RCA Victor (1910)

Record Details:

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38 STANDARD LIST If r 4095 5486 4289 4217 5524 118 1416 4517 4080 31316 1255 1997 636 5149 31394 5491 CLOUGH 5562 NUMBER 5551 Let Me Like a Soldier Fall — From Maritana (Wallace) Evans 5629 Little Red Drum, The ( Poem by Eugene Field) Whitney Quartet 52005 Lo, Here the Gentle Lark (Bishop) Eleanor Jones One of the most delightful of the coloratura songs written by Sir Henry Bishop, and a favorite with many famous singers. Mme. Jones, who is one of the best-known concert singers in Great Britain, has delivered Bishop’s florid air in a most graceful and fluent manner. Love’s Old Sweet Song (Molloy) Corinne Morgan March of the Cameron Men ( Old Scotch ) Harold Jarvis Marching Through Georgia (Work) Myers Marching Through Georgia (Work) Harlan-Stanley A lively and entertaining record of this favorite Federal shout. Solo by Stanley, with duet chorus, and some variety added by fife and drum play¬ ing counter melodies of ‘‘Girl 1 Left Behind Me,” “Yankee Doodle,” etc. Maria — Spanish Ballad (Vision d' amour) Guetary A most delightful Spanish song, composed and sung by a famous tenor. Sefior Guetary’s pure and finely modulated voice is shown to great ad¬ vantage in this lovely ballad. Massa’s in the Cold, Cold Ground Haydn Quartet Medley of Plantation Songs (Old Favorites) Haydn Quartet Medleys from Popular Operas. See Opera List, pages 45 to 49 Meeting of the Waters (Moore) McCool Mocking Bird, The Elizabeth Wheeler-Harry Macdonough Mocking Bird, The (Winner) Miss Morgan-Mr. Stanley My Country ’Tis of Thee ( America ) Victor Male Chorus My Old Kentucky Home (Foster) My Old Kentucky Home (Foster) My Wild Irish Rose (Olcott) Haydn Quartet 10 My Wild Irish Rose (Olcott) Lennon 1 2 Oh, That We Two Were Maying (Smith) Miss Stevenson-Mr. Macdonough 10 Alice Mary Smith’s setting of the famous poem is a work of rare beauty, and this record is an unusually fine one. Old Black Joe (Foster) Peerless Quartet 10 JARVIS One of Stephen Foster’s widely known songs, which has been translated into many different tongues and sung in many different lands. The Peerless has given a vigorous and very musical rendition of this beautiful old song. 10 10 10 Haydn Quartet Macdonough 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 10 10 10 It is with pleasure that the Victor offers six solos by this favorite tenor. In the cities of Canada and the Middle States Mr, Jarvis is a great favorite, and we predict that he will make new admirers through his records.