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Charmette removes unsightly hair quickly, easily, safely. No messy chemicals nor sharp razors to irritate your skin. Does not stimulate regrowth . . . nor coarsen the hair. I Try it.
At Leading Chain Stores.
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WHY, haven 't YOU HEARD!
• Surely, if you haven't already ordered a sub.scription to Tiny Tower for your small children it's simply because you haven't heard! So here's the news. Tiny Tower is bigger! It's better! It's more fun! And it's the only play magazine of its kind for small boys and girls. Children love the games, stories, rhymes, comics and things to do which each issue contains.
• Tiny Tower means good times every month. The very special thing to make in the March issue, now on sale, is a play camera. If your boys and girls have been playing "taking pictures'' you know how much fun they'll have. There's a surprise in it, too! Four Valentines to make ... a story about Tinker and Taffy's Valentine party . . . paper dolls and a February calendar are some of the other things the children will especially like.
• All this fun for twelve issues costs only $1.00. Olive Re id, Tiny Tower Magazine, // Fifth Avenue, Neiv York, N. Y., will take care of your subscription if you ivrite her, stating ivith ivhat issue you ivant to begin.
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Do I Look Unpleasant?
(Continued from page 49)
hood children to teach her new steps to them. In their juvenile efforts at garage dramatics, Helen was always at the head of things. She bullied the other young Thespians into letting her be leading lady, and also insisted upon directing the other actors in their lesser portrayals.
Such managerial ability and histrionic enthusiasm, Mrs. Rulfs was sure, must indicate talent and a sense of the theater.
But when Helen was twelve, she began riding lessons and dramatics were forgotten. Now she would gather together all the kids in the neighborhood and urge them to straddle sofas and chairs in her mother's living-room, and practice equestrienne tricks with her.
Mrs. Rulfs sighed to see her livingroom furniture thus handled and decided the acting had been just a passing fancy after all, rather than an indication of special talent. But the stage bug bit the girl again and this time really did lead to a career.
Helen was divorced this last year. She doesn't like to talk about it now, but a story of her life and especially her theatrical background would be incomplete without mention of Harry Dickerman and his very real assistance to her in reaching the goal she at last set for herself.
After Helen left the University, she and her mother went East for a visit with friends. It was then the couple met. Mr. Dickerman. a very wealthy carpet manufacturer of Philadelphia, fell in love at first sight with the beautiful Texas girl. He followed her back to Houston and in March, 1924, six months after their introduction, they were married there, after which they moved to Philadelphia.
It was in Philadelphia that the lucky bridge game occurred. Helen lost the card game, but she really won. Her partner turned out to be a stock company producer in the city who offered the pretty Mrs. Dickerman a part in his next show.
What started as a lark soon became a thrilling adventure. She poured all her enthusiasm into this new work of hers and found she really loved the stage and wanted a try at a real career. Her husband was proud of her and, rather than disapproving of her ambitions, urged her on, with lessons in diction, dancing, singing and everything else that might help her advance.
After a few months in stock, she made a visit to New York with half an idea of getting a job on Broadway. A friend introduced her to an actor's agent who was promptly impressed.
"You probably can't act, but you're certainly pretty enough to be in pictures," the agent declared.
"Well, that's where I'm going to fool you," replied Helen. "If I can't act now, I will before I'm through, or I'll know the reason why."
So Helen landed on Broadway. Then came a hit show, "Death Takes a Holiday." An engagement or two in Broadway is the best entree into the talkies, the agent advised. And sure enough, along came an offer from Hollywood. She's been there ever since. You've probably seen her in "Little Giant," "Two Against the World," "The Power and the Glory," "As Husbands Go," "The Kennel Murder Case," and "The Life of Vergie Winters," in which she has proved to that doubting agent — and the fans as well — that she can act as well as look pretty.
Those pesky Blackheads and Whiteheads that keep popping out in your skin — they have their roots in a bed of under-surface dirt.
That underneath dirt is also the cause of other heart-breaking blemishes, such as: Enlarged Pores, Dry and Scaly Skin, Muddy and Sallow Skin.
There is only one way to get rid of these skin troubles and that is to cleanse your skin to the depths.
A Face Cream that Gets Below the Surface
It takes a penetrating face cream to reach that hidden "second layer" of dirt; a face cream that gets right down into the pores and cleans them out from the bottom.
Lady Esther Face Cream is definitely a penetrating face cream. It is a reaching and searching face cream. It does not just lie on the surface. It works its way into the pores immediately. It penetrates to the very bottom of the pores, dissolves the imbedded waxy dirt and floats it to the surface where it is easily wiped off.
No other face cream has quite the action of Lady Esther Four -Purpose Face Cream. No other face cream is quite so searching, so penetrating.
It Does 4 Things for the Benefit of Your Skin
First, it cleanses the pores to the very bottom.
Second, it lubricates the skin. Resupplies it with a fine oil that overcomes dryness and keeps the skin soft and flexible.
Third, because it cleanses the pores thoroughly, the pores open and close naturally and become normal in size, invisibly small.
Fourth, it provides a smooth, nonsticky base for face powder.
Prove It at My Expense!
I want you to see for yourself what Lady Esther Four -Purpose Face Cream will do for your skin. So I offer you a 7 day supply free of charge.
Write today for this 7-day supply and put it to the test on your skin.
Note the dirt that this cream gets out of your skin the very first cleansing. Mark how your skin seems to get lighter in color as you continue to use the cream. Note how clear and radiant your skin becomes and how soft and smooth.
Even in three days' time you will see such a difference in your skin as to amaze you. But let Lady Esther Four -Purpose Face Cream speak for itself. Mail a postcard or the coupon below for the 7day trial supply.
Copyrighted by Lady Esther, 1935 (You can paste this on a penny postcard) (10) FREE
Make This Test
Pass your fingers over your whole face. Do you feel little bumps in your ekin? Do you feel dry patches here and there? Little bumps or dry or scaly patches in your skin are a sure sign of "sub soir'orunder-surfacc dirt.
Lady Esther 2020 Ridge Avenue, Evanston, Illinois.
Please send me by return mail your 7-day supply of Lady Esther Four-Purpose Face Cream.
Name . *
(If you. live in Canada, write Lady Esther, Toronto, Ont.)
The New Movie Magazine, March, 1935