The new spirit in the cinema (1930)

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vi CONTENTS TABLE Ohaf. Page (/) England and France 1914-19 ... 49 (g) The Art of the Cinema in Paris in 1916-1917 54 (h) After the War. 1919-1928 .... 56 (i) I face death in the Cinema 62 (/) Poland ...... 72 (fc) Baltic States 78 (I) Hungary ...... go (w) Austria ...... 83 (n) Czechoslovakia 85 (0) France ...... ยง9 (P) Italy 96 (q) Spain 96 PART II BUILDING HOLLYWOOD IV The Fable. The Palace Of Gold And Its Wings Of Lead 101 V The Actuality 106 (a) The Plan 106 (6) The Site Ill (c) The Builders 116 (d) Foundations ----- 117 (e) The Materials : Natural, Vital, Human 124 (/) The Structure and Organisation 142 (g) Production and Distribution 150 (h) Consumption : The Universal Appetite 152 1. International. 2. Architectural : 155 The Chains of Golden Cinemas, (i) Content ----- 160 1. Intentional. Sensation and Box Office Entertainment. Reflects the policy, principles and opinions of life in America seen through the eyes of the Film Kings. Involves the wholesale buying of current events and moods, and selling them at a big profit. Main division : American Economic Civilisation ---- 160 2. Unintentional : Sociological Values 164 (a) American Civilisation ... 134 1. The Primitive Far West 166 2. The Transitional Far West. 3. The Present-day Far West. (&) American Jazz Civilisation 169