their parents divorce. And Miss Pilbeam's touching performance certainly stamps her as a grand little actress. Please, New Movie, let's have Elsie Janis do a Nova Pilbeam story. — Pearl Skulnick, 572 Powell Street, Brooklyn, New York. Nova has gone back to England, Pearl, but she may come over again soon. Clever "L70R those of us timid of the formalities of opera, accustomed as we are to the banalities of accessible jazz. "One Night of Love" is a welcome experience. Grace Moore with her glori ous voice and complete naturalness as an actress will do much to popularize this type of music. Fans all over the world, recognizing her achievement, are crying "La Moore, Toujours La Moore." — Adine Travis, 5200 Blackstonc, Chicago, Illinois. Grace Moore herself would get a chuckle out of your pun, Adine. The Crusade {CRITICS, radio artists, newspapers, yea, even the movie magazines, joined in ridiculing the Crusade for Decency; yet, despite this allied, ignorant ridicule, the Crusaders are winning their heroic fight. Already the studios have realized that movie-going people are 99% in favor of pictures which, as of yore, entertain, instruct, and inspire, without degenerating their morals. — /. Walter Le Bon, 2029 Vrsidines Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana. New Movie didn't ridicule it. And you're right. The crusade has won its fight. Personality Plus T_TATS off to Josephine Hutchinson, ■*■ -*■ the new star ! What a team she and Dick Powell make in "Happiness Ahead!" What looks, what charm and what a smile! Add them all together and they equal personality plus. People can have their Dietrichs, Garbos and Crawfords, but give me a girl who has pep, vim and vigor such as Josephine has. I am sure other people also agree with me that she is on her way up the ladder of success. Give the people "Happiness Ahead" by letting them see more and more of this wonderful actress.— Edna Johnson, 300 Gramatan Avenue, Mount Vernon, New York. Do our ears deceive us, or is this a boost? Gosh! Hail! 1LJAIL, Gloria! -*• -*■ "Here's one little girl we simply can't forget. Her brand new picture. "Music in the Air," shows us the true actress and singer she really is. Swanson has a splendid singing voice, which we greatly appreciate. She will probably stand a wonderful chance of crashing the gates of grand opera. Just give her plenty of rope and she will. Yes, we remember her back in the j old DeMille days. Who doesn't? — Lyle Dean Scott, 1738 Northwest 3d Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Gloria is one of those girls you just can't lick, Lyle. One Night of Love A FTER seeing "One Night of Love" ■^ and hearing the audience's reaction. I am fully convinced that the theater public is educated. The applause following the arias from "Carmen" and "Madame Butterfly" showed wholehearted appreciation of one of the finest phases in movie development — the introduction of art. If "One Night of Love" doesn't receive the medal for the year's best musical picture, it will only be because those of us who saw it hesitate to place it in the same category with other musical pictures. The possibilities that film has opened for future artistic productions are amazing. Thank you, Mr. Director.—Mary Cohen, 70 K. St., N. W '., Washington, D. C. You'll be interested in reading the other letters about the picture. PUT ON 5 to 15 POUNDS Quick -NEW EASY WAY Astonishing gains with new double tonic. Richest imported brewers' ale yeast now concentrated 7 times and iron added. Gives 5 to IS lbs. in a few weeks. NOW there's no need to have people calling you "skinny", and losing all your chances of making and keeping friends. Hei'e's a new, easy treatment that is giving thousands healthy flesh, attractive curves — in jiist a few weeks. As you know, doctors for years have prescribed yeast to build up health, for rundown people. But now with this new discovery you can get far greater tonic results than with ordinary yeast — regain health, and in addition put on pounds of solid, good-looking flesh — and in a far shorter time. Not only are thousands quickly gaining beauty-bringing pounds, but also clear, radiant skin, freedom from indigestion and constipation, new pep. Concentrated 7 times This amazing new product, Ironized Yeast, is made from special brewers' ale yeast imported from Europe — the richest yeast known — which by a new process is concentrated 7 times — made 7 times more power fid! But that is not all ! This marvelous, health-building yeast is then ironized with 3 special kinds of strengthening iron. A new figure — quick! Day after day, as you take Ironized Yeast, watch ugly, gawky angles fill out, flat chest develop and skinny limbs round out attractively. And with this will come a radiantly clear skin, new health — you're an entirely new person. Skinniness dangerous Authorities warn that skinny, anemic, nervous people are far more liable to serious wasting diseases. So begin at once to get the rich blood and healthy flesh you need. Doitteforeitistoolate. Results guaranteed No matter how skinny and weak you may be, this marvelous new Ironized Yeast should build you up in a few short weeks as it has thousands. If you are not delighted with the results of the very first package, your money instantly refunded. Only be sure you get genuine Ironized Yeast, not some imitation that cannot give the same results. Insist on the genuine with "IY" stamped on each tablet. Special FREE offer! To start you building up your health right away, we make this absolutely FREE offer. Purchase a package of Ironized Yeast at once, cut out the seal on the box and mail it to us with clipping of this paragraph. We will send you a fascinating new book on health, "New Facts About Your Body", by a well-known authority. Remember, results are guaranteed with the very first package— or money refunded. At all druggists. Ironized Yeast Co., Inc., Dept. 872, Atlanta, Ga. you'd never think they ONCE CALLED ME SKINNY -y — Posed by professional models The New Movie Magazine, February, 1935 69