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The New Movie Magazine
And here's something else: Clara gets $2,800 a week, rain or shine, and it never rains in California.
Clara is not married, but Harry Richman is sending her picture postcards.
GARY COOPER. We will now consider the case of Gary Cooper, film actor and lover of owls. Look on him with care and attention for you will have to scour Hollywood to find another like him — he is a western actor who was actually and really born in the West instead of Hoboken. The part of the West that he chose as the place was Helena, Montana, and the father he chose was Judge Cooper, agreed by all who know him as a wise selection.
The old family Bible on the centertable says that his name is Frank J., but that name has gone the way of Noah's Ark, and he is now Gary Cooper. The date, girls, was twenty-eight years ago.
Gary went to school, studied hard, said "Thank you" when his mother passed the spinach and everybody thought that he was going to turn out all right and then — just as everything looked rosy — he began to study the steel
guitar. The day it broke out in him, his mother sobbed until midnight, but it was too late. The virus was in his veins and he still continues to play. Ponder this', girls, before you write.
What makes it all the more tragic is that he has given up the spinach.
Sometimes also he bursts into song, although his mother denies this bitterly. His father however — the learned and just Judge — says, "Don't judge him harshly. He never does card tricks when company comes in."
His first job, away from home, was driving a sight-seeing bus in Yellowstone Park during the summer vacation. Tourists used to look at him and say, "Ain't nature grand?"
Once when a tourist said that, that night a bear came and bit the tourist through the foot, so after all things have a way of evening up.
All his life he has loved owls, and in his rooms at the studio he has a whole collection of stuffed owls and eagles.
"It's restful after a day spent in the studio," he says enigmatically.
His girl enthusiasm just now is Lupe Velez.
Don't wait to write, girls — telegraph !
Everybody's Santa Claus
(Continued from page 87)
shore. Players have named these bungalows after their greatest cinema successes. Hence, Lois Moran's is called Stella Dallas; Anna Q. Nilsson's, Winds of Chance; and Dolores Del Rio's is obviously titled Ramona.
Well, the pourquoi of this yarn is that the socially and financially ambitious wonders when he will be able to "make" Malibu. Yet Richard Dix gave his beach house to a cameraman friend who had photographed him especially well in several pictures.
At that, perhaps Mr. Dix considers Malibu the particular Christmas tree from which he distributes his gifts, for come to think of it, the star presented one of his directors with two lots of this delightful Los Angeles resort. The deed to the property was probably marked, "In appreciation." Don't ask for what ? Richard's fault is that he enjoys paying the piper while the other fellow does the fox trotting.
Tennis teas are a feature of Hollywood entertainments. At one given this summer our hero put in an appearance. After several sets were played, the host's flippant flapper daughter approached the star. "I'll give you a game," quoth she. "And betcha I win, too. Betcha a dress at Magnin's to a package of cigarettes."
For your information, gentle reader, let it be recorded that lit-tul frocks
may be had at Magnin's for $200— if you watch for the sales and get up early. However, Mr. Dix was ready to fall for this ingenuous patter when a stranger intervened.
"You certainly look tired there, feller," he remarked meaningly. "Why don't you sit down for a while."
Richard looked grateful, but the Sweet Young Thing looked sore.
Then there's the one about the man the star met for the first time at a party one evening. Things were breaking as badly for this gentleman as they usually are for most of us. He hadn't been Rome in years. As a matter of fact, he hadn't had the cash to gel there. He lived in Kansas City. Why lie didn't say Budapest is more than I can figure out. It would have been just as easy, for his money troubles were temporarily put at an end.
A former employee of his cornered Dix as he left the lot one day. He hadn't been able to land a job. Could Richard "lend" him a coupla hundred? He could.
And so it goes. I could cite several similar stories or could suggest that, should the star decide to make a musical movie, he sing Rodgers and Hart's ever-popular number, "You Took Advantage of Me," as a theme song. His guilty friends would leave the theater before the lights went up.
Read The New Movie Magazine's
Complete Reviews of the Films
on Pages 32 to 35
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