The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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■■ w Clear, Cold Light of Morning Shows Up First GRAY HAIR A Signal to Get Busy Not so long ago women gave up disheartened at the first sign of gray. Now they turn confidently to FARR'S FOR GRAY HAIR Watch for the first sprinkling. It's easy then to keep ALL your hair one even shade. FARR'S is a modern perfected preparation that will not wash off nor interfere with curling. Easily, economically applied in the hygienic privacy of home by brushing it through the hair. $1.35. For sale everywhere. FREE SAMPLE , T.M. 27 1 I BROOKHNE CHEMICAL CO. J 79 Sudbury St., Boston Mass. I Send for FREE SAMPLE in plain wrapping. J | Name • j Street I I City State | 'A i i il'.'i I il JL1 THEIR MEDICINE CHEST FOR 20 YEARS JUST 20 years ago they found this safe allvegetable laxative. Ever since, they have kept remarkably free from biliousness, colds, headaches, and the ills of bowel sluggishness. "That little box of NR Tablets is our medicine chest," they tell their friends. Common sense tells you your doctor is right when he says: "Use an all-vegetable laxative." Modern diets, refined foods rob you of natural vegetable laxative elements you were intended to have. It's so sensible to go to nature for help. Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) contain natural plant and vegetable laxatives properly balanced — nothing else. No mineral or phenol derivatives. The best proof of the difference is the way you feel after using them. Refreshed, more alive, thoroughly clean inside. Not depressed and given out. Another proof. You'll find no need to increase the dose. They're nonhabit forming. So kind to your system. It's important to use the right laxative. And so easy to find out for yourself. The handy NR box containing 25 doses, only 25c at any drug store. CDCC 1935 Calendar-Thermometer, beautifully defllf P signed in colors and gold. Also samples TUMS " ■■"■■ and NR. Send stamp for postage and packing to A. H. LEWIS CO., Deskl36EX.St. Louis, Mo. GET A 25CB0X Hollywood Day by Day {Continued from page 67) something, the rodent sat quite still until he must have decided that fun was fun but things had gone just about far enough! And then it was too late to back out! Seeing the predicament, Nat rushed to the rescue, gave a healthy yank that turned the rat loose but left ducky-wucky flat on her back and with nothing more to worry about. • rT1HE volume of Tallio Carminati's fan mail threatens to hit the Gable mark before long! That guy has something . . . we dunno . . . but whatever it is, it's certainly knocking the feminine contingent for a flock of loops. The only knocks coming through the postoffice, are from indignant admirers who want to know why his grand opera voice has been kept from them? And the funny part of that is, that the only time Tullio ever sang in his life was when he played the bachelor in the stage play, "Strictly Dishonorable!" However, if you are determined to hear him sing, take a peek at "Paris in Spring" where he'll be matching b flats with Mary Ellis. • THERE are a couple of real troupers on the "Private Worlds" set. Dragged in on a part, when the gal the studio wanted wasn't available, a blonde is taking the honor Big. With only two dressing-rooms on the set (with Claudette Colbert in the larger, and Joan Bennett in the smaller one), Miss Blonde decided she wouldn't make one face for the camera unless Mr. Wanger dug up a dressing-room for her. And it had to be just like Claudette's, too! To stave off a revolution, Joan very generously offered to share her own cubicle with the obstreperous gal. But . . . NO! the lady declared she'd have one, just like Claudette's ... or Else! Then, up stepped Colbert. "Listen, lady . . ." she said. "I'm the star of this picture. But, just to show you how unimportant the whole thing is . . . you may have my dressing-room, and the boys can throw a few 'flats" together for me!" And did the gal see the error of her ways and refuse the generous offer? Not much she didn't! Instead, she grandly piled into the place of honor, leaving Claudette to powder her nice nose behind a pile of scenery! • ' I yHEN there is another gal who is ■* getting a bit difficult. When a director attempted to show her how he wished a scene to be played, she coldly informed the surprised gent that she had made enough pictures that she felt she could do without direction! Furthermore, while at one studio, she demanded that the studio call in her favorite photographer (from another studio!) to make some stills of her. When the publicity man informed her that they didn't do such things, she firmly declared that no one but that particular photographer would take her picture! But the p.m. was right on his toes. "How do you know we want any pictures taken of you?" he said calmly. And she's still trying to think up an answer for that one!! • CO, while you're thinking it over, too, ^ we'll fold up the old tent, throw it in the rumble seat and call it a day until next time. Be seein' you! -;.:■■, y;.;:T— T7-r; IN-ABC rvi a Aeak 4nUu EASY OPENER Griffin Manufacturing Co., Brooklyn, N. T. YOUTHFUL BEAUTY for YOU too! Why envy the other woman's RADIANTLY LOVELY YOUTHFUL skin and FAIRER COMPLEXION when you can have these yourself so QUICKLY, so SURELY, by using the NEW IMPROVED BONCILLA BEAUTIFIER as used by more than a million discriminating women to acquire and keep, through the years, this priceless possession— YOUTHFUL BEAUTY. Its promise to you is this: Your skin QUICKLY becomes LINE and BLEMISH FREE, and neither too oily nor too DRY; VELVET SMOOTH; RICH in COLOR; YOUTHFUL; BEAUTIFUL. Compare, both IMMEDIATE and Ar -=jfc PERMANENT results, with any cos ^"^5^"*"° metic you ever used or heard of. Money back if not satisfied END CORN PAIN STOP SHOE PRESSURE Quickly relieve Callouses, Bunions If your shoes make your toes r sore and feet tender; if they | press painfully on corns, cal louses or bunions — apply I Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads and J you'll have immediate relief! These specially medicated pads cushion and « protect the sore spot; J soothe and heal. They « prevent corns, tender EJj toes and blisters; make jf new or tight shoes fit with ease; safely remove corns and callouses. Try this wonderful treatment. Sold everywhere. DrScholls Zino-pads You Tell Us (Continued from page 38) Spartanburg, S. C. Editors are always sad, for fear nobody reads their editorials, Mrs. McCravy. These are heartening words! An Up-Creek Boy We who live at the Cross-roads are never more proud of our rural background than when we see that greatest actor of all — Will Rogers. He typifies the Up-Creek boys who made America. All their shrewdness, honesty, courage and humanism is his — we have come to tell our children who might be foolish enough to forsake the grayness of the country for the glamour of the city that "Will Rogers got his start in a onehorse town." — Sarah Sollars, R. F. D. 1, Box 404, Sebastopol, California. Everyone will agree with you about Will. Ann Leslie S. I have hardly been out of bed since Christmas and you don't realize what a break it is when Mother brings home my New Movie. I wish they came out more than just once a month. It is the best magazine (movie) Mom has ever gotten for me. I saw "Anne of Green Gables" the day before I was hurt and I wonder if you would do a favor for a poor, poor girl by printing a full size picture of Ann Shirley in the next magazine. If it's not too much trouble have it as she looked in "Anne of Green Gables." — Ann Leslie S., Glendale, California. Dear little Ann, we are printing this just so you'll write us and tell us your last name and your address. We will do better than print a picture of Anne Shirley. We'll send a special one right to you, if you'll please write again. We hope you'll be well soon. Criticism May a bit of criticism be offered in good faith to you? Personally liking the New Movie, I feel that honest criticism will be understood. Why do we get a monthly bit of mush each issue on Garbo's elusiveness, Crawford's ambition, or Gable's sex appeal? Such stories are all right but after a time too much of a thing is enough. Why can't we get some articles upon the persons who make the movies? The directors, script writers, sound recorders, and others who do their unseen bit toward making a picture. How is the sound applied to the picture? What and how are color pictures made? Other things equally as interesting would be appreciated by many of the readers. Why can't we get some honest critical reviews of current pictures? According to you they're all perfect. No such thing as a bad picture or a mediocre one. It's just too bad for us if we miss anything that comes out of the studios. You will wonder why I keep reading the magazine. I like certain parts of it and I always hope as each new issue appears that Van De Water will be back with his criticisms. That was an article you dropped as soon as you found he didn't hesitate to tell readers to stay away from a bad picture. — James Smock, 59 N. Audubon Place, Indianapolis, Ind. You mustn't be so egotistic, James. For every reader like you there are twenty who don't want technical articles, much as we might like to print them. As for our reviews, why do you suppose we pick out the ten best pictures every month, if we don't think that the others aren't as good as those ten? If we told you to go to see bad pictures we'd be out of business inside of six months. Don't be silly. 68 The Netv Movie Magazine, May, 1935