The New Movie Magazine (Dec 1929-May 1930)

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Recollections of the Pre-Theme Song Era of Motion Pictures ■ Back in 1919 Cecil De Mille filmed Sir James Barrie's "The Admirable Crichton" as "Male and Female." This production went a long way toward making Gloria Swanson a star. In the scene at the right you see Lila Lee, Thomas Meighan, who played Crichton,and Miss Swanson. ^ .JBw* ■ SfcJH* j*\ I » "V • • '< -» At the left is a dramatic scene from Famous Players' "Over the Border," produced in 1922. It presents Betty Compson and Tom Moore. Only recently MissCompson has been doing a smashing come-back in the talkies. She is just as lovely today as eight years ago. Maurice Tourneur made an interesting screen adaptation of Joseph Conrad's "Victory" back in 1919, with Jack Holt and Seena Owen in the leading roles. Director Tourneur is now in France making pictures. Mr. Holt has been staging a remarkable come-back in Columbia Pictures, and Miss Owen still is doing steadily good work on the screen. <Jt» ^ I