RCA Victor (1909)

Record Details:

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GENERAL INDEX Pge ge Pge Abott \ crocuses st . 54| Eames...... coe DO" Lutsky wacecuetenod A btvatee macisess 24) Elman ......... 63] Lufsky-Christie 30 Accordion ..... 28] Ernani Ser.106,107|Lyric Quartet.. 4 Albani........ 8 Evans, Admiral. 98 | Macdonough. 32,112 Ancona gneiss 73} Evans, Henry.. 36|MacdonoughArfalicsic.casss 67| Farrar......... 624 Bieling....... 82 Backhaus ..... Ped OUE AVOR ses.¢ cere s 47|Maie Quartets, Bagpipe Solos.. 27] Ferguson ..... 27 86 to 91 Band Rec...1 to 15] Field Music.... 31]MandolinBanjo Rec... 24, 28] Flute Solos . 31] Guitar Duets. 24 Baritone,37, 38, 112] Francisco..... . 37{Mandolin Solos. 24 Battistini ...... 76) Freemantel .... 33]Mazziotta..... 4 ol Bass Solos..... 39] Gadski......... 60}McCool........ 35 Bell, Digby .... 98} Galvany ....... 78 McDonald . . 40 Bell Solos...... 221 Garde Repub.B. 15]Melba......... . 53 Belmont ....... 29] Gays cise cies slats . 51]Michailowa.... 69 Berger......... 24] German Cav. B. 15|Minstrel Rec., Bishop......... 112] German Sel.... 97 92, 93 Blase’ i. settee 55| Gerville-Reach. 57|Mixed Quartets. 94 Blauvelt........ 61} Gialdini........ 29 | Morgan, Corinne 42 Boninsegna..... 721 Gilibert........ 71]Morgan-Macd.. 83 Bosc Orchestra. 15] Goddard...... . 381Morgan-Stanley of Bourdon ....... 27] Golden......... 46|Morton ...... Brass Quartets. 31] Golden-Hughes 101]Mtn.Ash Party. ‘ie Bryan, W.J.... 98]Graham........ 95{Muench....... od Burnley........ 97} Grand OperaCh 65}Miiller ...... 22, 29 Barr cacc: see we 34] Griinfeld....... 22]Murray...... 45, 46 GCalvém tease . 52] Guetary....... . 35) Myers ..seaiece 37 Campanari..... 71{ Guitar ........ . 26] Nelson-Stanley. 84 Campbell ...... 33] Haffort........ . 29] Nielsen ....... 74 Capper 2niine cs 29} Hamlin ........ §9} Noldi,40; Nuibo 75 Caruso...... 50, 51j Handel Quartet. 94 Oakland Seas a3 Case nie te ees 96| Harlan......... 36]Ocarina..... oe teo ’Cello Rec...27, 70] Harlan-Stanley, Orchestra Rec., ’Cello-Flute D. 28 82, 100, 101 15 to 22 Chapman....22, 29 Chimes ........ 28 Choir 256s en's 94 Christie-Lyons. 30 Clar.-Flute D.. 30 Clarke......... 23 Clarke-Bellstedt 30 Clarke-Keneke. 30 Clarke-Zimmer CollinsHarlan, , 101 Comic D....84, 85 Comic and Coon Songs 43 to 48, 81 Constantino.... 74 Contralto Solos 42 Cornet Solos... 23 Cowles ....... ne D’Almaine..... 25 D’Almai..eKeneke ...... 30 D’AlmaineWyOnsee ss. .. 30 Dalmores...... 63 Dance Rec.20 to 22 Davenport..... 96} De Gogorza.... 64 De Lussan..... 68 Descriptive Specialties. .96to 13 Destinn........ Double Rec.113Bs Drum Corps. 7 38 Dudley=2s 2 ..4 Dudley-Macdon Bh 6 Duets..... 82 to 85 Lyons-Reschke. 30 Rogers-Pryor nO) 36, 36, 37 Haydn Quartet, 87 to 91, 112 Hayward....... 42 Helena... 5... 41 Hemugiss.< <siti. ae 37 3 Herzen. s me 47, 112 Hindermeyer .. 35 0 Hollman....... 7 Homer........ 67 Hooley......... 39 Hopper ........ 97 Hortiznesae.Sao Instrum. Solos, Duets,etc.28,30,31 Irwin, May .... 40 Italian Operatic Rec....109 to 112 Jarvis ...... 35, 112 Johnson....... 46 Jones, Ada..... 43 9} Jones, Eleanor. 41 Jones-Murray.. 84 Jones-Spencer, 101-103 JOSt, cs ceee oes a Journet#t ese. Juch,78; Keneke 23 Orpheus Chorus 86 Ossman:......0. 2 Ossman Trio... 24 Ossman-Hunter 24 PagliacciSeries. oe Patttivn oo tate Peerless Ot..... 36 Piano Solos, 22, 27, 52, 70 Piccolo Solos... 31 Pircher Alpen singers Planoon)..2s.-.. Popular S..43 to 50 eee ere Police Band.. 4 Borte?.. eae .9 Powell's. a. 32 ca5 65 Pryomicccsncoses 24 Pryor’s B...5to 14 Pryor’s Orch... Quartets, Male, 86 to 91 Quartets, Mix.. 94 Quinn Rattay .c%-c.065 5] Rattay-Heine .. Rattay-Lyons.. eee er reee z8 Ruffo..0...32.. oo. [ee Sadler......... . 440 Schubert Trio.. . 94 Schumann-H. 58 Soottt <yaeeseee 72 Sembrich ...... 56 Shepard ..... 47, %6 Siegel. 232 aa 24 Siegel-Butin.... 24 Soprano Solos 40-42 Sorlin see 27 Sousa’s Band...1-4 Spencer. .97, 99, 100 Spencer-Ossman 46 Stanley......... 39 Stanley-Burr... 84. Stanley-Mac. 83, 84 Stevenson..... . 40 Stevenson-Mac. 82 Stevenson-Stan. 82 Stewart...... 42, 95 Street Piano ... 28. ij] Taft, W. H..... 98 Talking......95, 96 Tallysccean eee 34 Tamagno....... 68 Tapiero........ 25 Tenor Solos . .32 37 Tetrazzini...... 77 Trein-Lyons ... 28 Trinity Choir .. 94 Trios, Vocal... 94 Trix , 42 Trombone Solos 24 Trovatore Ser..104 Turner .....38, 112 eee rer ene 6fUncle Josh Sto . 95 U.S. Marine B. 15 Vance, Clarice. 41 Van Hoose..... 76 eeeerece Victor Band.... Victor Orch. .17-19 Victor Dance Orchestra. .20-22 Victor Male Ch, 93 1} Victor Octette. 28 Victor Vau. Co. 96 Victoria, Vesta. 40 30, 63, 65 Violin S..25, 63, 65 Violoncello. .27, 70 Vocal Duets. .82-84 Walton-Macd. . 82 Watson....... 7° Werrenrath .... 37 Whistling Soles 29 Whitney Bros. : Quartet ...... Williams... 5} Violin-Flute D, sere O Kernell ........ 47] Raymond ...... 43| Wills, Nat M... 48 Kimmel ........ 28} Recitations...96-98} Wilson, Frank, Kingsley ....... 42] Red Seal Duets, 36, 93 Klausen,101;Kryl23}] ‘Trios, etc., .. 78]Wilson, Al. H. 36 La Forge ...... 52}Red Seal Rec., Witcomb..:.. ore ee La Mar...... 30 50 to 80] Witherspoon... 70 7} Lauder, Harry. 81] Renard Trio... 31} Xylophone Solos 29 Lennon,36;Levy 23] Renaud ........ 73] Yafies ......ss06 LS Winit.ceec. cota 291 Ring eee ae . 441) Yankee Talks .. 95 7| Lloyd, Alice.... 41 Lowe,29; Lyons 31 Roberts Rogers te eeene ec eeeeeee Yaw. Yodling Songs, eer enee on <