RCA Victor (1908)

Record Details:

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INSTRUMENTAL SOLOS, DUETS, ETC. : rere Pge Celeste Aida Trombone| 30| Love Me and World is Mine Cornet} 29 Chapel, The Brass Quartet| 38 Trombone| 30 Cheerfulness Cornet-Trombone| 37| Love Thoughts Waltz Trombone| 30 Chime Beautiful Bells Chimes| 36| Madame Butterfly—Fantasie ’Cello| 32 Chimes of Normandy Chimes| 36) Marriage Bells Banjo| 33 Chirpers, The Whistling| 34] Medley Dance Bells| 30 Cock of the North Bagpipe| 35| Medley of Irish Jigs Accordion| 25 Concerto (Mendelssohn) Violin| 51] Medley of Irish Jigs Violin| 31 Cousins Cornet and Trombone| 37| Medley of Old Time Reels Violin) 31 Cujus Animam ~ Trombone| 30} Medley of Popular Reels Accordion| 25 Dance California Bells| 30} Medley of Scotch Airs Violin| 31 Dance of the Fairies Piccolo| 35| Medley of Straight Jigs Accordion| 25 Day of the Lord Brass Q| 38] Melodie (Gluck) Violin| 51 Dearie Trombone| 30] Melodie (Tschaikowsky) Violin| 53 Dell’ Oro Mazurka Xylophone| 35) Melody in F *Cello| 32 Dew Drops—Intermezzo Bells| 30] Mendelssohn’s Spring Song Véiolin| 31 Dixie Girl Banjo Trio| 34] Menuett Violin) 51 Donkey and Driver Violin} 31] Merry Birds Cornet) 29 Dream of Mountains Violin-Flute| 36) Military Serenade Violin| 31 Dreamy Moments Clarinet-Flute| 37] Minne-ha-ha Waltz Cornet| 29 Du Du—German Air Cornet| 29} Minute Waltz Violin| 51 Ecstasy Waltz Clarinet-Flute| 37| Miserere—Trovatore Cor. and Trom| 37 Etude de Concert Piano| 62} Mocking Bird Whistling 34; Violin| 31 Evening Star—Tannhauser *Cello| 32) Morris Dance Violin| 31 Faust Waltz Violin} 31] Motor March Banjo| 33 Favorite Hornpipe Medley Violin| 31] My Hindoo Man Xylophone| 35 Favorite Hymns Violin| 31] My Irish Molly-O Medley Banjo| 33 Fifth Nocturne Violin| 31] My Old Kentucky Home Chimes| 36 Flower Song (Lange) *Cello| 32] My Old Kentucky Home Trombone| 30 Friendly Rivals Cornet D| 37] Navajo Banjo Duet| 34 Frolics Polka Piccolo| 35] Navajo Medley Mandolin| 34 Gavotte (La Forge) Piano| 62] Nearer My God to Thee Gavotte (Ries) Violin| 31 Trom.-Cor. 38; Trom. Qt. 38; Chimes| 36 Gavotte from Mignon Violin| 31} Nightingale and Blackbird PicClar| 37 Gavotte in A Piano| 35} Nightingale and Frog Piccolo| 35 Gay Gossoon Banjo| 33) Nocturne in E Flat (Chopin) ’Cello| 32 Gems from Faust Violin| 31] Nocturne in E Flat (Chopin) Violin| 53 German Sounds Cornet| 29] None Ver Trombone| 30 Golden Robin Polka Clarinet D| 37} O Sanctissima Chimes| 36 Good Night, Good Night Bells| 30] Oh, Dry Those Tears Trombone| 30 Gypsy’s Serenade Saxophone| 35] Old Black Joe Cornet| 29 Handel’s Largo Violin| 31] Old Folks at Home Saxophone| 35 Handel’s Largo ’Cello| 32) Old Folks at Home Banjo| 33 Happy Days Flute-Oboe| 37} One Heart, One Mind Bells\| 30 Holy City Trombone 30; Violin| 31} One Sweetly Solemn Thought Trom| 30 Home, Sweet Home Chimes| 36] Over the Waves Waltz Whistling| 34 Hornpipe Medley Violin| 31} Papillon Piano| 62 Humming Bird Polka Piccolo, 35] Patrol Comique Piccolo| 35 Hunter’s Farewell Brass Quartet) 38] Patrol of the Scouts Banjo| 33 Independentia March Whistling| 34} Peter Piper Banjo| 33 Inflammatus—Stabat Mater Trom| 30] Petite Valse *Cello| 56 In Shade of Old Apple Tree Trom| 30} Pickaninny Polka Xylophone, 35 In Venice Whistling| 34] Polonaise (Vieuxtemps) Violin| 51 Irish Boy March Accordion| 25] Pop Goes the Weasel Medley Violin| 31 I Would that My Love Cornet D| 37] Pretty Maiden Xylophone| 35 Jack Tar March Banjo| 33] Raff’s Cavatina Violin| 31 Kathleen Mavourneen Instrum. Qt| 20] Rock of Ages Chimes| 36 Keep Off the Grass Banjo| 33] Romance—L’ Eclair Violin-Flute| 36 Kerry Dance Trombone Quartet) 38] Rondo Flute| 35 King Carnival Cornet| 29| Rosary, The Cornet| 29 Kinloch o’ Kinloch Piccolo| 35] Scenes That Are Brightest Véiolin| 31 Koontown Kaffee K. Banjo Trio| 34} Scotch Medley Violin| 31 La Bonita Waltz Mandolin, 34| Serenade (Badine) *Cello| 32 La Cinquantaine Violin| 31] Serenade (Blockx) ’Cello| 56 La Cinquantaine Polka Bells| 30} Serenade (Pierne) Cornet 29; Violin| 31 La Fleurance Flute| 35} Serenade (Moszkowski) Violin| 31 La Gazelle Whistling) 34] Serenade (Schubert) Violin-Flute| 36 Largo (Handel), ’Cello 32; Violin| 31] Shepherd’s Dance Violin| 31 Lead Kindly Light Chimes| 36] Silver Heels Banjo| 33 Le Carnaval Russe Flute| 35} Sing, Sweet Bird Violin-Flute| 36 Le Cygne ’Celle| 56} Slavonic Cradle Song Violin| 51 Little Johnny Jones Medley Banjo| 33] Southern Girl Gavotte Bells| 30 Little Nell Bells| 30} Souvenir (Drdla) Violin| 51 Long, Long Ago Xylophone Souvenir de Moscow Violin| 53 Lorelei Far; Spoontime Two-Ste Bells| 30