RCA Victor (1909)

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38 BARITONE SOLOS NUMBER By Alan Turner with orchestra SIZE 5610 Annie Laurie Scott 10 5351 Good Bye, Sweetheart, Good Bye Von Tilzer 10 : Not the familiar old song by Hatton, but a new ballad by Arthur Lamband Albert Von Tilzer. 4903 In Happy Moments Maritana ; Wallace 10 Maritana is one of the brightest and most melodious of all modern English operas and contains several beautiful and expressive ballads, notably this favorite Happy Moments.”’ 5658 Kathleen Mavourneen Crawford-Crouch — 10 An admirable rendering of this famous ballad, which has been truly called the queen among Irish songs. Although it has often been stated that the song was not of Irish birth, and though the music was composed by an Englishman, Frederick Nichols Crouch, the beautiful words were written by a true daughter of Ireland, Mrs. Julia Crawford, who was born in County Cavan. 5564 oS of the Heart 3 Verdi 10 , The famous air from-the first act of Trovatore, which as ‘Il balen’’ has long been a favorite Red-Seal record, is now given in English by Mr. Turner. 31690 The Bravest Heart May Swell Gounod 12 Valentine’s noble air in the second act of Gounod’s Faust, and one of the most enjoyable numbers in the whole baritone ) repertory. Mr. Turner renders it most effectively. 5336 The Evening Star From Tannhiuser Wagner 10 TURNER 4567 The Heart Bow’d Down Balfe 10 — A finished rendering of Balfe’s ‘‘ Bohemian Girl”? number. 4676 ‘The Rosary Nevin 10 Nevin’s songs, which have won a wide popularity, are noted for beauty and Originality, especially this sad but exquisite Rosary.’? Mr. Turner’s rendition is most ade quate and the accompaniment is beautifully played. ; 31719 Thy Sentinel Am I Pinsuti 12 5376 ‘Toreador Song From Carmen Bizet 10 This always popular ‘Toreador Song”? is given a spirited and vigorous rendering by this sterling baritone. 5350 Venetian Song Tosti 10 This is quite the best of the high-class songs produced by this prolific writer, whose versatility is remarkable. Mr. Turner sings it in a finished manner. By Herbert Goddard piano accompaniment . 782 Dear Heart Mattei 10 1962 Hosanna Granier 10 By Herbert Goddard with orchestra 2703 Always Horwitz—Bowers 10 1852 Good Bye Tosti 10 31431 Good Bye, Sweetheart, Good Bye Hatton 12