The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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Ashamed of Your Skin? Here's Doctor's Advice — BLACKHEADS and blemishes are due to clogged pores. Clear them up by getting pores clean to their depths with the liquid cleanser, Ambrosia. You feel Ambrosia tingle; you know it is cleansing as nothing has done before. Doctor who studied the use of Ambrosia by women with poor complexions reported: "In as little as three days blackheads tend to go, complexions are clearer and brighter." If your skin is oily or sallow, follow every Ambrosia cleansing with Ambrosia Tightener. Tightener lessens oiliness, clears muddy complex;ons, refreshes and stimulates. If skin is dry, follow every Ambrosia cleansing with Ambrosia Cream. Particles in this cream are 11 times finer than particles in milk. Thus it penetrates, replenishes oil, ends dryness, smooths lines. All Ambrosia preparations are 75$. each at drug and department stores. In smaller sizes at 10^ stores. AMBROSIA^P THE PORE-DEEP CLEANSER need no longer mar your appearance. The antiseptic and astringent action promotes healing and renders an exquisite complexion which conceals permanent blemishes. ORIENTAL CREAM Qouraud Purse Size'af JOc Stores White Flesh Rachel and Oriental Tan LEARN TO IRON beautifully speedily happily Here's that modern way to hot starch without mixing, boiling and bother as with lump starch. Makes starching easy. Makes ironing easy. Restores elasticity and that soft charm of newness. No sticking. No scorching. Your iron fairly glides. A wonderful invention. This free test convinces. Send for sample. THANK YOU TRY THIS FREE r^i HOT STARCH IN 30 SECONDS I THE HUBINGER CO., No. 132, Keokuk, la. | Your free sample of QUICK ELASTIC, please. j and "That Wonderful Way to Hot Starch." I ! " Hollywood Day by Day {Continued from page 65) day long, he sits on the set, watching his master do his stuff, and forlornly wondering why all his old friends pass him by without even a pat on the head? "Van," it seems, is training him not to be friendly with strangers, and on his collar is a sign that reads: "Please do not pet me!" IF there's a gasp left in you, you might as well use it on Joan Crawford's new gown. We saw her wearing it at Norma Shearer's party for Helen Hayes, and, believe you us, the gal stopped the show! She tells us it's a Hattie Carnegie model, which doesn't mean much to this old timer, but, we do know this . . . it's made of jet sequins, very tailored and entirely black, except for white pique collar and cuffs. e TOURING rehearsals of "Merrily We "^-"^ Roll Along," Douglass Montgomery has been experimenting with the thirteen changes of make-up he will be obliged to wear in the play. Made up as a middle-aged man, Doug dashed out to lunch one day, and found himself recognized, in spite of all, by two young girls. "Gosh," one of the girls remarked, "they sure get away with murder in pictures, don't they? He must be forty if he's a day! But, he does look sorta distinguished, don't you think?" JT'S nice work, if you can get it . . . -* . . . Working on a set, decorated entirely in cellophane, Hal Mohr (Evelyn Venable's mister) saw a piece of the stuff go up hi flames and, realizing that the place would be a roaring furnace in no time at all, grabbed the burning paper and threw it to the floor, putting it out before any damage could be done. Now, with a pair of badly burned hands, Hal is wondering if it pays to be a Good Samaritan. r\N "The Wedding Night" set, Anna ^^^ Sten and Ralph Bellamy sat themselves under a spreading oak tree and prepared to go to town with a basket of Russian lunch (cheese, Russian rye bread, salami, dill pickles and sauerkraut, to you). "All right," Director King Vidor said, "Ca Action! . . . EAT!" and . with a ven Sten and Bellamy "et" geance, too! "Cut!" yelled Vidor. But, with the camera at ease, the two hungry brats kept right on eating! Nobody could stop 'em! So — there went all the props! But Vidor got even. After lunch, he made the two go through the scene again . . . AND again . . . until, now, neither one of the stars can look a dill pickle in the face without squirming! TJ7YTH the signing of a brand new "" Paramound contract, Dean Jagger, the good-looking lad who looks as though he might be going places, hopped a plane and dashed back East to take himself out of circulation. If it hadn't been for a nasty blizzard, he might have made it all right, but the elements conspired to do him wrong and the prospective bride, Antoinette Lowranee, was kept waiting at the church until the impatient Dean could beat his way through the snow, arriving at the "I do" point on the following evening. Fastidious women realize the value of perfect grooming — for hands as well as hair. Hang nails and delicate "moons" respond rapidly to regular care. Wigder Manicure Aids . . . well balanced, keen-edged and scientifically designed, make manicuring a simple, pleasant duty. Look for the new Improved Cleaner Point on Wigder Nail Files. These quality instruments are on sale at your local 5 and 100 store. Get a set today. Nail Files Tweezers Noil Clips Scissors INSTANTLY POTS 6-PAf CLEANS Nothing like it for clean, shiny kitchen uteniife Double the wearwhere the wear comet* )uarilIO IN10WEEKS (QlfijH i ^^BY SHOP WORK-NOT BY BOOKS ^p *'" Finance Your Training! i tTM 'w" I'll Finance Tour Training! ft ^^ Prepare for jobs in Service Work, Broad ■■\ casting. Talking Pictures, Television, Wireiess, ~ etc., by 10 weeks practical shop work in Coyne Shops. Free Employment Service. Many earn while learning. Write for BIG FREE RADIO and TELEVISION BOOK, and details of my "Pay -After-Graduation" Plan. [H. C. LEWIS, President. COYNE RADIO SCHOOL 500 S. Poulinq St.. Dept. 55-9K, Chicago. Illinois Be a. Hotel Hostess Enjoy Your Work! Good positions in ,"^§ ! hotels for women as Hostess, Housess||. • keeper. Manager, etc. Train at jnjjy home, in leisure time. One Lewis ft m student writes: "Hostess of this *" lovely hotel, earn a fine salary and have splendid opportunities for advancement. All due to my Lewis Training." Write for Free Book. LEWIS HOTEL TRAINING SCHOOLS. Sla. I.E-2101 Washinglon.D.C. If you have one single GRAY HAIR mail this coupon Now— before others think of you as "older"— is the time to touch up those first gray streaks. Millions — both men and women — have discovered this way to color fading strands. Just combing clear liquid through hair brings color: black, brown, auburn, blonde. Entirely SAFE ... Hair stays soft and lustrous. Get a bottle from your druggist on money back guarantee. Or send for Free Test. Test it FREE We'll send Complete Test" Package Free. Snip lock from hair. Try first on this. See for yourself. No risk this way. Mail coupon for Free Test. —MARY T. GOLDMAN- 913 Goldman Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Street . City Color of your hair?. (56 TUST for the fun of it, Clark Gable *-* took the skins of all those cougars he bagged last year, and had a snazzy coat made out of them. On a hunch, he tossed it into his over-night bag just before leaving on location to the snowy Northwest, and is he ever glad? The first day out, the company ran into one of the worst blizzards of the year and Clark, all buttoned up in his baby bunting skin, thought it was June until he cracked a couple of icicles off his moustache! • TTNLESS she wants to look like the saived-in-half-woman, Jean Harlow has decided to give up her daily golf game while working on the strenuous dance routines in her new picture. Being just right to start with, the effects of the vigorous work-outs were putting our platinum pal's gorgeous waistline in the limbo of lost things. The poor girl couldn't even eat an olive with any comfort! So . . . until the hoofing sequences are made, Jean's clubs can sit on the shelf and get back their strength. • \ 'X J E'RE a bit skeptical, but Franchot " * Tone swears his new coupe is so long that he has to pay double rate at the parking stations. • TT/'ORKITSG on location, near the Uniyy versal studios, Charlie Chaplin hied himself to the U. commissary for a noontime snack, wearing the baggy clothes, derby hat, and tiny moustache that are his personal accessories to fame. Seated among the great and near-great, Charlie found himself as alone as Peter the hermit! Nobody recognized our greatest little comedian! Waitresses served and ignored him — even the executive old-timers passed him without a second glance . . . After lunch, Chaplin joined the crowd around the dice game tables and looked on for a while. One of the boys noticed him and exclaimed: "Boy! Thai's a swell make-up!! If I didn't know better, I'd swear you were Charlie Chaplin!" • GARBO Talks! Garbo SMILES! And now . . . GARBO STEPS OUT! Yessir, folks— the Lady of Silence broke down, put on her best bib and tucker and joined the Max Reinhardt party at the Trocadero the other night ! That Garbo should be previewing the Troc was the farthest from Mike Pearman's thoughts, so, when the precocious feller caught a glimpse of what he thought to be the back view of Lil Damita's coiffure, over he dashed, slapping the lady on the back and yelling: "Hello, Toots!!" When the slap-ee turned around and proved herself to be Garbo, smiling kindly, there was nothing for the goggleeyed Mike to do but collapse. And HOW he did it! • T)ETWEEN Edmund Lowe and Howard Hughes, it's hard to tell just which way the wind blows for Marian Marsh. If it's lunch with Eddie, it's dinner with Hughes . . . and vice versa. But, we do know this — when the millionaire playboy producer took off for New York, it was Marian who broke all engagements to drive him to the flying field and see that he was tucked in, all comfy and everything! So-oo-o . . . fool around with that, Watson. • A ND here's another surprise for the -^* month! Dick Powell, who has been carving his and Mary Brian's initials in every available tree trunk to date, slipped out for a bit of dinner and dancing with The Neiv Movie Magazine, May, 1935