The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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SKOUR-PAK A Superior Scouring Itiusli of Steel Wool % Protects fingers from scratching — you don't touch the steel wool ! # Scours more efficiently — gets into the corners — is easier to handle! # Keeps clean. Skour Pak's steel wool is treated to resist rust. 9 The rubber holder peels off as more steel wool is needed. One Skour-Pak outlasts two big boxes of ordinary steel wool. Sold at 5 and 10 cent stores, Grocery, Hardware and Department stores . . . RIDGWAYS, Inc. 60 WARREN ST., N. Y. C. FREE! Fortune Teller's Cards JAYXE-S CARD CHART .used with ordinary cards) Show at a single glance what every card on table means. Makes you a popular expert instantly. Included FREE with order for Jayne's special Fortune Telling Cards at 25c. (Send coin or stamps). 75c value. Write at once to Dr. D. Jayne & Son Inc.. 2 Vine St., Phila., Pa. Dept. F-ll. HMM COMPLETE SCIENTIFIC NUMEROLOGY CHART sent FREE to you by the makers of the two famous lipsticks— REJUVIA at l«)c and FLAME-GLO at 20c each. Have vou an Artistic Nature? Are you Mysterious. Passionate? Are you intended for Great Love, Adventure. Success? Define vour own type with this Complete Numerology Chart. Study your Sweetheart, your Friends! Does your name fit your personality? Do you vibrate to 7-9-14-6? Intriguing, Mysterious. Exciting. Vou will be amazed at what the numbers show. Mail your name and address on pennv Post Card. No Cost, No Obligations. Send now to REJUVIA BEAUTY LABS. Inc.. 395 Broadway. Dept .do. New York City REJUVIA LIPSTICK XOc. FLAME-GLO LIPSTICK 20c. The only really automatic Lipstick as fine as the mest expensive. America's Famous Lipstick Sensations, Three times as indelible as most other lipsticks. Why pay SI or more? Get the finest for only lOe and 20c at F. "" MM 4*M SKIN ROUGHNESS IS HUNDREDS OF TINY CRACKS 'Most lotions only glaze over them" DAME NATURE cream HEALS them — joins the broken skin into delightful lasting smoothness. It is unusually rich liquid — prevents or removes chap, dryness, redness, cracking or such results of work or exposure. 25c and 50c or 10c at 10c stores. Dame Nature Co., 255 W. 19th St., New York. TWEEZE PABN STOPPED! Omile while you tweeze, young lady ! No longer need stray hairs cause you anguishing pain. Now, thanks to new, amazing EasyTweez you can keep your brows forever attractive and smart . . painlessly! So easy — just dab on Easy-Tweez and pluck. You'll wonderwhy no one thought of this wonderful Easy* Tweez before. Write today for a Iongp jp*7 lasting supply and be delighted! ~1""25« =^ JAR Castfyweeg EASY-TWEEZ CO. Dept. C-14. 162 N. Franklin St., I Chicago, 111. Send me a jar of Easy-Tweez. I enclose 25c. I Name. Streer_ _State_ -City.. Hollywood Day by Day Half way through "'Give of India," Lister noticed that his waistline was taking on startling proportions. And. when his doctor discovered that the man had been eating avocados for breakfast, lunch and dinner . . . well. no wonder! P.S. Mister Lister is on a lettuce and tomato diet for a while! 7UNE KNIGHT, who recently married Paul Ames, has probably one of the most ardent fans in the world. Not so long ago she received a letter from a youngster who said that, in trying to get one of June's pictures away from his sister, he fell down the cellar steps, breaking his collar bone, breast bone, and two ribs! June sent him one of the largest and best photos in her collection. THE garage of Ralph Bellamy's new Palm Springs home is so situated that it's almost impossible to get a car in or out without hitting the house or ramming the car into a sand bank. After watching the chauffeur try hi? hand at it, with small success. Ralph confidently undertook to show the man exactly how it should be done. With the result that he swirled the car, speedily and elegantly, into the drive-way, and . . . smack into a sand dune! Shame-facedly, Ralph turned around, prepared to face the justifiable scorn of his chauffeur . . . But. the man was already off in search of a couple of shovels, and the next five hours were spent in digging the car out! ZJOLLYW OOD folks sort of gave Santa ■*■■*■ Claus the cold shoulder, on account of the opening of the Arcadia race track on Christmas Day. John Cromwell, the director, had two horses entered; Gable's erstwhile winner was at the post; Mae West entered a horse; and, of course. Ken Maynard's prize ponies were on hand to do their bit for Master Ken. SPEAKING of John Cromwell reminds me of his wife. Kay Johnson, whose worst fault is forgetfulness. Their wedding anniversary is on the fourteenth of October and Kay never has been able to keep track of it. But. this year, she decided to fool her adoring husband. Coming home on the night of the fourth. John found the entire house fairly quivering with expectancy. The dinner table was beautifully decorated, and Kay herself was running around like mad with a mysterious package concealed behind her back. As the dinner progressed. Kay slowly became madder and madder, and. finally, with the dessert, she threw the package on the table and wept: "You tell me I don't remember dates and things, and then you forget our anniversary!" Shaking with laughter. Cromwell pulled his wailing wife down on his knee and told her she was just ten days early. "But. you did pretty well, honey." he consoled her. "At least, the four part was right!" /?! the time an interviewer finishes ■*-* luncheon with Nat Pendleton, he's black and blue and a fit subject for the nearest hospital! In the M-G-M commissary, we watched him entertaining a petite lady of the press who couldn't have weighed (Please turn to page 70) Difficult Days? 'When I think of the way I used to suffer regularly, setting aside certain days wdien any activity was out of the question — even walking any distance — you may know how grateful I am for Midol. Now, I have no such pain, or even discomfort. I ride horseback on the days that once demanded absolute quiet." This is not the experience of just one woman. Thousands could tell how Midol has given back those days once given over to suffering. Midol might end all periodic pain for you. And even if it didn't, you would get a measure of relief well worth while. Remember, this is a special medicine, recommended by specialists for this particular purpose. But it is not a narcotic, so don't be afraid of the speed with which Midol takes hold. You may obtain these tablets at any drugstore. Get some today, and be prepared. Taken in time, they may spare you any pain at all. Or relieve such pain at any time. They are effective for several hours, so two tablets should see you through your worst day. Just ask the druggist for Midol. Or look for it on his toilet goods counter. Or let the makers send you some to try. Whatever you do, don't decline this comfort any longer. The New Movie Magazine, March, 1935 69