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1450 Jolly Coppersmith. ( Descriptive march with anvil) Pryor’s Band 10
1174 Jolly Fellows Waltz. {Descriptive effects) (Vollstedt) Pryor’s Band 10
31305 Jolly Fellows Waltz. {Descriptive effects) (Vollstedt) Pryor’s Band 12
31684 Jubel Overture. (Weber) Pryor’s Band 12
This great overture, with its note of joyfulness, is well named “Jubel” or Jubilee, and it never fails to awaken enthusiasm when properly played.
It was written by Weber for the Dresden Celebrationin 1818. The composer has introduced at the end the German national anthem, and the effect is peculiarly striking.
5703 Jungle Town Medley. Pryor’s Band 10
“ Down in Jungle Town,” “Nobody Knows, Nobody Cares,” “Yip!
I Adee! I Aye,” and “I Remember You.”
5429 Kentucky Kut Ups. {March and Two-Step) (Frantzen)
Pryor’s Band 10
Another of those spirited ragtime marches which have been so popular.
The playing of the band is superb.
4278 King Cotton March. (Sousa) Pryor’s Band 10
5301 King of Rags. {A Two-Step Oddity) (Swisher) Pryor’s Band 1CT
This number is aptly named, as it is one of the liveliest specimens of ragtime composition yet written.
1190 La Paloma. {Spanish Serenade) Sousa’s Band 10
31727 La Paloma. {The Dove) Sousa’s Band 12
This universally popular Spanish air was composed by Sebastian Yradier, one of the best-known Spanish composers of music of the popular style.
4113 La Rentree a Paris {Entry into Paris) (Sellinick)
Garde Republicaine Band 10
The popular Spanish-Parisian success.
1440 Largo. (Handel) Sousa’s Band 10
4744 La Sorella March. {La Mattchiche) (Gallini) Sousa’s Band 10
4115 Le Prophete Marche. (Meyerbeer) Garde Republicaine Band 10