The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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a well-floured board. Let stand for about six hours or until thoroughly dry. Turning will facilitate the drying process. Roll tightly together and continue to dry for one-half hour. Slice the roll into thin slices. Let dry one more hour before cooking. Cook in boiling salted water for 10 minutes. Chicken a la Italiana 1 roasting chicken Cut chicken in pieces. Dip in olive oil, roll in Follow this menu when you give your dinner a la Italian. pepper and saute in olive oil until light brown. Cover with chopped garlic, parsley and tomatoes and cook slowly in covered kettle on top of stove until tender — about one-half hour. Italian Steak 3 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 clove garlic Steak The dinner begins with assorted antipasto accompanied by Chianti. An appetizing dish of spaghetti generously covered with meat sauce. Italian Minestrone 1 cup dried navy beans 1 tablespoon minced onions 1 clove garlic 1 sprig parsley 1 stalk celery Y\ cup olive oil or substitute Yz teaspoon salt Yz teaspoon pepper 1 cup tomato soup 1 cup coarsely chopped cabbage 1 cup cooked macaroni Soak beans over night. Drain. Cook in five cups of water over slow fire until tender, adding more water as needed. Chop onion, garlic, parsley and celery and cook in olive oil until tender. Add seasoning, tomato soup and coarsely chopped cabbage. Bring to boiling point. Combine with cooked beans. Add cooked macaroni. Let simmer half hour until cabbage is tender. Sprinkle individual servings with grated Italian cheese. Sauce for Italian Spaghetti 1 large onion Celery — about three 1 large or two medium stalks carrots 1 can tomatoes 1 clove garlic 1 pound chopped meat Parsley Put the onion, carrots, celery and clove of garlic through a meat chopper. Fry in olive oil until done. Season with salt and pepper. Rub tomatoes through a colander to eliminate the seeds and add to the mixture. Add chopped meat and allow to simmer over a slow fire until thoroughly tender. Pour over platter of cooked spaghetti, and sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese. Tip for an impromptu Italian dinner: use the canned spaghetti which you have found to be so delicious as a luncheon or supper dish! Green Noodles or Tagliarini 2yi cups flour 1 cup finely chopped cooked 2 eggs spinach 1 teaspoon salt Beat egg, add spinach finely chopped and salt. Work in the flour. Roll out as thin as possible on Shake oil and vinegar together in an emulsion. Rub small bowl well with garlic. Put steak in hot oven and as it broils, baste it with the oil mixture. The Italians do this by dipping a lettuce leaf in the oil and lightly brushing it over the steak as it cooks. Italian Asparagus and Cheese 1 bunch asparagus 2 tablespoons butter Y* pound American cheese Cook asparagus in salted water until tender. Spread a layer of cheese (grated or cut in small pieces), dotted with butter, in a shallow baking dish, then a layer of asparagus, sprinkled with salt and pepper. Continue, making the top layer of cheese and butter. Bake in oven until brown. flour, salt and pepper to taste. Put in roasting pan in 2 tablespoons olive oil. Cook over flame for ten minutes or until a light brown. Add one cup water. Cover tightly and bake in a medium oven until tender. Green Salad Rub salad bowl well with a cut clove of garlic. Mix lettuce, romaine, endive, celery hearts, chives, water cress and chicory. Just before serving pour French dressing over the greens, tossing them lightly together with a fork and spoon. Garnish with tomato sections and olives. Chicken Cacciatora 1 young tender chicken, about 3 lbs. cups diced Italian tomatoes, canned or fresh cloves garlic chopped fine 1 teaspoon salt Y teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon thyme 2 tablespoons chopped parsley Olive oil Zucchini au Gratin 6 Italian squash 1 tomato Y>. cup grated cheese 1 onion 1 green pepper Butter Slice squash, onion and tomato into thin rings. Chop green pepper finely. Into a buttered casserole place a thick layer of squash. Season with salt and pepper and with butter. Cover with a layer of onion, tomato and green pepper. Season with salt and pepper. Repeat, finishing with a layer of the onion, tomato and green pepper. Dot with butter and sprinkle with cheese. Cover and bake in a moderate oven one hour or until squash is tender. After a substantial Italian dinner, you would do well to follow the Italian custom of a light dessert. Fruit and cheese are both interesting and satisfying if a variety is offered, attractively arranged. If you have a sweet tooth, you'll probably want to try Biscuit Tortoni some time as an alternative. Biscuit Tortoni Y cup finely chopped nuts Y teaspoon mace Y cup powdered sugar 4 egg yolks \Yz pints heavy cream, whipped Beat egg yolks thoroughly. Add Y* cup finely chopped nuts, sugar, mace and fold into whipped cream. Pour into individual molds or the pan of an electric refrigerator. Sprinkle top with remaining nuts. Freeze. 2 Cut chicken as for fricasse, rub with salt and Send 10c to Rita Calh sun, 55 Fifth Ave nue, New York, N. Y., if yo u would like our new party circular giving recipes, games and favors for parties. 34 The New Movie Magazine, May, 1935