The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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Everyone looks at your faueS first iHctke, tluznt atlhjeictlite r/ EYE BEAUTY AIDS # You cannot be really charming unless your eyes are attractive, and it is so easy to make them so instantly with the harmless, pure Maybelline Eye Beauty Aids. First a light touch of Maybelline Eye Shadow blended softly on your eyelids to intensify the color and sparkle of your eyes, then form graceful, expressive eyebrows with the JK„°™ smooth marking Maybelline Eyebrow Pencil. Now a few, simple brush strokes of harmless Maybelline Mascara to your lashes to make them appear long, dark, and luxuriant, and presto — youreyes are beautiful and most alluring! Care for your lashes by keeping them soft and silky with the pure Maybelline Eyelash Tonic Cream — to be applied nightly before retiring, and be sure to brush and train your brows with the dainty, specially designed Maybelline Eyebrow Brush. All Maybelline Eye Beauty Aids may be had in purse sizes at all leading 10c stores. Insist on genuine Maybelline Eye Beauty Aids to be assured of highest quality and absolute harmlessness. BLACK AND BROWN BLUE, BROWN, BLUE -GREY, VIOLET AND GREEN BLACK OR WHITE BRISTLES 46 Ralph Is My Pal {Continued jrom page 21) If I seem to stress this point it is only because I think it explains so much of his personality, so many of his actions. He is indeed fortunate that he is married to a girl like Catherine who shares this same outlook on life. I can't imagine two people more ideally mated. Catherine is a girl with a marvelous background. During her youth she lived in London where she met the most interesting and colorful personalities of the Continent (her mother was editor of the London Vogue) and when she married Ralph she gave up a brilliant stage career of her own . . . just as Florence did in my case. Ralph and I frequently "kid" the girls demanding to know how two such intellectual ladies happened to "take up" with a couple of mid-Western hicks like us and devote their lives to "improving our minds." Many people look on the Bellamys as allied with the "artistic, intellectual" circles of Hollywood, New York and London, completely ignoring the swell, carefree, unpremeditated pattern of their married life. With Ralph and Catherine there's never a dull moment . . . for instance: Florence and I were expecting the Bellamys for dinner one evening when about two o'clock in the afternoon we received a wire saying they would be unable to keep the engagement as they were riding as far as Palm Springs with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Daniel Steele who were en route to New York by motor. The Bellamys said they'd be seeing us in a few days. It was exactly three months before we put eyes on them again! In Palm Springs they had decided on the spur of the moment to drive on to New York with the Steeles and they wired the servants to close the house. But that is not all. In New York they went down to see other friends off to Europe . . . and decided to sail with them at the last moment ! This, mind you, beginning on a little jaunt to Palm Springs . . . "back in a few days!" Nor is this anything unusual. I understand his studio has threatened to hire a detective to accompany Ralph and Catherine whenever they decided to "see someone off," as they think nothing of hopping a boat or a train with only a couple of toothbrushes between them. They are confirmed "spur of the momenters." Six months ago they bought a farm in Connecticut (they were just passing through) and they haven't seen it since! At the time of the purchase it was supposed to be the site of their future home. Now they're talking about building in California! In view of Ralph's unpremeditated manner of living (at least it seems hectic to such staid old tax-payers as Florence and me) one might suspect a slightly rattlebrained element in his zest for adventure. Nothing could be further from the truth. I've never known anyone so thoroughly capable of handling an emergency . . . maybe because he's had so much experience in living them ! The day of the disastrous Southern California earthquake, Ralph and I were working in Hollywood at our respective studios . . . and Florence and Catherine were at our Laguna Beach home 70 miles away. No sooner was that dreadful jar over, or the worst of it, when I received a call from Ralph. "We've got to get going," he yelled into the phone, "I've just had word that the worst damage was at Long Beach . . . buildings are completely demolished Jlow HOLLYWOOD NAIL POLISH STAkS I110RE POLISH These days, women are entitled to a larger bottle of nail polish for their money, because they use so much more of it. Fashion says a different shade for day, a different shade for night — one shade to go with today's dress, another shade for tomorrow's. And toe nails are getting their share of polish, too. Moon Glow gives you what you deserve— a 25 cent bottle of marvelous lustrous nail polish, two or three times the size you have been getting for twenty-five and thirty-five cents. One use of Moon Glow Nail Polish will show you why it is a Hollywood favorite. Moon Glow is a new and better blend of polish —applies more smoothly, sets more lustrously— will not chip, peel, crack or fade. Moon Glow Nail Polish is featured at 25 cents by the country's finest department stores from Saks in New York to Marshall Field in Chicago and Bullock's in Los Angeles. Leading druggists will tell you that Moon Glow is one of their fastest selling nail polishes. And at your ten cent store, ask for the generous size Moon Glow bottle. When you go to buy a bottle of Moon Glow, be sure it's Moon Glow you get and not a nail polish bearing a similar name which imitates the name Moon Glow. Write for sample Try either the clear or new cream Moon Glow, the nail polish made popular by the screen stars in Hollywood — there's a treat in store for you. Send the coupon for a sample size of any one of the eight smart shades. moon Glow Moon Glow Cosmetic Co., Ltd., Dept. T 75 Hollywood, Calif. Please send generous trial bottle Moon Glow Polish ( ) cream ( ) clear. I enclose 10c (coin or stamps) for each shade checked. ( ) Natural ( ) Medium ( ) Rose ( ) Blood Red ( ) Carmine ( ) Coral. ( ) Tomato Red ( ) Platinum Pearl. Name St. and No City.__ State. _ — . . . fire is liable to break out at any minute . . .!" Laguna is only a short distance from Long Beach, scene of the greatest disaster, and we were beside ourselves with worry. Five minutes later Ralph picked me up and we were on our way. My only thought was to get to Florence and little Penelope . . . every other detail had left my mind. It was Ralph who, in his own deep anxiety, had remembered to get a police pass that would get us through the lines of the barricaded district! Without it it would have been utterly impossible to get through. When we arrived we found the girls calmly cooking dinner and thoroughly surprised to find us on the scene. We were so relieved we had three highballs then and there . . . ! I have always believed a man gets to know a great deal about another man by the way he handles alcohol. Some of the "best guys" I have ever known when they aren't drinking do a right-about-face and become quarrelsome, argumentative and quite impossible when they get in the same room with a bottle of brandy. With Ralph it's this way ... he doesn't drink much or often. But when he does it makes not the slightest difference in his appearance or his manner. He drinks as he does everything else . . . like a gentleman ! Though he loves discussion on all subjects from religion to politics he refuses to argue and is the first tactfully to "sign off" any conversation that is reaching the heated stage. He loathes rows and will do anything to avoid them ... or to steer others out of the mire of argument. I have seen him sit and swallow ideas which I knew were foreign to his private beliefs without any sign of disagreement. When I have questioned him about it later he has said: "But he wasn't expounding ideas . . . only prejudices." This innate tactfulness has earned him the reputation of being extremely easy to get along with . . . and a few misguided souls may have the idea it would be easy to take advantage of him. On the contrary, it is impossible to fool him. His knack of seeing through people and ideas is uncanny. He might sit and listen carefully to the outlining of some "gold brick" scheme merely because the tactics might amuse him . . . but he would not be fooled for a minute. He might deliberately "draw out" the wise guy and let him think he had made a sale but when it was all over the spellbinder would be exactly nowhere. It is impossible to talk him into anything. He resents high pressure salesmanship in everything from politics to religion. To his work in Hollywood he brings the same balance and sanity so apparent in every other important thing in his life. He is wholly untormented by Hollywood ... by professional jealousies ... by worries over billing or whether some other player gets a portable dressing-room on the set and he has to walk a half-mile to his. His only interest is in his performance and he feels that if his work is good he needn't bother getting temperamental about things that never show on the screen. He thinks about his work a great deal . . and talks about it very little. I have often wondered what would happen to many Hollywood actors if movieville should suddenly blow up in smoke ... or if they legislated against it or something. The business is overrun with players who eat, sleep and breathe Hollywood. They can't talk or think anything else. But Ralph is not one of them! His life is filled "with a number of things" . . . ! I am proud to call him my friend! The Neiv Movie Magazine, July, 1935