The New Movie Magazine (Dec 1929-May 1930)

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DOLLAR THOUGHTS The New Movie Magazine Readers Express Their Opinions of Film Plays and Players — and This Monthly A Great Big Hand Chicago, Illinois. — The New Movie Magazine is a wow and a knockout and I want to hand you a great big bouquet and a couple of triple cheers for giving the fans such a good magazine at such a low price! I guess it's just what we've all been waiting for, because the regular movie mags are so like one another, but this one, ah, this one's different, all right! You all deserve a big hand for trying out the idea and then putting it over with such a bang! Jeanne Esterman, 2123 Crystal Street. Used by English Glass Ann Arbor, Mich. — Congratulations on The New Movie Magazine! It sure is popular in our town and school. Your magazine cannot be called a school reference book, but it was used in our English class. Perhaps you question this statement and ask, what for? In Number 4 of The New Movie there is a highly interesting, instructive and well-written article — "A Tourists' Guide to Hollywood." What has that got to do with school? Just this — we are studying Europe and many are working on travel projects, on both Europe and the United States and, of course, wanted to go to California and Hollywood. Our teacher told us we might buy The New Movie and get some material on Hollywood. Right then and there your splendid magazine was introduced into our class. Miss Alice Hemingway, 1406 Packard Street. Wants Adela Interviewed Fort Dodge, Iowa. — The New Movie Magazine is perfect. May I make a request? All right, here goes. Give us an interview with Adela Rogers St. Johns — our favorite interviewer. I'm sure that such an article would be of interest to every reader of fan magazines. To me, she is just as interesting a personality as any of the movie stars. Who hasn't read her stories and viewed her photoplays, to say nothing of the numerous interviews and articles she has penned. Hazel Dell North, 1428 S. 28th Street. Eat, Girls, Eat Great Falls, Mont. — Why is it the actresses of the screen must be so slim? Unnatural slimness certainly doesn't add to a star's beauty. Half of the actresses are close to being bean poles. Eat, girls, eat, and get a little meat on you. Arline Rider, General Delivery. From a Business Man West New York, N. J — Yours is truly a business man's magazine. Just enough pictures balanced with just enough interesting reading matter — no wonder your magazine is so welcome to us after a hard day's work. But here is where my one and only criticism comes in. Why keep us waiting so long for this mental relaxation? As a suggestion — please, publish it more often. John J. Miller, 1377 Boulevard East. Likes Tourists' Guide Cleveland, Ohio. — Your Tourist Guide to Hollywood was one of the best pieces of information of its type ever printed in any movie magazine. Please print more of these guides. Mary Heppler, 13401 Ashburton Rd. THE NEW MOVIE MAGAZINE pays one dollar for every interesting and constructive letter published. Address your communications to A-Dollar-for-YourThoughts, THE NEW MOVIE MAGAZINE, 55 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Another Guide Admirer Gary, Indiana. — Let me congratulate your magazine on having such a descriptive and interesting guide as Herb Howe. The way in which he took us on a trip in an aeroplane through Hollywood in the fourth number of The New Movie Magazine was really a remarkable feature of your magazine. I really felt as though I were actually in Hollywood, and would not doubt if I ever were to visit Hollywood that I would recognize some of the places and "quips." Lilyan Miskovich, 1110 Washington Street. Does Not Like Tibbett Harrisburg, Pa. — I knew movies when Wallie Reid, Maurice Costello and Rudolph Valentino were favorites, but never have I seen popular sentiment take to such a repulsive face as Lawrence Tibbett. With his mouth wide, his hair wild, he surely is not an object of beauty — even though perhaps he can sing. I'd rather miss the song than have to look at that sort of lead. K. C. Smith, 2123 Derry Street. Makes a Better World Neiv Bern, N. C — I am at last convinced that the world is getting better. For quite a while the Great American Public has been able to take a hard earned dime and purchase their choice of the following : Two church sermons, one strawberry soda, one large size El Weedo cigar or two ripe bananas. Now you have come along and added a tencent movie magazine to the list. /. Gaskill McDaniel, Box 364. Beats Them All Baltimore, Md. — After reading your New Movie Magazine, I have decided it is much better than the 25-cent and 35-cent ones I have been getting. The stories and pictures are wonderful. For the first time I can really picture Hollywood in my mind after reading Mr. Howe's "A Tourist's Guide to Hollywood." I feel as though I have been there. Mrs. Pauline Foster, 625 McCabe Avenue. Organizes New Movie Club Norfolk, Nebraska. — Three months ago twelve girls and myself got together and all pledged never to pay 25 cents for a magazine again. Every month we collect $1.30. We then buy thirteen New Movie Magazines. And we enjoy them very much. Helen Domnisse, 37 E. Madison Avenue. From a Tully Admirer Hoquiam, Wash. — I tell you, I am amazed and delighted with The New Movie — why to get all this for {Continued on page 110) 58