Newton Lantern Slide Catalogue (1920)

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23 3, Fleet Street, Temple Bar, London, E.G. INCANDESCENT GAS BURNERS. Where house gas is available, and only a small picture is required, the incandescent gas burner may be used with advantage. The light is not quite so good as with the 4-wick oil lamp, but is clear and white, and the cleanness and convenience of the arrangement render it a very suitable light for class-room teaching or exhibitions in small halls. 8084 Incandescent Gas Burner, fitted with reflector, mantle and chimney, &c., complete .. . . . .’ £0 10 6 8085 Tray and Top for above, if required .. .. .. .. .. .. 046 INCANDESCENT SPIRIT LAMP FOR LANTERNS. Up to the present, all spirit or petroleum lamps for lanterns used with an incandes¬ cent mantle have been dangerous, owing to the fact that if the vapourizing chamber becomes too cool to volatilize all the liquid that enters it, the pressure behind drives the spirit itself instead of the vapour through the tubes, and on many occasions the lantern has become full of burning spirit. All such lamps seem to us unfit for ordinary lantern work, though they give a good light. In the present lamp this danger has been entirely got rid of by not having any pressure behind the spirit, so that if the chamber gets cool the light simply goes out, but this safety and simplicity has been obtained by a great diminution of the light, and these lamps give less light than our 4-wick oil lamps. The light, however, is so white and the lamp so clean and simple in use that we think many who object to the mess and trouble of the oil light may be ready to put up with less light and a smaller picture to secure these advantages. 8086 Incandescent Methylated Spirit Lamp, as above . £0 15 0 8087 Extra Mantles for ditto . each 0 0 8 THE NEW PATTERN “NEWTONIAN” ACETYLENE GENERATOR. Acetylene, if a suitable system be used, gives a more brilliant and a more sharply defined picture than any oil light, but not equal to lime light. With the apparatus here, described there is absolute freedom from danger and far less trouble than with oil lamps or lime light. It will fit any of our oil-lit lanterns without alteration or addition, and no extras are needed, No. 8090 containing all that is required. There are many forms of generator sold, some of them having no recommendation except cheapness ; but large numbers of our special pattern are now in constant use and are giving great satisfaction in all parts of the world. We have supplied so many that we have been able to greatly reduce the price, while our experience has enabled us to improve and simplify the generator in many ways, and so to improve the materials and construction that it will now stand many years’ hard Work, and if injured can be repaired by any local tinsmith. Nothing can be simpler than the manipulation, Being absolutely automatic it needs no attention whatever during the exhibition, but after being once started will give a perfectly steady light till the carbide is exhausted. It gives a full steady supply of gas which will keep one of our high-power 4-burner jets going for two hours without sensible variation of the light. Full directions for use are sent with each, and they can at any time be seen working at 3, Fleet Street, E.O. For prices see next page. No. 8086