RCA Victor (1908)

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BAND AND ORCHESTRA RECORDS Second Connecticut M. Pryor’s B Second Reg., N.G.N.J. Drum C Semiramide Overture Pryor’s B Semiramide Overture Police B Semper Fidelis March Drum Corps Semper Fidelis March Sousa’s B Semper Fidelis March U.S. Mar. B Sextet—Lucia Pryor’s 16; Victor B Shady Lane Sousa’s B Shoulder Arms March Pryor’s B Siegfried Fantasie Sousa’s B Silver Heels Pryor’s B Silver Sleigh-Bells March Victor O Simple Confession Pryor’s B Slavery Days March Pryor’s B Snow Birds Mazurka Victor O Sobre las Olas Waltz Dance O Sobre las Olas Waltz Pryor’s B Soldiers’ Cho. (Faust) Garde Rep. B Song of the Gondolier Pryor’s O Sorella March Sousa’s B Sounds from Dixie Pryor’s B Sourire d’avril Waltz Victor O Southern Belle March Pryor’s B Southern Roses Waltz Pryor’s B Spain—Patriotic Airs Pryor’s B Speed the Plow Reel Dance O Spinning Wheel Pryor’s B Spring Chicken Mel. Pryor’s B Star-Spangled Banner Pryor’s B Star-Spangled Banner Garde Rep. B Stars and Stripes Forever Sousa’s B Stephanie Gavotte Pryor’s O Strathspey Medley Dance O String of Pearls Waltz Pryor’s O Swedish Wedding March Pryor’s B Sylvia Ballet Pryor’s B Tales of Hoffman—Barcarolle V. O Tambour der Garde Over. Sousa’s B Tammany Two-Step Dance O Tancredi Overture Sousa’s B Tannenbaum—My Maryland Fantasie Pryor’s B Tannhauser M. (Fest M.) Sousa’s B Tannhauser Overture Pryor’s B Tannhauser—Pilgrim Cho. Pryor’s B Telescope March Pryor’s B Thousand and One Night W. Pry. O Pge 14 38 14 18 38 4 18 17 14 4 Thunderer March Sousa’s B Toujours Galant Polka Dance O Tout a la Joie Polka Garde Rep. B Tres Jolie Waltz Dance O Triumph of Old Glory M. Pryor’s B Troubadour Sousa’s B Tuneful Tunes of ’63 Pryor’s B Twenty-second Reg. M. Pryor’s B ‘*Twenty-third of July’? M Police B Uncle Sammy March Pryor’s O Dance O Under Double Eagle M. Pryor’s O Under Double Eagle M. Sousa’s B United Service Review Sousa’s B U. S. Army Lancers Dance O Valse Bleue Sousa’s B Valse Ideale Dance O Venezuela—National Air Pryor’s B Vice-Admiral Quadrille Dance O Victorious Eagle March Pryor’s B Vienna Beauties Waltz Pryor’s B Vienna Beauties Waltz Victor O Waiting at Church—Med. Victor O Wales—Patriotic Song Sousa’s B Walkiire Fantasia Pryor’s B Warbler’s Serenade Sousa’s B War Songs March Drum Corps Washington Post March Sousa’s B Washington Post March Dance O Wedding of the Winds W. Pryor’s B Dance O Wedding March Pryor’s B What’s the Matter Med. Pryor’s B Whispering Flowers Pryor’s B Whistlers Intermezzo Sousa’s B Whistler and His Dog Pryor’s O Wiener Burger Waltz Victor O Wilhelmina Waltzes Pryor’s O William Tell—Ballet Mus. Pryor’s B William Tell Overture Pryor’s B Windmill Pryor’s O With Sword and Lance M. Pryor’s B Woodland Songsters W. Victor O Yankee Consul Schott. Dance O Yankee Grit Pryor’s O You’re a Grand Old Flag—Medley Pryor’s B Zampa Overture Sousa’s B INSTRUMENTAL SOLOS, DUETS, TRIOS AND QUARTETS (Only the instruments are given here —for names of players see page indicated.) Absence Makes the Heart Cornet Adantino (de Beriot) Violin Adeste Fidelis Chimes Aida (Celeste Aida) Trombone America Chimes American Polka Accordion American Tunes—Medley Xylophone An Autumn Evening Mandolin Andante Religioso ’Cello Angel’s Serenade Cello Angel’s Serenade Mandolin Anona ; Banjo Army Bugle Calls Cornets Arrival of the Robins Whistling A-Sa-Ma Mandolin Auld Lang Syne Chimes Ave Maria (Schubert) ’Cello Babes in Toyland Medley Banjo D Ree, The Vinlin Belle of the West Bells Ben Hur Chariot Race M. Whistling Berceuse from Jocelyn *Celle Bewitching Beauty Bells Bird Imitations Whistling Birds and the Brook Whistling Blue Bird Polka Piccolo Blumenlied *Cello Bonnie Sweet Bessie Cornet Bride of the Waves Cornet Brindisi Waltz Violin Buffalo Rag Banjo Bunch of Rags Banjo By the SycamoreTree Medley Baxjos Call Me Thine Own Violin-Flute Caller Herrin’ Bagpipe Carnival of Venice Saxophone Carnival of Venice Cornet Cavatina (Raff ) Violin: Pge 30 34 32 30 34 34 35 32 29 29 31 33 BRASS