The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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FIGHT LINES, WRINKLES, BLEMISHES WHERE THEY BEGINI N YOU R UNDER SMN/ Mrs. Crawford Blagden, Jr., of Tuxedo, New York, Bays: "Pond's Cold Cream cleanses thoroughly.'" SEE SMOOTH GLOW/NG CHEEKS RETURN AS DEEP-REACH/NG CREAM ST/RS UNDER SK/N BACK TO VIGOROUS ACTION Have you ever asked yourself where do skin faults first begin? The answer is — in the under layers of your skin. You see, the under layers of your skin are just full of little nerves, fibres, cells, oil glands, fat and muscle tissues. Keep them actively at work, and your outer skin just blooms beauty. But once the teens are past, all these busy goings on in the underskin slow up. Oil glands begin to dry up, or lose control and give off too much oil. Circulation slows. Nerves and fibres lose their snap. Result — all sorts of little blemishes, blackheads, roughness — as you grow older, lines, sallowness, wrinkles, sagging tissues! That is why you must choose a cream that goes deep and keeps your underskin active. Pond's Cold Cream goes right to the underskin. Its specially processed oils sink deep. As you pat What Mrs. Francis Grover Cleveland says to you "Pond's Cold Cream seems to wipe away lines and blemishes — gives the skin a fresh, smooth look." Mrs. Cleveland's skin was pronounced by a leading dermatologist to be "of fine, soft texture • . at least ten years younger than her actual age." it into your skin, you feel the circulation freshened, stimulated. Dirt, make-up, all sorts of impurities from within the skin itself are softened, loosened, lifted from the pores. Your underskin is liberated, free to function actively again. Take a look in your mirror, after a thorough, COARSEN ^S under^S often due f„ iS,hes^mon;'>y factors i Egging -r ' ira~ the^clesUl^°». fatty d%^ deep-skin cleansing and stimulation with this cream. How much fresher and clearer your skin is! With just one treatment! Pond's Cold Cream is pure, germ-free. Use it daily. Every night before retiring to flush impurities away, free the skin, stimulate its under layers. In the daytime, too, to freshen it, bring the color to your cheeks, give your skin the satiny surface that takes your rouge and make-up so smoothly. See what 9 treatments will do It is easy to try Pond's. We are making it especially easy for you, by offering you a special tube of it, enough for 9 treatments! Just send us the coupon below, and a generous package is yours. Remember, the healthy, vigorous underskin Pond's Cold Cream gives you is a sure means to the lovely, satiny outer skin every woman wants. Mail coupon today— FOR generous package including 9-treatment tube of Pond's Cold Cream and 3 other Pond's beauty aids. POND'S, Dept.E-48,Clinton, Conn. I enclose io0 (to cover postage and packing) for special tube of Pond's Cold Cream, enough for 9 treatments, with generous samples of 2 other Pond's Creams and 5 different shades of Pond's Face Powder. Name Street_ City _State_ Copyright, 1935. Pond's Extract Company The Neiv Movie Magazine, May, 1935 37