The New Movie Magazine (Jan-Jun 1932)

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Scrambled Reviews (Continued from page 47) Susan. So he lures her into a canoe. Canoe? There was no canoe in "Susan Lenox (Her Fall and Rise)." I could take my oath on that. I think I know a canoe when I see one, and there was no canoe. There was a yacht along toward the last of the Susan picture, but no canoe. Wait! Let me think! Why, come to think, there wasn't even any mill in that Garbo picture. . . . Oh, I have it now. I was thinking of "An American Tragedy." Garbo wasn't in that at all. It was Theodore Dreiser who was in that. Sometimes I think I have the worst memory in the world. It gets so embarrassing at times. I'm so bad I have to tie a string around my thumb to remember to go to work and you should see the mess of strings that's collected on that thumb. LET'S start again and proceed more > carefully, avoiding pitfalls. Let us assume that Greta Garbo was in "Susan Lenox, (Her Fall and Rise)." Now we've at least got that settled. Oh, I've got the plot of it now. It all comes back to me. It's as plain as the nose on your face (By the way, don't miss Jimmy Durante in "Get-RichQuick Wallingford, Her Rise and Fall"). In this picture (Susan, not Durante) Garbo plays the part of an interior decorator who once killed a man somewhere down in the Caribbeans and wants to get a new start and live down her Past. So she becomes an interior decorator. In the Caribbeans she has met and fallen in love with Fredric March. Wait a minute! Fredric March? Fredric March? He was not in that Garbo picture. I'm mistaken, I think. That other fellow was in the Garbo picture. His name's on the tip of my tongue. If I could only see a picture of him, I could tell in a minute. Anyhow, it wasn't Fredric March, and it wasn't June Walker, and it wasn't January Beery. March was in the picture with that other girl. You yodel her name. Oh, Tallulah. What's that fellow's name, the fellow in Garbo's picture. . . . It's on the roof of my mouth. Wait! Roof! I HAVE IT!!! Roof— Gable. Clark Gable. That's the fellow. Leading man for Garbo in "Susan Lenox (Her Fall and Rise)." He's an engineer. A-ha, you see. "You can fool some of the Sullivans all of the time and all of the Sullivans some of the time, but you can't fool all of the Sullivans all of the time." (From Greta Garbo's Gettysburg Address). Garbo plays the part of a little Swede girl. She falls in love with the engineer. There is a misunderstanding. They part in anger. He goes his way; she goes her way. They meet again, and there is another misunderstanding. She goes her way. He goes his way. They meet again. Another misunderstanding. He, his. She, hers. They meet again. They smooth things out. She goes his way. He goes her way. Kiss! Now, where did I leave my spectacles? Oh! On my forehead all the time. SANITARY NAPKINS WILL SAVE YOU MONEY AND EMBARRASSMENT! Lotus Sanitary Napkins are manufactured under the most sanitary conditions. O Lotus Sanitary Napkin has the highest absorbent qualities. 3 Lotus Sanitary Napkins are instantly disposable. A Due to unusual softness of our Cellulose — Lotus Sanitary Napkins are non-chafing and deodorant. K With the oval ends— Lotus Sanitary Napkins are close-fitting, comfortable and cool. > , A Because of our large volume, we are able to r j 1 produce this high quality Sanitary Napkin J_he modern woman to sell 6 for ioc. demands that a sanitary protection must be inconspicuous as well as adequate. Lotus combines both of these requirements perfectly, and in addition Lotus is the most economical sanitary protection you can buy. Lotus Sanitary Napkins are manufactured under the most sanitary conditions, insuring utmost protection to you. Because of finest materials, Lotus is non-chafing. The oval-shaped ends make it close-fitting and inconspicuous. Lotus is easily disposable, too. No other sanitary protection offers so much comfort at so low a price, 6 LOTUS SANITARY NAPKINS *| f\ i<yc in the far West JOT | \j ana* Canada Sold exclusively af F. W. WOO LWO RTH CO. The New Movie Magazine, January, 1932 95