The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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and you might with justice call that party a honey, because it really was that — a honey party. Chick owns a bee ranch, you know, and he held his natal festivities out there. Xot that anybody except two or three hardy souls, like Claudia Coleman. James Barton and Walter King, dared venture close to the hives. But Chick bestowed on each of his guests a huge jar of the sweet stuff. And the dessert at supper was biscuks and honey. Teaing With the Martin Johnsons T_TAYIXG tea with the Martin John-* -*■ sons, those makers of "Baboona" and other wild animal films, were Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Zanuck. The two couples had met — of all places! — in the wilds of Africa, when the Zanucks went down there to hunt big game. Mrs. Zanuck brought orchids for "Osie" (Mrs. Johnson) to wear that night when she lectured, and. though Osie had gathered orchids in the jungle, she was that thrilled! Claudette Colbert's Brick Party \X7 ELL, of all things — a brick party ! W Sounds sort of Irish, doesn't it? And Claudette Colbert is French. But, all the same, Claudette is going to have a brick party. But a peaceful one. Some fans gave her the idea. They sent bricks with the hint that she use them in her new home. So, just as soon as Claudette gets time for a party, she is going to issue invitations to her friends to come and bring bricks, autographed, to use in the building of the house she is planning. T/WTHERIXE DeMILLE has known "> Mitchell Leisen ever since he was her papa's art director, and she used to go over to the studio to have him admire the "Hum"' of her new white dress, when she was a mere child of five. The friendship has been kept up. and it didn't surprise us at all to receive an invitation to a party which Mitchell was giving for Katherine's house guest, Betty Saxe, of San Francisco. Such a lot of the guests arrived alone ! Gail Patrick, Laura Hope Crews. Catherine Alexander, were among the feminine guests who weren't afraid to venture forth into the night aione, while lone wolves among the masculine element included Randy Scott, Jack King. Carv Grant. John Cox. and Douglas Blackley. We all noted that Katherine DeMille danced a lot with Jack King. Helen Morgan's Traveled Cat \X7"E met Helen Morgan over at the v " Jocelyn Lee and James Seymour wedding reception, and she told us all about her much traveled cat, Charlie. "He has traveled thirty thousand miles with me," explained Helen. "He has a meowing acquaintance with cats in Paris, London. Xew York. Miami, Hollywood and way stations. Has he good manners? He has. I take him right into the compartment with me." The musicians arrived so late that everybody got nervous. Xancy Carroll relieved the strain by going out into Jocelyn's garden and swinging in a kid swing in a pepper tree, with Van Smith, frock coat and all, pushing her as she "worked up." as we used to say of climbing to heights in a swing. Thursday Night's the Night! C OME of the film stars do cook. ^ Four of them have a sort of organization. They are Sally Eilers. Mrs. Ricardo Cortez, Mrs. Pan Berman and Mrs. Mervyn Leroy. Taking turns, three of these repair with their spouses to the home of the other one, on Thursday nights, and the four gals concoct dinner for their husbands. So far there have been no casualties, although it is said that for a while there was a little feeling between Miss Eilers and Mrs. Leroy as to which made the best strawberry shortcake. The husbands kept mum. Leo Carrillo Obliges IVIXG right up to the best Spanish ■*— ' traditions, Leo Carrillo played host to a picture company which happened to be working on location next his Santa Monica ranch. The company, headed by Louise Fazenda, were provided with box lunches, as the players didn't want to go to a neighborhood cafe in make-up. But when Leo spotted the actors, he went right over and invited them to his ranch for lunch, got the barbecue fires going. and served all comers, including prop boys, grips and other workmen as well as stars, with chile beans, barbecued steaks and other good things. When the day's wTork was finished Louise, not to be outdone, asked Leo, his wife and daughter Antoinette and the company to sup at Thelma Todd's Cafe nearby. And Leo wrote an '"excuse" to Louise's husband, Hal Walks, a la school days, because Louise was late coming home. Here and There TEAXETTE MACDOXALD enter" taining at a farewell party for Helen Hayes, with Louise Rainer, the Viennese star, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Montgomery. Xorma Shearer and Irving Thalberg. and Ernst Lubitsch as guests; John Hewlett squiring Margaret Lindsay. And it wasn't a spider bite, after all. that injured Warner Baxter, but a broken finger, suffered playing tennis. Isabel Jewell says she got a "silent version" when she bought that Minah bird ; the punsters started pun-ishing everybody around when, on the set. Lord Byng met Bing Crosby — one actor going so far as to remark, "Byng. Bing, here come the British!" Jose Iturbi often plays the piano for Ruth Chatterton ; Dick Powell escorting Merle Oberon about Hollywood; seen at the Persian Room of the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. Loretta Young, George Brent, Ronald Colman. Virginia Moore. William Sistrom. Jean Harlow. William Powell, Barbara Blair. Fred Keating, Monroe Owsley and Virginia Frost ; busy winning and losing at the Santa Anita horse races: Everybody in the films. DO YOU LBKE A GOOD SCRAP? Then read "You Tell Us," the department in which our readers tell us what they think. And do they tell us — and each other! Sometimes it's a regular hair-pulling contest; sometimes they hand each other orchids, these swell, high-spirited readers of ours — but, always, what they have to say is interesting. Set into the fun yourself! Miss Susan Hall, fair-skinned brunette below : Miss Dorothy Richards, dark brunette ~ Should Brunettes use Brunette Powder? Optical Machine Gives Surprising Answer Yes and No! Nothing could be more foolish than for a girl to choose her face powder by the color of her hair! Some of the blackest hair is found with very white skin — commonly known as the Irish type. Some girls with brown-black hair have a muddy skin which needs to be cleared up. Others are pale. Their skin needs to be warmed up. V ith an optical machine, Pond's color-tested the skin of over 200girls, the most beautiful as well as some very poor skins. They found the secret of beautiful skin is in certain hidden tints in the skin itself. That blonde skin owed its transparent beauty to hidden notes of brilliant blue in it — brunette skin owed its allure to hidden tints of green. They blended these tints invisibly in the new Pond's shades. Now every girl can find the powder that will give her skin the lively look it lacks. If you are dissatisfied with your skin, try these new scientifically blended shades — Rose Cream — lovely on many clearskinned brunettes Brunette — a wholly new brunette shade — gives a velvety look Rose Brunette — gives a warm glow to dull skins Light Cream — lightens the skin As you smooth them on in turn, you'll find one that brings life to vour skin. Over 200 Sirls' skin color-analyzed — to find the hidden beauty tints in skin, now blended invisibly in Pond's new powder shades. Coarse pores, blemishes are concealed. Your complexion looks satiny. Hours afterward, Pond's remains as even and flattering as the moment you put it on. So that you may try them free of charge — Pond's will send you absolutely free generous samples of 5 different shades . . . enough of each shade for a S-day test, so that you can test this powder thoroughly on the three points important in a face powder — smoothness— staying quality — flattering color. 5 DIFFERENT SHADES — FREE! . . . mail coupon today (this OFFER EXPIRES JULY I, I93s) POND'S, Dept. E92. Clinton. Conn. Please send me free 5 different shades of Pond's new Powder, enough of each for a thorough s-day test. Nan City_ Copyright, 1935, Food's Extract Company The Neiv Movie Magazine, May, 1935 55