The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Sep 1935)

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JUL 31 1935 j ©C1B 269670 new movie for juw. *t:1 . Our covers *or Crav/rord and this issue— J« » KatfiarMV jean Harlov/ and •>ean Hepburn. A GLIMPSE AT THE EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK THE cover of this issue of New Movie Magazine carries the third of our plastic masks. Last month we had Jean Harlow, and the month before that Joan Crawford — the first mask ever used as a cover design by any motion picture publication. We think you will agree, looking at the pictures above, that this one of Katharine Hepburn is the best of the three. THAT is one reason we are going on with them — because they are getting better and better. Helen Liedloff, the sculptor, is an artist of note, who has had showings of her work at the Art Center and other galleries in New York. She has won a reputation for her striking modelling of hands, in particular. Among celebrities whose heads or hands she has rendered in clay are Katherine Cornell, Henry Hull, Amelia Earhart, Lily Pons, Bobby Jones, Albert Einstein and Ely Culbertson. AND the other reason we are going on with the masks is that you like them! i We confess we were a little afraid you mightn't. But, of the letters pouring in, seven out of ten say: "The new covers are grand." And so we want to go ahead with our experiment, although it still isn't too late to write in and scold us, if you want to. I VOL. XII No. 3 L September 1935' B UT Miss Hepburn, we're delighted to say, likes this one. Note the inscription on the big photo of the mask above. CATHERINE McNELIS, Publisher Frank J. McNelis, Managing Editor • Bert Adler, Eastern Editor • John C. Mitchell, Western Editor • Verne Noll, Art Director • Amy Vanderbilt, Director of Home Service THE BEST OF THE MONTH'S STORIES OF THE STARS You Should Know Wendy. ... Maude Cheatham 6 Fred and His Future J. Gunnar Back 8 Star Light, Star Bright Elsie Janis 14 What Do You Think of Color? Rouben Mamoulian 1 6 1 ,000,000 Landscapes Potter Brayton 1 8 If You Would Be Popular Dorothy Lubou 25 Kisses William Bryce 28 Revamping the Males Kathryn White 30 Can Actors Be Themselves?. . .Richard English 32 NEWS OF THE FORTHCOMING FILMS On-the-Set Reviews Barbara Barry 31 NEW MOVIE'S SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS Hollywood Day by Day Nemo 4 Tower Star Fashions Katherine Karey 22 People's Academy Winners 26 You Tell Us 27 Season's End Parties Grace Kingsley 29 A Little Star Must Eat to Grow. . .Mary Martin 33 Sunday Meats Amy Vanderbilt 34 Music in the Movies John Edgar Weir 36 Junior Hollywood Henry Willson 38 Figuring It Out with Sylvia. ..Marion Hammon 42 Tower Star Fashions Stores 64 COVER DESIGN BY HELEN LIEDLOFF All subscriptions must be mailed to our New York office. When changing address send us both old and new addresses, and allow five weeks for the first copy to reach you. Published Monthly by TOWER MAGAZINES, Inc., 4600 Diversey Avenue, Chicago, III. Executive and Editorial Offices: 55 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y Home Office: 22 No. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Western Editorial Office: 7046 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Cal. Officers: Catherine McNelis, President, John P. McNelis, Vice-president; Theodore Alexander, Treasurer, Marie L. Featherstone, Secretary. E. L. Schroeder, Eastern Advertising Manager; S. B. Galey, Western Advertising Manager; R. M. Budd, Pacific Coast Representative. Advertising Offices: 55 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y., 919 No. ichigan Ave., Chicago, III.; Russ Building, San Francisco, Cal. opyright, 1935 (Title Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.) by Tower Magazines, Inc./ in the United States and Canada. Subscription price in the U. S. A. $1.00 a year, 10c a copy; in Canada, $1.60 a year, including duty, 15c a copy; in foreign countries, $2.00 a year, 20c a copy. Entered as second class matter September 9, 1933, at the Post Office at Chicago, III., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Printed in U. S. A. Nothing that appears in THE NEW MOVIE MAGAZINE may be reprinted, either wholly or in part, without permission. Tower Magazines, Inc., assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts, and they will not be returned unless accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelopes. Authors submitting unsolicited manuscripts assume all risk of their loss or damage. t OTHER TOWER MAGAZINES MYSTERY • TOWER RADIO • SERENADE • HOME • TINY TOWER NEW ISSUE ON SALE THE FIRST OF EVERY MONTH