The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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blond Jewell goes her merry old way. It was just three years ago that Isabel came from the New York stage to play the same role in the film version of "Blessed Event" that she did on Broadway. To commemorate the important day that she first arrived in our movie village Isabel, with her closest friend, Gertrude Michael, invited only their most intimate friends to dinner at Isabel's parents' house in Beverly Hills. This is the house Isabel offered her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Lee Jewell, as a bribe if they would come to California from Shoshone, Wyoming. Isabel's new heart interest, Bill Tannen, was there and a three-piece orchestra provided the music for dancing after dinner. That fascinating new Hollywood game of balancing matches on a tumbler was bound to pop up since Gertrude Michael is such an expert at it, and true to form she won all the matches. The way the game is played, each person in the company balances a match on the same glass. In doing so if a person knocks any matches off he forfeits the matches in his hand to the jack-pot. The person who places the last match on the glass without brushing any aside wins the jack-pot. Of course, it all takes a steady hand and no jumpy nerves. Cocktails for Six ONCE upon a time a Hollywood party was just something for everyone to crash, but now they are very select, and we'll hand it to John Boles that he's the town's best selector. With the last reel of "Redheads on Parade" in the can, he and Mrs. Boles invited those four little girls who outrhumba, out-fox-trot and just plain out-dance anything in this dancing business to his house for cocktails. Two of the girls, Shirley Aaronson and Florine Dixon, couldn't resist presenting him with a mechanical dancing girl to show how much they appreciated working with "the most regular fellow in Hollywood." The_ dancer had so many wiggles John said if it had only been a little bigger he could let it shake their cocktails. Hawaiian Polo WHAT — you've never heard of Hawaiian polo? Well, we never had either until we went to Robert Presnell's birthday surprise. Bob is an associate producer at Universal and so popular some of his actor friends thought it would be fun to drop in on him on his birthday and go "Boo!" However Bob wasn't half as much surprised at seeing the beaming faces of his friends when he least expected them as he was at the cavalcade that came riding along a few minutes later. They were in the garden when Isabel Jewel squealed, "Look!" and there before their very eyes were ten Hawaiian musicians, carrying their stringed instruments, astride as many polo-ponies. It was Walter King and John Miljan's idea of something to open the eyes — and it did! After supper in the garden there was to be dancing in the house, but the South Sea melodies of the orchestra, entrancing as they were, couldn't keep polo-conscious minds off the horses neighing in the backyard. When the urge became too great ten good men and true dashed right out and grabbed themselves a horse apiece. Substituting golf clubs and even, alas, guitars for polo clubs the game began. Chick Chandler confided in us it re Chocolate Mousse for your next party ! Or choose any one of the other j6 thrilling recipes from this food circular on Ice Box Cooking Ice-box recipes festive enough for parties — easy enough for every-day meals! Women who plan menus carefully to please guests and family know that dishes made in the refrigerator score a sure success. Here in one 10c food circular you get 5 6 recipes: Modern Mousses and Parfaits; Refrigerator Ice Creams and Ices; Chilled Desserts; Ice Box Cakes; Frozen and Chilled Salads; Chilled Meats and Vegetable Dishes; Beverages; Refrigerator Pastry and Rolls. You'll use these delicious recipes throughout the entire year to give added interest to your dinners! SEND TODAY FOR "Year 'Round Ice Box Recipes" (Jy-l) — 10 c complete to Mary Martin Tower Magazines, Inc. 55 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. minded him of the carefree days of Hollywood he used to read about before he was a part of it. Do you remember when Lowell Sherman, Lew Cody and Norman Kerry were the happy-go-lucky playboys who thought of just such high adventure? Perhaps, for all we know, Hollywood's "Golden Age" is returning. !n Anita's Garden "Y7"OU were trying to imitate Merle * Oberon's arrival at the Mayfair Ball," teased Hoot Gibson, for Patricia Ellis was still blushing over her most embarrassing moment that had happened that day. Coming out of Sardi's Pat slipped on something on the sidewalk and went sprawling while autograph hunters rushed to her rescue. Fortunately there wasn't a cameraman in sight. Remember when Merle made her entrance to the Mayfair Ball the very same way? All this gay bantering was going on in Anita Louise's garden when she entertained at a pre-nuptial tea for Ada Ince who has since become Mrs. Ray Dodge. Anita herself looked like a fairybook princess as she poured tea for her guests, including Jack LaRue who is all palsy-walsy with his socialite moment, Connie Simpson, again this week, for indeed he brought her to the party. Cy Bartlett, who was Alice White's husband, came with his sister, Nan, so maybe he s still being true to the pert Alice. Also there were Nancy Carroll and Phillip Reid — not together, but come to think of it, my match-making heart thinks they'd certainly be a very seemly pair. Here and There REGINALD DENNY taking the Rod LaRocques and other friends for a house-party and fishing to his cabin at Big Bear Lake; Dorothy Wilson studying badminton with Jess Willard, the U. S. champion; Jimmy Butler entertaining Jackie Cooper and Junior Pichel, son of Irving Pichel, on his La Canada ranch; Jean Parker and Bob Taylor looking over the Willy Pogany art exhibit in the Hollywood print room; Mary Brian returning to town from an eastern personal appearance tour all booked up for dates with Rudy Vallee; swank cocktail lounges popping up all over town and Clara Bow at one of them looking slim and zestful with her husband, Rex Bell; Constance Talmadge and Ruth Roland stop to chat about old times. Ten years ago they would have been swamped by autograph hunters if they had stopped on the boulevard; the Sol Wurtzels shindigging at the Indian Room of the Ambassador Hotel for Claire Trevor ere she departed for sun-tan in Waikiki. While Francis Lederer goes romancing astray Steffi Duna, his former love, is nightclubbing and rhumba-ing here and there with others; Margaret Sullavan's ex, Henry Fonda, hasn't remained impervious to the charms of Alice Faye; Maxine Doyle and Gordon Westcott are more interested in each other than in the fights these days, but still going to them; Joan Blondell and Glenda Farrell dropping in for tea at Dick Powell's new house, but not liking the way he had his furniture arranged, switched it around; Irene Biller having a week-end house party at the St. Catherine Hotel in Catalina. That gay Hungarian set, including Paul and Daisy Lukas and the Ernest Vadjas there; Clark Gable among the early morning riders on the beautiful Bel-Air bridle path. -i > CAN VVEftJ W1TH THE SMARTESTpE&HOET ^^ SAFE, INSTANT RELIEF CORNS, CALLOUSES, BUNIONS You'll be foot-happy from the moment you start using Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads. The soothing, healing medication in them stops pain of corns, callouses, bunions and tender toes instantly. They shield the sore spot from shoe friction andpressure; makenew or tight shoes easy on your feet; prevent corns, sore toes and blisters; quiet irritated nerves. | Removes Corns, Callouses To quickly, safely loosen and remove corns or callouses, use Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads with the separate Medicated Disks now included in every box. Otherwise use the pads only to take a ■> <■-,; <-°i <:</" off shoe pressure. Be sure to get this famous scientific double-acting treatment today. Sold everywhere. STANDARD WHITE, now 25^ f New DE LUXE flesh color 35^' DrSchoirs Put one on— the * pain is gone! Free for Asthma and Hay Fever If you suffer with attncks of Asthma so terrible you choke and gasp for breath, if Hay Fever keeps you sneezing and snuffing while your eyes water and nose discharges continuously, don't fail to send at once to the Frontier Asthma Co. for a tree trial of a remarkable method. No matter where you live or whether you have any faith in any remedy under the Sun, send for this free trial. If you have suffered for a life-time and tried everything you could learn of without relief; even if you are utterly discouraged, do not abandon hope but send today for this free trial. It will cost you nothing. Address Frontier Asthma Co., 326-1V Frontier Bldg., 462 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y. INSTANTLY CLEANS POTS 6-PANSg Double the wear* where the wearcomcs Dress up your kitchen with new towels, pot holders, stenciled food containers, etc. Send 15c for diagram pattern to Frances V. Cowles, Tower Magazines, Inc. 55 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. To win and hold love and admiration, glorify your natural charms with exquisite Radio Girl ^^""~ — the enchanting Perfume compounded from French essential oils. And Radio Girl Face Powder blends with, beautifies and protects your skin. There is a shade for your complexion. The price is amazingly low. — Use this COUPON for FREE SAMPLES — "RADIO GIRL", Saint Paul, Minn. T8 Send me FRKE Regular Size RADIO GIRL Perfume and Trial Size RADIO GIRL Face Powder. I am enclosing 10c (coin or stamps) lor cost of mailing. (Offer good in U.S. only.) Name The New Movie Magazine, August, 1935 69