The New Movie Magazine (Dec 1929-May 1930)

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The New Movie Mazagine TyjRjpo OlNT MI NT TURPO ELECTRIC VAPORIZER fa Colds quick relief from your light socket Doctors have long recognized that a true vapor treatment would break a cold. But it remained for Turpo to provide a true, healing vapor at the mere turn of an electric switch and at a trifling cost well within the reach of all. It is so simple, so amazingly effective that it has instantly replaced oldfashioned haphazard cold treatments in thousands of homes. Common-sense Help in Modern Form Just plug the cord into a light socket. In a few moments you have a warm, healing vapor that spells quick relief to head and chest colds, congestions, and similar complaints. You can feel this Turpo vapor reach the spot. The first breath will convince you that finally you have found real help for colds. You will inhale a vapor so potent, so profuse, so ideally adapted to its purpose that each breath carries the true essence of Turpentine, Menthol and Camphor direct to the sore, inflamed, congested membranes of the nose, throat and chest. Improvement is immediate. Your head clears, congestion is relieved, breathing becomes free, and shortly the cold breaks up. TllRPO Tne True Vaporizing Ointment CLCCTPIC \POf)IZ.ER Honis Our/010/™ Special ^"WMCo/j/s I /A«U5 valuer.,,,,,, Q<V Bargain A Offer / "TUftp'n . H»o 4 Boil As a special Introductory ofter and proof of results, dealers are aul bortzed to offer a full sl/e 75c Jar of Turpo and a $1.50 Turpo £ /■ 1 Electric Vaporizer — a rcnular jor \fl\l\ 52.25 value for only 95c. This special bargain price la good for a s nor! 1 i m e only, so ac t promptly. If your favorite drug store or depnrtmentstoretsun able to supply you, we will Qll your order direct, parcel post prepaid, a t 1 lie same special price, plus live cents for p and handling. The coupon is for your convenience. Clip and mall it today. f Easy — Quick — Sure Consider the convenience of this newcold aid. No fuss or trouble. No greasy hands or soiled linen. Just fill the vaporizer one-third full of water. Add one teaspoonful of Turpo. Plug cord into light socket — that's all. In a few moments, quicker than you can boil water over a stove, vapor will form and continue to form for fifteen minutes. , For Adults and Children too The Turpo Vapor Treatment is not only ideal for adults but mothers find I it invaluable for children's colds, hack H ing coughs and croup. Children think it fun to inhale this beneficial Turpo vapor. The Turpo Vaporizer is a thoroughly tested electric appliance. It comes complete with five feet of high quality cord and standard connection ready to plug into socket. The vaporizer jar itself is interchangeable with any regular Turpo jar of the same size. It is so staunchly made that it should last for years. Bargain Offer Goad for Short Time Only Danger months are here. Another dreaded FLU epidemic may be just around the corner. This special offer is good for a short time only. Get your Turpo Vaporizer now at the special bargain price. Your druggist is able to buy only a limited quantity at this bargain figure and if you wait you will be forced to pay $2.25 instead of only 95c. Go to your leading drug or department store now, or fill out and mail the coupon. This is a real opportunity — don't delay! dlip and zNlail (^oupon— Today VAFORTZFIt DIVISION TC— 1-30-1S The Glossner Co.. Findlay. Ohio i : mi 1 mc parcel post prepaid a SI. 50 Turpo Flcctric Vaporizer and a hill 75c jar of Turpo, a recnlnr S2.2S value at ' price of onlv 95,-, plus five ceo:? for post.aeo and handling, whti ia_cncloeed herewith. Uual pin dollar bill to coupon and 9iEn below.j Narno Address. . . .' City ... state 113