The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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TfiRED FROM SsWMWSpI w (M tfm^%. mm • Every woman knows what one shopper meant when she said recently: "I don't know any task as exhausting as shopping. I often slip away for a Camel when I'm getting too tired. A Camel soon restores my energy. And it tastes simply delightful! I enjoy Camel's mild flavor so much that I smoke quite a lot. And I can smoke as many Camels as I like, without ever bothering my nerves." 1 BUSINESS MAN. Irving J. Pritchard says : "Camels give me a 'lift' in energy that eases the strain of the business day and drives away fatigue. Since turning to Camels, I smoke all I want, and never have upset nerves. " / SQUASH RACQUETS CHAMPION. John L. Summers, National Pro Champion, says: "After a tournament, I smoke a Camel. In no time at all my energy is brimming again. . . . And Camels never jangle my nerves." :/. AVIATOR. Col. Roscoe Turner: "A speed flyer uses up energy. Smoking a Camel gives one a 'refill' on energy. After smoking a Camel, I get a new feeling of vim." yssr For Your Enjoyment! THE CAMEL CARAVAN featuring WALTER O'KEEFE ANNETTE HANSHAW • GLEN GRAY'S CASA LOMA ORCHESTRA *%M^ W' All Tobacco M©n Know: "Camels are made from finer, More ixpensive Tobaccos — Turkish and Domestic -"-than any other popular brand." SPEED TYPIST: "InevertireofCamels no matter how steadily I smoke," says Miss Stella Willins. "They are mild. And they don't make my nerves ragged." ANNETTE HANSHAW TUESDAY m 10:00 P.M. E.S.T. 9:00 P.M. C.S.T. 8:00 P.M. M.S.T. ( 7:00 P.M. P.S.T. OVER COAST-TO-COAST THURSDAY WABC-COLUMBIA 19:00 P.M. E.S.T. 8:00 P.M. C.S.T. 9:30 P.M. M.S.T. 8:30 P.M. P.S.T. NETWORK NfceJB**:-. Camel's Costlier Tobaccos never get on your Nerves! Copyright, 1935 . Reynolds Tobacco Company Winston-Salem. N. C.