The New Movie Magazine (Dec 1929-May 1930)

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The New Movie Magazine Letters of a Property Man (Continued from page 95) When I got back Gay and Mme. Ottowa was already in the cage. Joe was just inside the outside emergency door waiting for the book. He had to go through the inside one before he would be in the cage. He was a bit white round the gills but still had enough nerve left to ask for a ring. Props handed him one and he put it in his vest pocket. Then he shook hands with me and said, "Don't tell Betty or let her near the set." Baby, that kid was game. I wouldn't have gone in there if they'd have given me the whole trainload of animals. Gay was standing with his shoulder about even with Peter's mouth and on the camera right, while Ottowa, who was pretty short, was standing just under Bondedi's nose. But both was far enough away to be fairly clear of any paws. Joe had to go between them, back up to Leo's pedestal and face the camera with Leo licking his chops right over the back of Joe's head. "Back up a little more, Joe," whispers Monty. Joe backs up a step. "Some more, he won't bite you," says Monty. Inch by inch Joe backs up until Monty howls stop. Then Monty says, "We won't need to rehearse this, you all know what is done at a wedding, CAMERA." "Raise your right hand, Joe," says Monty, "and read from the book." Joe starts all right then quits and fumbles for the ring. Gay had on his spangles so he had no place to carry it. He hands the ring to Gay, who puts it on Ottawa's finger. "Read from the book again," calls Monty. Perhaps Leo thought he should do the reading cause he eased a bit forward and right over Joe's bean. Darned if he didn't look like he was reading too. Joe afterward told me that the cameraman tipped him off, how he don't know unless it was that he turned white as a sheet. Then Joe spotted Monty, giving the trainers the washout sign, out of the corner of his eye. Monty, who is as dark as an Indian, turned as pale as a ghost. An absolute hush came over the kiddies, who I had been watching so they wouldn't make some fool cry or noise. The first I knew of it was when Joe's voice came out real loud and he was reading that Bible like he was the exhorter at a camp meeting and trying to save some souls by talking the loudest. I looked around real quick and there was all the trainers white too, with their prods all set and one or two with their guns ready to shoot. The first thing that I thought of was, "Darn those blanks." I knew there was trouble but what, I couldn't guess. Then I got an eyeful of Leo. That big hunk of a lion was greedily licking the grease paint off the back of Joe's neck. And even you thinkless, knows that if that rasp of a tongue brings blood any lion will go cannibal. Joe was shaking maybe, but he still sure could talk. He was starting on the second chapter and reading louder by the minute. Then Gay, who had been facing the camera like a trouper, took a side glance at Joe. He tried to speak calmly; "Stand still, Joe. Don't make a move. You'll be all right." Joe just sort of smiled ghastly and read all the louder. Ottowa noticed Gay; then saw Leo. Gay signaled her to leave the cage. She quietly glided — and that word is right — over to the exit. As soon as Gay heard the door click he called to Leo, "Bravo Boy. Come, Leo." Leo looked at him just the fraction of a second, took another taste of the grease paint, licked his chops again, turned slowly toward Bondedi as much as to say, "Well, I've had my fun for the day," and jumped down. The gate for the runway opened and Leo was gone. It took but a few seconds to get the other cats down from their seat and out of the cage. Joe was still reading and his voice was nearly at the cracking point. The crowd of kiddies let a whoop out of them that brought in all of the cops within a mile but the danger was over by then. I never did find out how those kids got out of the place. But they were real troupers at that, not a peep from a single one while the big act was on. We all called to Joe but he couldn't stop reading:. His nerves were all shot. The poor devil was actually paralyzed from the hips down. We had to carry him out to the dressing room and shove a rag down his mouth to make him stop yammering. I got a whole bottle of Hootch in a hurry and called the doctor. Joe drank the bottle in one trulp and didn't even feel it. Old Sawbones came soon after and we finally got a shot of sleeptight into Joe'? arm and laid him down on a cot. He laid there like he was gone to the place where the book wouldn't do him any pood. We had just got thin<rs all nicely straightened around when Betty's gang drove into the yard. We all tried to keep out of her sight, but finally she roped Bill, the janitor, into her dressing room. Bill stuttered so she didn't pet very far there. But the poor darned dope had to take her into where Joe was laid out. One look at Joe and a whiff of his breath and she was out of that dressing room like a shot. Joe tried to square it, I tried to square it, Monty tried, the cameraman, and yeah, even the old man tried to reason with that dumb dame. "No, I said that if Joe took one more drink I was through with him for good — and I am." She quit as soon as the picture was through. Joe is now production manager of a large studio where animals are not used. Betty, oh yeah, she married— to the champ drunk of Hollywood. Will see you when Prohibition goes into effect. As ever, JACK. You will find more LETTERS OF A PROPERTY MAN in future issues of THE NEW MOVIE "3^0 Sewing JV'O more pulling at shoulder straps. Tvo more annoyance and embarrassment. STAYETTE — the dainty, tretisible Lingerie Pin permanently keeps straps in place. — On Sale at many YVoolworth. other leading Chain and Department stores or mailed on receipt of 10c per set LINGERIE PIN Blessing Novelty Co., Inc., 303 4th A\e., New York O^ltoittotrL OvedL LI P/TI C K "Laptivating lips that glow with youth Don't envy the allurement of lovely lips — it i< yuurs with T'hantom Red Lipstick. Phantom Red am wv* adds fascinating, youthful glow, pretbe natural texture of the lip?. I ■! — dainty — last ins. In moderne i ! ca^e, $1.00; Junl Same 10c Size at Woolworth's Dainty \ PHANTOM RED Lipstick. -izes. for sale at Wooluorth and other leading chain .stores. Price 10c. For CARLYLE LABORATORIES. Dept. 211 67 Fifth Avenue. New York MARY PHILBIN H CHORE QEL Cleans pots and pans like lightning. Does not irritate the hands — because it cannot shed splinters. For sale at Woolworth's ond other stores. Metal Textile Corp., Orange, New Jersey. BORINE MAKES YOUR MOUTH CLEAN BORINE TRADE MARK REGISTERED ANTISEPTIC MOUTH WASH Usedand Recommended by Leading Dentists for Over Twenty Five Years LIBERAL SIZE BOTTLE 10c. at many WOOLWORTH and other CHAIN STORES BORINE MAKES YOUR MOUTH CLEAN NUMBER TWO PLATE Your letter about the pictures, the stars, or THE NEW MOVIE MAGAZINE may be worth a doliar to you. Address, "A-Dollar-tor-Your-Thoughts" Editor, THE NEW MOVIE MAGAZINE, 55 Fifth Avenue, New York. 121