The New Movie Magazine (Dec 1929-May 1930)

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do the things they think are the most elegant — but there are new standards in Hollywood. For this incredible colony has a source of elegance. A guide. In the smarter motion pictures there are examples of how to act in society. THE HOLLYWOOD SET WHICH EARNS FABULOUS SUMS ACTING IN THE MOVIES GOES TO THESE SELF-SAME MOVIES TO FIND OUT HOW TO ACT IN "SOCIETY". THE average parties given by movie stars are, therefore, as extravagant and as impossible — and as dull — as the parties you see on the screen. In the future perhaps the conversation will be helped by the talkies. Up to now, the parties have been following the silent 50 films and the talk concerns itself wholly, conceitedly and illiterately with the motion-picture industry. The stars, as hosts and hostesses, and as guests, too, are bad-tempered and stupid. They have assumed the ridiculous and laughable manners of "the best people" — as portrayed on the screen — and they have added bad manners of their own. They are almost entirely without training, breeding or culture, as we have been taught to recognize it, and almost bereft of gentler feelings and instincts. Actual wild life exists, I believe, in a still lower layer, which I was luckily spared. The scandals are relatively mild — those of any newly-rich class that has about a moron's mental attainment. There are, of course, exceptions even in Hollywood.