The New Movie Magazine (Dec 1929-May 1930)

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US TONIGHT By Homer Croy The town where the event took place was New Ulm, Minn. But if you want to find it on the map you'll have to get out a big one and put on your glasses. The name she came into the world with was Lenore von Ulrich, the "von" having been brought over from Germany by her grandfather, but soon Lenore ran a pencil through it and it was verlos gesunkst. Vhen der storck brought die leetle Lenore to New Ulm her father was in the army, but he was raising an army of his own, for the same stork brought six children, and so Father Ulrich resigned, not wishing to run competition with the Gov'ment, and got a job as drug clerk. He and Mutter von Ulrich now live in Milwaukee, but the rest of the army are scattered to der four windts. Lenore got some face powder from her father and went to New York to become a famous actress — and had to take a job in a store on Third Avenue selling candy! During the day she sold candy and at night she went to the theater. At last, she got a job as chorus girl in an Eddie Foy show. David Belasco saw her and shoved a paper in front of her, and soon an electrician was putting up her name in electric lights. Lenore is married to Sidney Blackmer, actor. Lenore is small — five feet and two inches, and weighs 117 pounds, which just goes to show how over-rated cabbage and sauerkraut is. JOICHARD ARLEN : Let me introduce to you Lieutenant ■**■ Richard van Mattimore of Virginia. Well, if you don't know the next speaker by that name, let me try another — Richard Arlen. Ah, that's better. Right well known name, that is. Richard was born in Charlottesville, Virginia, September 1, 1899, which according to the Gregorian calendar makes him thirty-one when Labor Day rolls around again. When Richard was a lad his parents gave up eating Virginia ham and moved to St. Paul, Minnesota, taking Richard along with them as he was too young to resist, and there he was fed on Gold Medal flour. He attended St. Thomas College, but when the war came along he enlisted in the Royal Flying Corps and went to England where he served as pilot in taking planes to the front. And that's why they call him Lieutenant. After the war was over he came back to St. Paul, and looked around for a job, but jobs were not growing on every bush, and so Lieutenant Mattimore got a place as swimming instructor in the St. Paul Athletic Club. But his heart was not in the swimming-pool; it was in Hollywood, and between swims he would dash out to the theater to a picture show. At last he wrung out his bathing suit, turned in his locker key and left for California, but to California he was all wet, and he couldn't dive into a good job to save his life. But he did the next best thing — got a job as motorcycle boy, carrying films for one of the laboratories. But this was not to last forever, and finally he got a job posing in films instead of snorting down the street with them in a motorcycle. Luck had turned. In 1927 he married Jobyna Ralston. That was only two years ago — and now they have a patio, a lily pond and a guest house. J20NALD COLMAN: We've had so many American guests here tonight that I think it's about time to look around and find somebody a little (Continued on page 125) Another Big Movie Banquet with Our Homer Croy, The New Movie's Ambassador Extraordinary to Hollywood, heading the table. Drawing by Herb Roth •