The new spirit in the cinema (1930)

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XXV111 INTRODUCTION Manner of the Book. General Characteristics. 2. Smaller adjoining masses. i. Berlin. German industrial mass that seeks to separate itself from the main mass. 2. London. English industrial mass also seeking separation. 3. Small mass with an aesthetic func tion joined to the main mass by commercial interests. 4. Moscow. An industrial mass with a liberation function striving to secure separation from the other masses but connected with them by economic necessity. This seems to call for explanation because it resembles that of my previous book.1 To most of my critics the manner of the latter was inexplicable. To one or two it was determined by subject. Perhaps I can best describe it in the words of an intelligent American reviewer who saw that I was setting up my house according to functional requirements and was not writing an encyclopaedia. " The book is an example of the functional theory of writing: it is a good book not by virtue of decoration, but by virtue of fitness to material."2 Like the African wizard, I took my bits of straw and clay and whatever was essential and stuck them together in the form of a structure whose exterior is the language of the purpose it contains. It is not extravagant to call this a first book. It may be the first really comprehensive sociological 1 " The New Spirit in the Russian Theatre. (Brentano, 1929). 2 Hallie Flanagan. New York, U.S.A. By Huntly Carter