The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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t* t9 jV D S A MAN gets a thrill that's as old as Adam — when he touches excitingly smooth hands. Want your hands to thrill a man's heart? Get that smoothness quickly and surely with Hinds Honey and Almond Cream. Hinds is a penetrating liquid cream — it lubricates the skin deeply with its rich balms. You'll find it works a charm quickly and surely. Hinds does much more than disguise chapped hands with a temporary "slick" finish. It actually soaks the skin with its fragrant oils — it soothes dry abused skin — gives a satiny smoothness that is thrilling. So always use Hinds after you've washed things out — and, of course, at bedtime. Women have preferred Hinds for 60 years, because it does so much real good to the hands. And so economically! Though so rich and fragrant, Hinds costs only 25^ and 50^ at your drug store, ioj£ at the dime store ! am/ The New Movie Magazine, March, 1935 43