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Spring Greetings Clarinet-Flute| 37| Tranquillity Instrumental Quartet| 20 Spring Song Violin| 31 Traumerei (Schu.) ’Cello 32, 56; V| 31 Spring Song *Cello| 32] Turkey in the Straw Medley Banjo 33 St. Louis Tickle Banjo Trio| 34] Turtle Dove Piccolo) 35 Star Spangled Banner Chimes| 36] Twilight Shadows Bells| 30 St. Patrick’s Day Violin| 51} Uncle Sammy March Banjo Duet\ 34 Strathspey Medley Violin| 27] Valse Brilliante Mandolin| 34 Sunbeam Dance Bells| 30} Vienna Circus Galop ‘ylophone, 35 Sweet and Low Brass Quartet) 38} Voice of Loye—Serenade
Sweet Longings Violin-Flute| 36 Cornet-Flute| 37 Sweet Spirit, Hear Violin-Flute| 36) Waltz from Faust Violin| 31 Sweet Visions Clarinet-Flute| 37) Waltz Mediey Xylophone| 35 Swiss Boy Cornet Duet| 37| War Songs Cornet| 29 Sylvia Scherzo Piccolo| 35] Watermelon Club March Xylophone| 35 Tannhauser—Evening Star ’Cello| 32] Way Down South Banjo| 33 Teasing Trombone| 30) What Beams So Bright Brass Quartet) 38 Tell Me Pretty Maiden Banjo| 33} When Life is Brightest Cornet Duet| 38 Thou Art to Me a Flower V-C| 37] When Life is Brightest Violin-Flute| 36 Thoughts of Home — Trombone| 30) Whirlwind March Mandolin| 34 Three Solitaires Cornet Trio| 38} William Teli Over.—Finale Banjo! 33 Titl’s Serenade Cornet and Flute| 37] Yankee Doodle Cornet| 29 Titl’s Serenade Flute and Viola| 371 Yankee Land Banjo| 33
Red Seal Records are indicated by names of singers.
rege Pge Abide with Me Tenor| 70} He Leadeth Me Bass| 77 Adeste Fidelis Quartet 99; Chimes| 36] He Lifted Me Quartet| 99 All the Way My Saviour Leads Tenor! 69] He Shall Feed His Flock Homer| 53 Almost Persuaded Duet| 92 Juch 61; Contralto| 80 Andante Religioso Violoncello| 56] He Was Despised Contralto| 80 Angels Ever Bright—Theodora Holy City de Gogorza 80; Quartet| 99 Soprano| 80 Tenor 69; Trombone 30: Violin) 31 Ave Maria (Bach-Gounod) Eames| 45} Holy Mother—Maritana Duet| 92 Gadski 49; Soprano 78; Michailowa| 55| Holy Night Tenor| 39 Ave Maria (Abt) Tenor| 69} Home Over There Quartet| 99 Ave Maria (Schubert) Violoncello| 56) Hosanna Baritone 75; Tenor| 39 Ave Maria (Bach-Gounod) Eames} 45| How Firm a Foundation Choir| 107 Awake, Glad Soul, Awake Choir|107| I Love to Tell the Story Choir|107 Beulah Land Quartet! 99} I Need Thee Every Hour Duet| 90 Birthday of a King Bass| 77} Incline Thine Ear Lyric Quartet|106 Blessed Assurance Choir|107| Inflammatus—Stabat Mater Trom| 30 Blest be the Tie That Binds Choir! 107 Gadski 49; Soprano| 78 Calvary (Rodney) Bass| 76| In the Sweet Bye and Bye Quartet| 99 Come Thou Almighty King Choir|107} Is He Yours P Bass| 77 Comfort Ye My People Tenor| 40} Italian Hymn Choir} 107 Crossing the Bar Bass| 76) It is Well with My Soul Mixed Q1|106 Crucifix (Faure) Duet| 92} 1 Will Magnify Thee,O God Duet} 91 Crucifix (Faure) Eames and de G.| 66} Jerusalem Bass| 76 Cujus Animam—Stabat Mat. Tenor| 73] Jerusalem the Golden Choir|107 Trom. 30; Williams| 52| Jesus Christ is Risen To-Day (Qt| 99 Day of the Lord Brass Quartet| 38} Jesus de Nazareth Plancon| 56 Elijah— If With All Your Hearts Jesus Lover of My Soul Choir|107 Williams| 52| Jesus, Meek and Gentle Choir|107 Elijah—It is Enough Witherspoon| 63} Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me Tenor| 69 Elijah—Lord God of A Witherspoon| 63| Largo —Handel *Cello 32; Violin| 31 Elijah—O Rest inthe Lord Contralto| 81] Lead Kindly Light Chimes| 36 Elijah—O Rest in the Lord Homer| 53 Quartet 99; Choir|107 Evening Prayer Quartet) 99} Les Rameaux Journet 61; Plancon| 56 Every Valley Shall Be Exalted Solo| 40} Let the Lower Lights be Burn’g D!} 93 Face to Face Bass| 76} Let the Saviour In Quartet) 99 Favorite Hymns Violin| 31} Lord is My Shepherd Duet| 92 Gloria (Mozart) Quartet|106| Lord’s Prayer Recited\111 Gloria a te Campanari| 58, Lost Chord Quartet 99; Baritone| 75 Glory Song Quartet) 99 Bass 77; Homer) 53
Glory to God Tenor| 70| Messiah—see titles of airs God be with You Quartet) 99) My Faith Looks Up to Thee Quartet) 99 God, My Father de Gogorza| 62| My Faith Looks Upto Thee Duet} 93 Gregorian Records (Foreign Cat.) My Mother’s Prayer Tenor| 69 Guide Me, O Thou Great Duet| 92} Near the Cross Bass\ 77 Handel’s Largo *Cello 32; Violin| 31] Nearer My God to Thee Quartet| 99 Heaven is My Home Tenor| 39 Trombone Quartet 38; Pryor’s Band| 11 Hebrew Sacred (Foreign Catalog) | Chimes 36; Cor.-Trom. 38; Tenor\ 70
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