The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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thanks ^™*^M T~)ON'T let your skin get blotchy — don't let headaches dull your eyes and fill your fo.ehead with wrinkles. This very night, give Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets a trial. For 20 years, they have helped thousands banish unsightly blemishes and pimples; have made dull cheeks bloom again with girlish beauty. "The internal cosmetic" An efficient substitute for calomel and much easier to take, Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets get at the cause of so many poor complexions. They help nature restore normal action in the intestines and sweep out deadening poisons of constipation. See and feel how this tested compound of vegetable ingredients can bring back the buoyant joy of health. No griping. Safe and harmless. Non-habit-forming. For listlessness, sallow skin. Nothing better. 15& 30fS, and 60#S ST. CHARLES HOTEL Entire Block on the Boardwalk, Atlantic City A hotel to be enjoyed in a sense of supreme satisfaction Excellent Cuisine Largest Sundeck on the Walk MODERATE RATES American and European Plans. NOW uou cavi act I ike &ame K^critjzuxe . afr Ike . . . wdk HOLLYWOOD /? '-i ^ * CURLERS Scintillating screen' SttfJ have to be neat and in> msculate— set the style in hair dress as well as the vogue in clothes. So naturally they use Holly* wood Rapid-Dry Curlers to get the full,' soft, last' fag curls that distinguish the truly smart coiffure. Hollywood Day by Day {Continued from page 69) more than 104 pounds soaking wet and with a rock in each pocket. Upon reaching the climax of a funny {to Nat) story . . . Bang! . . . and the hefty gent delivered a slap on the lady's back that fairly knocked her into her plate of soup! And, before the poor girl could come up for the third time . . . BANG! . . . and the lady's schnozzola made a three-point landing in a dish of fruit salad! It's all very hectic, and, if some of the slighter ladies of the press shy off from the virile Nat . . . it's just a matter of preferring to stay healthy! THESE crooners are that fickle. . . . After being the most fiendish golfer in the business, Bing Crosby for no reason at all, tossed the love of his life overboard and dived into tennis! Well, all we can say is Fred Parry had better look to his laurels! A/fEN, if you're taking on weight, try ■*■ Victor Jory's reducing routine. Every day, for three weeks, Vic walked and ran five miles, played three sets of tennis, rode horseback for three hours, and, in between times, rode a bicycle! Of course, he weighed in at just as much as he had before he started exercising, but . . . did he have fun? WE'RE beginning to believe that Garbo has a sense of humor that is second to none! Dick Cromwell tells this one on the lady, and swears it's true, so help me! It seems that Our Lady of Silence walked into a nut store on the Boulevard and ordered several pounds of her favorite pecans. Passing the shop, Dick spied her, and, being as much of a Garbo fan as any of us, stopped to gaze at the elusive lady. "So she wouldn't see me," Dick says, "I sort of peeked at her under my arm pit!" and raising his arm, he demonstrated just how this might be done. Noticing the peculiar position of Mr. Cromwell, a curious crowd soon gathered, and, upon discovering that none other than Garbo was the cause of the excitement, stopped to gape and ogle, even as Dick. Looking around, Garbo saw the motley crowd, mouths open and eyes popping. "Gott!" she murmured. "Dis iss enough nuts to last me da rest of my life!" JND, before we forget it, Dick Crom■**■ well has a new Japanese valet whose best attempt at pronouncing his master's name is: "Lich-ee Clom-ee!" But, then . . . Dick can't pronounce the valet's name, either, so compromises by calling the lad "Togo." Which ought to make it fairly even, we'd say! 'HP HE prize chickens of W. C. Fields ■L might have come to an untimely end, but for the quick thinking of Mary Brian, Bill's neighbor at Toluca Lake. While Bill was at the studio, a heavy rain came down from the mountains and washed his chicken coop, prize hens and all, far out into the lake. From her window, Mary witnessed the near disaster, hopped into her row boat and towed the frightened cacklers to safety. And now, we might add that W. C. is almost "that way" about the quick-thinking Mary. f TSSW 0UR -Ig*1 COUGHS VlERt GONE'" Both Jackie and I were coufthing our heads off," says Mrs. P. Fernandez,Providence, R.I. "Our doctor said 'Pertussin.' By the end of the next day our coughs were gone!" Extract of a medicinal herb— stimulates throat's moisture glands NATURE put thousands of lubricating glands in your throat and bronchial tubes. When you catch cold, these glands clog, throat dries, phlegm thickens and sticks . . . tickles you cough! You must stimulate your throat's moisture glands. Take Pertussin. The very first spoonful increases the flow of natural moisture. Throat and bronchial tissues are lubricated, soothed. Sticky phlegm loosens. Germ-infected mucus is easily"raised." Relief. Get a bottle from your druggist. GLANDS HERE CLOGTHROAT DRIES— WHEN YOU CATCH COLD' THEN COUGHING STARTS! PERTUSSIN Tastes good, acts quickly and safely At Ten Cent Stores, Drug and Hardware Stores JUSTRITE PUSH CLIP TnTETHTE OFF FLOOR (LAMPS AND RADIO) A neat job instantly. No dam'age to woodwork. No tools I needed. Set of eight colored | clips to match your cords, 10c. At WCCtWOKTH'Sl THAT NEW WAY TRY IT FREE ^C^.-^^T: To get lovely solt French Laundered etiects in all you iron ... no trick at all. Just see and feel the amazing difference in your ironings when you change from the bother and uncertainty of lump starch to Quick Elastic. It's that pulverized, complete starching and ironing mixture thousands are talking about. No sticking. No scorching. Wonderfully penetrating, it restores elasticity and that fresh new look and feel to things. Your iron fairly glides. THANK YOU THE HUBINGER CO., No. 798, Keokuk, la. j Your free sample of QUICK ELASTIC, please, j That Wonderful Way to Hot Starch." HOT STARCH IN 30 SECONDS and ' TUNCHING at the Brown Derby, we ■*—* noticed a lot of things: mainly that Francis Lederer is quite in a dither about Mary Anita Loos; Patricia Ellis and Fred Keating are still going strong, despite denials of an engagement; Dick Powell and Mary Brian just can't conceal the love-light in their eyes; and Loretta Young, exhibiting more than a little interest in the good-looking James Cowan! ~\J EXT time Roger Pryor goes golfing, he's taking a shooting iron with him, and no fooling! Just as he was about to sink a par putt on the fifteenth green, a flock of weary ducks settled down all around him, and, the way Roger tells it, one of 'em even had the audacity to lay an egg in the hole! Well, that's one way to make a hole in one? /jND, speaking of birds . . . Douglass ■**■ Montgomery has gone in for raising peacocks! All of Doug's spare time is spent in building new houses for the haughty birds, and studying their health and habits. Which just ain't nothing at all. You ought to see James Blakely coaxing his pet turtles out of the water and getting them to sit on his hand, merely by calling them by name? Back in his home town, Grant Withers swears there's a man named "Rainwater," who runs the public swimming pool! TT must be the "real thing," my friends. *■ Because Sally Eilers doesn't like to eat in public with her make-up on, friend husband brings lunch to her dressingroom, every day, and the two of them eat it together! 'TPHEY'VE had one heck of a time get*■ ting their stars to move into the beautiful new dressing-rooms just erected on the M-G-M lot. It was a death-struggle, getting Lionel Barrymore to leave his moth-eaten bungalow and take up residence in the ultraswanky quarters but, eventually, it was accomplished. It took our Lionel only about two days to clutter up the new place and fill it with enough pipe smoke to make him feel at home. Garbo, upon being urged at least to look at the new place, shook her head and sighed: "I tank I stay where I am!" And you just know there wasn't any argument ! With bull-dog tenacity, Wallace Beery clung to his little old "dog house" on the back lot. "I ain't up to that fancy business," he argued. "Leave me be, will ya??" We'll be seeing you next month. HOW TO GET NEW MOVIE EVERY MONTH It's a convenience and a time-saver to have the postman deliver New Movie to your home every month. The coupon 'below . . . plus $1.00 (Canada $1.60; foreign $2.00) . . . will begin your subscription. TOWER MAGAZINES, INC. 55 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Please send me New Movie for one year. I am enclosing (check or money-order.) I wish my subscription to begin with the issue. 70 The Neio Movie Magazine, March, 1935