The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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Keep Your Family Happy WITH THESE FINE RECIPES AND NEW FOOD IDEAS -A44 EASY ECONOMICAL DINNERS 10c The kind you'd always be proud to serve . . . yet they aren't expensive. The trick? It's the little surprise touches! Like Pear Salad with Ginger. BREDUCING THE RIGHT WAY 10c Height and weight charts . . . calory chart . . . satisfying menus with low calory content . . . general exercise hints for reducing. -2 FOODS THAT MEN PREFER 10c Breakfast breads . . . pies and pastries . . . puddings and simple desserts . . ,. cakes . . . meat and meat substitutes . . . vegetables . . . confections . . . menus. -3 MENUS FOR TWO....... 10c Intriguing menus and recipes . . . food budget for two . . . how to order . . . utensils needed for two. -9FOOD CHILDREN LIKE TO EAT 10c For breakfast . . . the school box lunch . . . party refreshments . . . low-cost lunch and dinner dishes . . . favorite candies and desserts. -13FOOD IN THE FAMILY BUDGET 10c Helpful data on buying . . . what to spend for various foods . . . keeping food accounts . . . economical use of fruits and vegetables . . . making the most of meat . . . economical use of cereals . . . sugar, fats and oils. -14 BETTER MEALS WITH FISH 1 0c A resume of fish buying . . . recipes for cocktails and appetizers . . . fish soups . . . for the main course . . . salads ... for breakfast . . . entrees and luncheon dishes . . . sauces and garnishes. -17YEGETABLE COOKERY 10c Spinach and other greens . . . ways with tomatoes . . . corn, peas and beans at their best . . . vegetable salads . . . economy with root vegetables . . . left-over vegetable dishes. -20 HIGHLIGHTS OF AMERICAN COOKERY 10c America's best cakes and pies . . . appetizers and salads . . . New England dishes . . . Southern food . . . popular sandwiches . . . meat dishes . -21 RECIPES AND MENUS FOR CHILDREN'S MEALS.. 10c Nursery and kindergarten menus . . . diets for grammar school age . . . food for high school children . . . school box lunches . . . breakfast menus . . . dinner menus . . . lunch and supper menus . . . favorite dishes of Hollywood school children. fish dishes. • — — JL OU — and every clever woman — know how important good food is in keeping your family happy and content. Tired husbands immediately perk up at the sight of their favorite dishes and the children's hearty appetites are a real tribute to your cooking. Nor are long hours and elaborate preparations necessary. The Home Service Bureau of Tower Magazines has prepared food circulars to make your cooking not only something the family looks forward to eagerly, but meals that are easy for you to fix — leaving leisure time for your other activities. Each circular contains a wealth of material. Tell us, on the coupon below, which ones you want. How To Order Check the circulars you want by the corresponding number in the coupon below, sending the coupon, with your name and address to Tower Magazines, and enclosing 10c for each circular you order. Or write a letter stating which circulars you want, enclosing the proper amount. -22 MORE FLAVOR WITH CHEESE 10c Cheese appetizers and soups . . . cheese you should main dishes . . . for lunch and supper . . . . . . salads . . . cheese desserts and foreign know . . sandwiches . cheese dishes 25 ENTERTAINING— FORMAL AND INFORMAL 10c Chart for formal table setting . . . chart for informal table setting . . . company luncheons and dinners . . . afternoon refreshments . . . late evening refreshments . . . Sunday breakfasts . . . family luncheons and dinners. -26 FOOD FOR SMALL TOTS 10c Milk in the diet of babies and young children . . . vegetables and how to serve them . . . fruit in baby's diet . . . fruit juices and cereals . . . meat and eggs. -27JNTERESTING BREADS. 10c Yeast breads . . . rolls and buns with yeast . . . breakfast breads . . . baking powder loaves . . . biscuits . . . griddle cakes and waffles . . . toast in many forms. -28SOUPS FOR APPETITES 10c Luncheon and dinner menus with soups . . . soup variations . . . cold soups and aspics . . . luncheon dishes made with soup . . . soup accompaniments . . . salads made with soup. -30GETTING THE MOST OUT OF FRUIT 10c Orange recipes . . . special uses for pineapple . . . bananas . . . apples and other core fruit . . . peaches and plums in interesting ways . . . best berry recipes . . . melons and grapes. -31 SPECIAL ICE BOX RECIPES 10c Modern mousses and parfaits ... ice creams and ices . . . chilled desserts ... ice box cakes . . . frozen and chilled salads . . . chilled meats and vegetable dishes . . . beverages . . . refrigerator pastry and rolls. -32 SALADS— OVER AND OVER AGAIN 1 0c Salad greens and dressings . . . simple salads . . . vegetable salads . . . meat and fish salads . . . cheese and egg salads . . . fruit salads . . . dessert salads. Tower Magazines, Inc., 55 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. I am enclosing S for which please send me right away the circulars I have checked here according to the numbers above. A B 2 3 9 13 14 17 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 34 Name. Street. City State. -34BETTER BREAKFASTS 10c Breakfast menus . . . how to prepare fruits for breakfast . . . fruit juices for breakfast . . . ways with cereals . . . muffins and small breakfast breads . . . eggs . . . more hearty breakfast dishes. The New Movie Magazine, August, 1935 45