The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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Heartsick — wondering why he had lost interest! Then Ruth learned the reason and NOW . . . AVOID OFFENDING—Underthings absorb perspiration odor. Protect daintiness the easy 4 -minute "way: Girls — don't take chances that may ruin your popularity, romance! We can't help perspiring, of course, and underthings constantly absorb perspiration. But Lux removes odor completely if you'll make it a rule toLuxunderthings after each wearing. Ordinary soaps with harmful alkali and cake-soap rubbing tend to fade and -weaken silk. But Lux has no harmful alkali — keeps things like new longer! You know that anything safe in water is safe in Lux. She stopped at the store on her way home. That very night she started the easy Lux habit of daintiness, and then when Dan came back, they met again! Dates followed . . . flowers . . . Well, she's taking a new job for life in June — as Mrs. Dan. Lux f, or unaer a, Removes perspiration odor Saves colors The New Movie Magazine, April, 1935