The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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Health through Exercise C7 * ^HEN boys and girls play hard they use prac \jU tically every muscle in their bodies. They run, jump, bend, twist and turn. It is the exercise they need to strengthen their muscles, straighten their backs, deepen their chests and square their shoulders. Youngsters who are taught, as a part of their physical education, the other hygienic habits that have to do with posture, diet, cleanliness, fresh air and sleep, are bound to build stronger, healthier bodies. The pleasure found in exercise and in the skill acquired in those early years should encourage these boys and girls, when they are grown up, to continue their physical activity. Fathers and mothers can learn from their children at play. It is easy, as one grows older, to give up exercise at the very time when it is needed. Per' haps you have forgotten that you require exercise to keep your heart and lungs in tune, to stimulate circulation, to preserve a correct posture which aids digestion and a more active functioning of other body organs. There are some persons to whom vigorous exercise might be harmful. But unless your doctor has advised against your taking reasonable amounts of physical exercise, the booklet prepared by the Metropolitan's Bureau of Physical Education will Metropolitan Life Frederick H. Ecker, President ^ The New Movie Magazine, May, 1935 Metropolitan Life Insurance i Madison Ave., New York, Please send me the new Bureau of Physical Educatior NAME Co.,Dept.535'B. N.Y. publication on Exercise prepared by your ADDRESS CITY STATF. ^\W/U m* gjHlffl (Si SS mn n" \ imBSDSD 5 E3E2 S be helpful in supplementing your normal outdoor activity. You will not begrudge the few minutes a day given to exercise when you begin to get the benefit from it. The Metropolitan has sent to policyholders and their neighbors more than 1,500,000 illustrated Exercise Charts. Send the coupon for the 1935 re' vised edition of the publication on Exercise. Insurance Company ^ One Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. trn fhh m H f J 1935 M. L. 1. CO 35