The New Movie Magazine (Dec 1929-May 1930)

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The New Movie Magazine YOU WILL ENJOY BAKING WITH THESE HANDY CUPS No pans to grease or wash ... no burned or broken cakes . . . The way the modern bakery turns out its perfect little cakes, muffins, pastries. Everything you bake in a Crinkle Cup comes out perfect in shape . . . stays fresh longer, too, if kept in the cup until served. Try baking this modern, easy, economical way. Picnicking days are just ahead. Bake the cakes in Crinkle Cups. They'll travel any distance in the lunch hamper and come forth fresh and whole. USE CRINKLE CUPS TO MAKE DELICIOUS LITTLE CAKES WITH THIS TESTED RECIPE FOR WHIPPED CREAM CAKE USE CRINKLE CUPS SAVE ■ ■ • • GREASING BURNING STICKING SCOURING 1 cupful sweet cream 3 egg-whites ]/2 teaspoonful salt 3 teaspoonfols baking powder i,Jj cupfuls sugar 2 cupfuls pastry flour yi cupful water l teaspoon vanilla Whip cream until stiff; beat egg-whites stiff and mix them together lightly. Add the water and vanilla. Then add a little at a time the dry ingredients which have been sifted together twice. Bake in Crinkle Cups at 375" F. for thirty minutes. You can buy Crinkle Cups at most Woolworth Stores. Or send the coupon below, with 10c, and we will mail you your introductory package. (rinkemupS Oldmill Paper Produ :ts Corporation Dept T 5 30, Linden St., Cor. Prospect Ave. Brooklyn, New York Enclosed find IOC for which p ease sen d me. postpaid. a package of 100 Crinkle Cups. Address 105