Newton Lantern Slide Catalogue (1920)

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OODSTTIEIN'TS LANTERN APPARATUS. Magic Lanterns and Dissolving View Apparatus, Bi-Unial and Triple Lanterns. See pages 1 to 44. Scientific Projection Apparatus, Optical Lanterns, Microscopes, Polariscopes, &e. See pages 45 to 86. is 36,57,59 Acetylene Generator .. Achromatic Eyepieces Achromatic Objectiv' Achromatio Prisms . . Adapter, Brass . 78, 82 | Adjusting Table Stand . 72 j Adjusting Tray for Jets . 29 Adjusting Slit in Brass . 71 j r, Dead-beat Lanterns . 71-77 Apparatus for Compressing and Heating Glass . 83 Arc Electric Lamps 31, 82,60,68 56, 60 Benham’s Top Slide.... Bisulphide Prisms .... Bi-Unial Lantern.. .17, 18,54 Bobbins, Resistance.... 71, 80, 63 Box, Lantern . 6 Boxes for Slides . 42, 43, 44 Brass Curtain Shutter . 18 Bunsen’s Universal Clamp 72 Bye-pass Dissolving Taps ... 29 Cabinet Cases . 48, 52 ** Capillary Tubes . Crystallizing Frame . 83 Crystal Stage . 82 Crystals . 82, 84 I Curtain Shutter, Brass . 13 Curved Glasses . 22 Cylinders for Gas . . 27 Cylindrical Electric Lantern 50 Dark Slides for Photo¬ chromoscope . 68 Demonstrator’s Optical Lan¬ tern . 46-48 Demonstration Lantern . 51 Demonstrator’s Lanterns...46-51 Designs for Polariscope . 85 Diaphragm Fronts . 68, 71 Dissolving Lanterns . 15-19 Dissolving Tans . 24, 29 „ View Apparatus 16-19 Distances for Lenses . 86 Dorman’s Sound Wave Slide 73 Chemical Tank . 75, 77 Cheshire’s Model Eye . 80 Cheshire's Optical Bench ... 79 Cheshire’s Projection Ap¬ paratus . 79, 80 Cheshire’s Soundwave Slide 74 Children’s Opaque Lantern, Spearing's . 14 Chladni’8 Figure Apparatus 77 Cinnamic Ether Prisms . 78 Clamp, Bunsen’s Universal 72 Clay’s Wave Ripple Ap cSWsiiae-::::::":::: 8 Colour Boxes . 44 Colour Mixing Apparatus ... 79 Eidotrope . Elbow Polariscopes . Electrio Nernst Lamp.... Electric Aro Lamps for L Electric Cylindrical LauElectrio Microscope... 6R62, 67 Electric Triple Rotating Lantern . 63. Eleotroscope . Eleotro Magnet Lantern Electrolytic Tank Enlarging LanternB, Photo¬ graphic . 69, Erecting Prisma . Ereotor or Vertioal Appara Ether Prisms, Cinnamic . i’s Model .raday's Heavy Glass .... 7 Fittings for Compressed Gas Apparatus . S Fletcher’s Artificial Sunset 7 Flint GlasB Prisms . 7 Fluor Spar . 7 Frog Plate . Front, Brass Optical 60, Front Lenses for Lanter Fronts, Rack . Galvanometer, Lantei Gas Bags 28 Gas Cylinders . 27 Gas Mixture . 28 Gauges, Pressure . 27 Glass, Apparatus for com¬ pressing . . 83 Apparatus for heating 83 Bundle Analysers . 82 Chance’s Signal Green 71 Hand Feed Aro Lamps . 31, Huyghen’s Apparatus . Iceland Spar and Glass Polariser . 80, Illuminants for Optical Lan¬ tern Work . 20, Incandescent Gas Burners... Kaleidoscope . Kaleidophone . . Kaleidotrope . Kinematographs ., Electrio Nernst . 30 Newtonian . 22, 30 Oxyoaloium Spirit 26 Refulgent . 22 Spirit . 23 rns— Acetylene.. .4, 9, 16,51 Bi-Unial ...16-18, 54, 55 Demonstration . 46, 48, 49, 51, 64, 55 Dissolving . 16-19 Eleotric Light . 7,8, 48, 51, 65, 66 Electric, Microscope 58, 59, 61,62, 67 Incandescent Gas 3, 7 Lathe-bed Soience55,56 Leoturer’s . 51 Lime-Light ...4, 6. 7, 8, 9, 48, 51 Long Range . 10-18 Metal-Bodied . ...3-5 “Miniature” . 6 Nernst Eleotric 4,7,16 New System Lime Light . 16,17 Newtonian . 62,53 Photographic En¬ larging . 69,70 Photochromoscope Postcard . 52, 58