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xix SINGERS AND PLA YERS—Double-Faced Records
rancisco, Carlos............+6 Freemantel, Fred. -16007, 16009, 35048 Garde Republicaine Band apes 16087 Goddard, Herbert ............. 16064 Golden, Billy eee es 16164, 16199 Golden-Hughes ........ceeee00e 16141 Hamilton, Edward............. 16321
Harlan, Byron G...16010, 16032, 16037 16095, 16097, 16117, 16122, 16161 16283, 16310
Harlan and Stanley. 16165, 16328, 35034 Haydn Quartet ....16002, 16008, 16014 16032, 16038, 16039, 16049, 16076 16078, 16104, 1610S, 16118, 16125 16142, 16159, 16165, 16166, 16167 16174, 16178, 16179, 16197, 16198 16213. 16217, 16218, 16220, 16223
16239, 16256, 16257, 16261, 16286 16289, 16318, 35014, 35039, 35056
Heine, Louis Le Braga. 16027, 25006 Helena, Edith..... 16162, 16192, 35067 Hemus, Percy............ 16173, 35010 Hindermeyer, Harvey....16321, 35026 Instrumental Quartet........... 16191 Irwin, May............... 16058, 35050 Jarvis, Harold ....16006, 16007, 16008
16033, 35002
Jones,A. 16040, 16057, 16121,16122, 16130 16144, 16214, 16263, 16301, 16326
Jones and Murray..16018, 16041, 16117 16172, 16303, 16319, 16322
Jones and Spencer. .16016, 16019, 16067 16100, 16102, 16110, 16126, 16164
16172, 16265, 16284, 16294, 35013
35051, 35063
Josephs, M........cceee> ereeeee 16087 Keneke, Emil .........cceeeeees 16046 Keneke and Lyons........ 16046, 16088 Kennedy, Frank.............+ . 16294
Kimmel, John J., ..16028, 16048 16127 16129, 16171, 16317
Kingsley, Dorothy ............. 16010 Leont, Henny. 2000s oiiens one es 16173 Lewin, ‘Peter. isiie cto sccs cess 16265 Lloyd, Alicess. 652.0 dee teens 16058 Lufsky, Marshall P., .......... 16090 Lyons and Trepte ........ 16047, 16176
Lyons, Darius ....16004, 16026, 16028 16047, 16048, 16177, 16194, 16244 16298° 35036
Lyric Quartet...... 16038. 16269, 35014 Macdonough, H. ..16002, 16031 16034 16059, 16060, 16061, 16128, 16139
16140, 16156, 16158, 16167, 16184 16189, 16195, 16196, 16219, 16239
16245, 16246, 16255, 16257, 16277 16288, 16290, 16292, 16304, 16314 35009, 35048, 35055, 35062, 35069 Macdonough and Bieling..16120, 16216 16255, 16288
Macdonough and Hooley....... 16268 Macdonough and Watson....... 16120 Macdonough and Belmont...... 16094 Marsh tiacy ois ccccsccsisiceins 35075 McCool, James........... 16100, 16139 McDonald, May..........-2ee0% 16077 Meeker, Edward W., .......... 16291 Moeremans, Jean ..16244, 16268, 16272 Morgan and Stanley...... 16185, 35039
Morgan, Corinne ..16119, 16148, 16192 16195, 16196, 16245, 35062
Morton, Eddie.....16011, 16012, 16150 16284, 16324, 35051
Muench, E...16111, 16187, 35027, 35032 Murray and Haydn Quartet.... 16049
Murray, Biliy...... 16011, 16035, 16036 16049, 16075, 16076, 16101, 16102,
16130, 16144, 16150, 16153, 16185
16186, 16214, 16247, 16248, 16250
16251, 16258, 16260, 16291, 16302
16311, 16319, 16327, 35034
Myers, Foo Wats ciccidcc ance seats 16125 Noldi, Helene................0. 35046 Oakland, Will .s....0. eccccssee 16310 Ossman, Vess L.,..16092, 16127, 16266 Ossman-Dudley Tri. os eae 16092
Peerless Quartet. ..16066, 16128, 16142 16149, 16186, 16217, 16262, 16324 Police Band of Mexico... .35045, 35047
Porter and Kennedy............ 16322 Porter and Murray............. 16017 Porter, Steve...... 16015, 16016, 16121
16141, 16147, 16285 Pryor; Arthur)... o. eee 35030 Pryor’s Band...... 16112, 16114, 16272.
16273, 17274, 16276, 16278, etc. Pryor’s Orchestra. 16089, 16090, 16094 Rattay, Howard ...16027, 16050, 16051
16191, 16313, 35024
Rattay and Lyons .......... sees 35021 Rattay, Levy and Lyons ....... 16296 Shaw, Alice J. .....ceseeceeeee 16052 Shepard,! Burt-7; Gn: cana ne 16108 Sousa’s B. ..16091, 16136, 16137, 16138
16151, 16190, 16200, 16273, 16278 35000, 35033, 35044, 35045, 35052 Sousa’s Cornets. sae eae 160B Re 35056
Spencer and Girard ...... 16017, 16147 Spencer and Holt..... coccecese 16107 Spencer and Hunter............ 35063
Spencer, L...16022, 16106, 16107, 16199 Stanley, Frank C. 16009, 16041, 16963 16118, 16269, 35009
Stanley and Macdonough 35012, 35040 Stevenson and Macdonough..... 16013 16061, 16115, 16119, 16132, 16146 Stevenson and Stanley....16014, 16066 16146, 16285, 16327
Stevenson, Elise ...16148, 16212, 16318 Stewart, Cal. ...... 16012, 16019, 16068 16109, 16145, 16193, 16225, 16226
16227, 16228, 16293, 35005
Tale ee bac voce’ ac ocletorcotnee 16143 Tally, Harry ......16097, 16098, 16099 16156, 16259, 16283
Trinity Choir .....16135, 16159, 16178 16216, 35055, core
Trombone Quartet.............. 6054 Turner, A. ..16006, 16134, 16157, 16289 35002, 35010, 35011, 35049 35061
U. S. Marine Band ...... 16299, 35071 Vance, Clarice ......... sadist . 16295 VanBrunt, Walter..............
16304 Victor Band 35016, 35017, 35029, pao
Victor Brass Ot....16054, 16320, 35069 Victor Drum Corps Srbaess 16104, 16154 Victor Light Opera Co......... 16326 Victor Minstrel Co. 16042, 16149, 16189 16258, 16263, 16311, 35072, 35073 Victor Orchestra ..16004, 16026, 16029 16036, 16084, 16091, 16114, 16132 16133, 16154, 16175, 16176, 16206 16246, 16281, 16300, 16309, 16312 16315, 16320, 35001, 35018, 35054
35058 Victor String Quartet ....16055, 16323 Volkman,\Peullity. é.ccnnse aise os 35027 Victor Vaudeville Co. ...16036, 35074 Walton and Macdonough Sanietne 16259
16076, 16153, 16158, 16179, 16223 Watson, G., 16037; Wilson, Al.. 16096